BELLS FLATS BK 1 LT 1-A - Land Disposals: I (5\AA P Bodardr-1-1 Type of Request: P-e., irikg I 6PV-1 Description of Land: Lot: -7 .)-- 7--- Block: 3 F Addn: .'-a_,.gri- Survey # Person Submitting Application: .,,,,/ /7* 4:-Ie_,L,L2 Nailing Address Covering letter submitted: Plat Submitted Referred from: Person or Representative to attend meeting: Present Zoning:_ Proposed Zoning: Reason for Request: /22rs /4/ /f2( (Name) Unusual Circumstances: Approved: Remarks: Not Approved: Remarks: Borough Assembly Approval: Remarks : // 0-- KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 4. CASE tt; PLANNING & ZONING REQUEST APPLICATION DATE Final Disposition: (1k, Remarks: TI--0171-gl'6\4A /30(V-difrfil Type of Request: ev.> 42K 4,9 Description of Land: Lot: `---7 Block: 3 F Addn: Survey # Person Submitting Application: Nailing Address Covering letter submitted: Referred from; Person or Representative to attend meeting: Present Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Plat Submitted: Reason for Request: (Name) . 2 Unusual Circumstances: Approved: Remarks: Not Approved: Remarks: Borough Assembly Approval: Remarks: Mr..Dewitt Fields Box 05 Kodiak. Alaska'. Dear Mr. Fields: June 5., 1967 Re Triplex on Lots 7.i 8 - Block 38, East Addition Your request for permission to use subject building as a temporary-dormitory was di ASS Li' MI2Vmel .Tut , LL \ 1967 C. Letter from VFW re Recreational Site at Monashka Bay. Mr. Berg explained that instead of re- locating in town, the VFW wished to construdt a skeet and trap range and lodge near the old ship on Monashka Bay. They would provide a full time live -in caretaker. They would like to obtain a 25-year lease for about. 30 acres. The area does not appear to be a highly desirable residential area. Mr. White explained that this area has not yet been surveyed by BLM, and so the Borough would only be getting tentative approval on the land when it is selected. Mr. White felt that the best arrangement would be for the VFW to lease the land from the State with the concurrence of the Borough. The State is making plans for a picnic area at the head of Monashka Bay which would fit in well with the VFW site. After further discussion, Mr. Sutliff moved, seconded by Mr. Barr, that the Assembly concur with the VFW proposed recreation site at Monashka Bay. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. Letter from Claud Hoffman of State Division of Lands re Special Meeting on June 7. The letter was read explaining that there is to be a lands meeting in Port Lions on June 6 at 3:00 p.m. Mr. White suggested that Mr. Valkama attend the meeting as a representative of the Borough. It was decided that the meeting with the Assembly on June 7 would be more convenient at 11:30 a.m. than at 10:00, if it is agreeable with the State. It would be a luncheon meeting. VI PUBLIC HEARINGS -- None VII PLANNING & ZONING ITE1 A. Recommendation from Zoning Commission re Construction of Utility Building - Aleutian Homes, Inc. Subdivision, Block 12, Lots 50 -53 - DHUD (Case 176 -A). Recommendation was read suggesting that the building be allowed under Section X-B of the Zoning Ordinance as a building for public use. The minutes of the Zoning Commission meeting were reviewed. Mr. Barr agreed with the recommenda- tion. He also felt that the building could be allowed as an accessory building to the project. Attorney Ruskin was of the opinion that the building would not perform a public function, and had previously written an opinion that the building would not be considered an accessory building as outlined in the Ordinance. Mr. Sutliff felt that the warehouse is necessary, and that the suggested site is a good one, but that the building should not be permitted there unless a way can be found to allow it under the ordinance, or unless the property can be rezoned. Mr. Lester felt that this property might be improved by the construction .. of the building.