2012-11-08 Joint Work Session Kodiak Island Borough Assembly /School Board Joint Work Session Thursday, November 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m. Kodiak School District Conference Room Joint work sessions are informal meetings of the Borough Assembly and School Board where elected officials discuss issues that affect both Borough and School District. Although additional items not listed on the joint work session agenda are sometimes discussed when introduced by elected officials, staff, or members of the public, no formal action is taken at joint work sessions and items that require formal action are placed on a regular Borough Assembly and /or School Board meeting agenda. Public comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record. Public comments intended for the "official record" should be made at a regular Borough Assembly or School Board meetings. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. KIB School District FY2013 Budget Update 2. KIB School District FY2014 Strategic Plan Overview 3. High School Construction Update 4. Schedule Next Joint Work Session FY12 SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTRIBUTION " _KIBSD FundedrEiti10a18rmilis:' '" ` t ,1 b ric:i ": MiltRatc Q 106 , r , f { T" x " ._. -. 75gfill1lS. �.' - _ . s `< . . � .» { Jx im . � KIBSD Hospital Renewal & KIB KIBSD Debt Service Debt Service Replacement Total Mill Rate 0.03 9.03 1.15 0.46 0.08 10.75 Resource Value Motor Vehicle Tax - 250,000 - - - 250,000 State Revenue Sharing 1,010,200 - - - - 1,010,200 State Debt Service - - 2,660,454 _ - 2,660,454 Severance Tax -Fish 130,000,000 1,397,500 - - - - 1,397,500 Severance Tax - Mining 2,000,000 21,500 - - - - 21,500 Severance Tax - Logging 8,705,000 93,581 - - - - 93,581 Total Severance Taxes 140,705,000 1,512,581 - - - 1,512,581 Other Revenues 3,471,129 - 4,836 - - 3,475,965 Transfers in Facilities Fund - 110,000 232,582 267,418 - 342,582 Transfers in General Fund - 559,509 Real Property Tax 975,000,000 29,250 8,804,250 1,104,000 441,600 77,999 9,937,500 Personal Property Tax 85,000,000 2,550 767,550 103,500 41,400 6,800 873,600 Total Property Taxes 1,060,000,000 31,800 9,571,800 1,207,500 483,000 84,799 10,811,100 Total Revenues 1,200,705,000 6,025,710 9,931,800 4,664,881 750,418 84,799 20,622,391 Expenditures 6,025,710 9,931,800 4,664,881 750,418 84,799 21,457,608 Revenues minus Expenditures _ - - - Combined School District Mill Rate 10.18 KIBSD FY Budget Summary Through October 2012 1/6/2012 7/23/2012 10/29/2012 Preliminary FY13 Budget Adopted FY13 Budget FY13 Adjusted Student Count Adjusted by CSSB 182 Oct -11 Actual Weighted Oct -11 Actual Weighted Oct -12 Actual Weighted Weighted /Adjusted ADM 2401 515639 2401 5156.16 2410 5240.99 Base Student Allocation Funding $ 5,680 $ 5,680 $ 5,680 Basic Need $ 29,288,295 $ 29,286,989 $ 29,768,823 Required Local Effort $ (4,629,984) $ (3,652,381) $ (3,652,381) $ 24,658,311 $ 25,634,608 $ 26,116,442 Deductible Impact Aid $ (772,014) $ (609,112) $ (609,112) Regular State Aide FY13 $ 23,886,297 $ 25,025,496 $ 25,507,330 Maximum local Contribution "Cap' $ 10,388,388 $ 10,388,388 $ 10,499,210 Budgetted Local Contribution $ 10,388,388 $ 10,250,350 $ 10,250,350 Local Funding relative to "Cap" $ - At Cap $ (138,038) Below Cap $ (248,860) Below Cap Local Contribution $ 10,388,388 $ 10,250,350 $ 10,250,350 Impact Aid $ 1,919,431 $ 1,919,431 $ 1,919,431 Sequestration by USDOE30% $ - $ - $ (575,829) KIBSD Cuts to balance the budget 4.0 Certified FTE $ (399,588) 4.0 Classified Stoll FTE $ (152,