- Mr. White reported that he had spoken to Mr. Crittenden and Mr. Emmal, and that Mr. Stockton had spoken to Mr. Pitts in California, and that they had all agreed that the building should not be erected in violation of the local ordinances. Mr. White also felt that the project logically should have such a building, but that no provision had been made for it in the zoning of the project. Mr. Stansbury stated that there is properly zoned property available in the City, but that DHUD wants to use their own property, rather than leasing or buying any other lots. Mr. Barr suggested that the building be permitted under Section 11 -A -8 of the Ordinance, which allows Federal, State or local government enterprises in any zone unless it specifically prohibits them, after proper notice and public hearing by the Zoning Commission. After further discussion, Mr. Sutliff moved, seconded by Mr. Arndt, that the Assembly go on record as having no objection to allowing the building to be located on the suggested Site #2, if the Borough Attorney can find a legal way to allow it, and if there is no objection from the people living nearby. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Recommendation from Zoning Commission re Use of Triplex as Temporary Dormitory for Vocational School Students - East Addition Block 38 Lots 7 & 8 - Dewitt Fields (Case 12 -B). Memo from P &Z was read recommending that this building be permitted to be used as a dormitory under Section X -B of the ordinance as a public use The P &Z minutes of this item were also read. Mr. Ruskin stated that this could not qualify under Section X -B since the building is not publicly owned. However, it was decided that the students could be housed there under the definition of a boarding house, if no more than five sleeping rooms are used, and there are not more than 15 boarders. Boarding houses are permitted in R -3 zones, and th.tse lots were granted an exception as R -3 in 1965 It was instructed that Mr. Fields be so notified. VIII OLD BUSINESS -- None IX NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Borough Control of Private Sewer Systems. Mr. White explained that the Borough /City Engineer has suggested that the Borough pass an ordinance which will set standards for the construction of private sewer systems in the Borough in order to prevent inferior installations. Mr. Jones obtained a copy ZONING COMMISSION ,1)159TING 7 May 24, 1967 , . AZ4 in this case, the building could be permitted as a public facility. Mr. Waller moved, seconded by Mr. Richmond, that it be recommended to the Assembly that the constructinn of the utility building be approved on Site #2 described as Lots 50 through 53 of Block 12, Aleutian Homes Inc, Subdivision, as a building for public use under Section X-B of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. B. Kay Horton re Nixon's Property in Bells Flats. Mr. Norton described his proposal to purchase the Nixon interests , graze cattle, and attempt to raise barley and/or oats. He would like to arrange a grazing lease with the Borough, including free range if possible. He raised various questions as to how much a lease would cost, would it be re-newable, etc., and requested that the Borough take action on his proposal as soon as possible. There followed a general discussion on the Bells Flats area selected by the Borough, and the possible location of the subdivision, trailer and camper park, and slaughter house. Rev. Bullock stated that his group is still interested in starting a golf driving range. It was decided that before any plans can be made, it will be necessary to obtain a map showing the roads and facilities which now exist, as well as the proposed layout of the subdivision. The Borough will also have to set up a procedure for grazing leases, if they are desired. Mr. Fields described the set-up of the BLM leases which are now being taken over by the State. He said that the cattlemen would be' glad to get together with Mr. Horton to enlighten him on information needed for his proposed project. C. Letter from Bjarne Olsen re Hospital Parking Requirements. There was a question raisethas to whcther the present requirement of one public parking space for each 4 beds, based on maximum capacity. It was pointed out that additional spaces would be needed for the staff. VI PUBLIC flEARINGS. NOne VII zoNIIOTOili6s:.1.:*timTNARTI4OIEw A. PequeSt-fOrPPrMistion to House Students - East Bik 38 Lots 7 1, 8 -1 Dewitt Felds. -Mr. Fields explained that the Vocational School will be finished in July -and will' open this fall but the dormitory will not be built for.. another year Or;tWo,-:!,-,HpuSing:Mugt bePrOvided approximately 60 students, and he has been negOtiating with the school to house 15 to 20 students in his triplex abroas'fraM'the:',OCh001.' Mr. Fieldslbrother and his wife operate the hduSe,-andthe:StUdents would remain:there:only-until the'dormitbry',it built .: The commiwo4.46,6ed-tb this arrapgement,-and'it:Was suggested that it be ; ?t..ta of the ordinance-as:apublic use :Mr.-Nalleripade a motion, seconded by Mr. Welch, that it be recommended tbfq)e'AageMbli.,that. perMiSeion:'ho.granted:to Mr".:Fields.to use his bulldp*on AgOOk 38, gastAadition, for the housing'bf StUdents-uptik.the_Pc11001- aUthorities-decide,,it is no longer needed -Motion carriealpst unanimous ro].1 664viito. B. Request for Setback Variance EaStBlk 85,Lot 3A (Gase 4,0lidationjetter*as read., Theie Is presently.a::akId 44:41<PP the lot which would be teMOVedinorder.tb,bUild a,neW,hbme. It was.pbinted-but that there IS already a parkin problem connected With the lbt, Sinee-it i8'tOb. Small to, provide off7street,paring.., It wassuggested.that.off-street_parking be prOided-at-the:fropt:Of the lot 7he-Iotjs,only---harbf thesize now required by the ordinance's, ancl:.Mr, Waller did not think building shbuld.b0 allowed on such small,lot$','Sinde.the City will then become more and more ordWded.' 'Etthibbury-felt that the owner should enjoy the same privileges as the others in the-block,-set-back wise,:andMr. WeIch-did not think it would be fairtodeny'the owear.the right to build: since he wastryingAo.iMprove-the /, got,:jt.was decidedto.:hpld,a pbblic hearing'on-the case at the next .meeting • tO-hear-the'teelingaofthe'neighbors, and:more'disdussion,can-be helciat.that Mr. Waller moved, seconded by r. Plichmond,.that a,public:hear be: held at the next4Peting.-.Motion'earriedW4ailimpub roll Call:VOte., • . . VIII SUBUIVISlOgs''PROLIMINARY APPROVALS - None IX suBbitkiiis-'::,kkir., .A13PAO\TAL,§ `, • A. USS-31OULot..134":7liu'esr UeVilleCaaa'1584)-:. was that this is a fUrthersUbdivisiOn of-JeaSers*iginal:4*::111i0' thgineer,had,approved the plat subject to a minor correction which was already made Mr. Stansbury inquired as to the intended use of the lot.,:andYit was reportedly to be, used for a dwelling for Mr. Devine, Mr e Waller toed, Seconded. by Mr. Welch, that the-plat be apprOVed. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. MEMORANDUM TO: Borough Assembly FROM: Zoning Commission SUBJ: USE OF TRIPTEX AS TEMPORARY DORMITORY 4. June 1, 1967 At their meeting on May 24, the Commission voted to recommend to the Assembly that Dewitt Fields triplex on Lots 7 & 8, Block 38, East Addition, be used for the housing of students (from the new Vocational School) until the school authorities decide it is no longer needed. The dormitory is not expected to be completed for two years. Details on the discussion of this matter may be found in the minutes of the meeting. S. Hendrix, Secretary '` Kodiak Island Borough Box- 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 ntlemen: When school opens in . the Fall, there will be approximately sixty students for the Vocational School who will need housing. We are requesting that permission be granted for us to use our building located on Lots 7 & 8 of Block 38, Est Addition, for the housing of fifteen to twenty students. Box.z5 ,!* 4WD Kodiak,. A /ac 99615 1 Jo. May 26, 1967 iippidJ�, )- De Witt° s > brother and his wife -will will operate the home. - .Thi:ss is only a "temporary arrangement until such a time the dormi- - tories are completed to house the. students. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter,.I remain, Most sincerely, Mrs. De Witt Fields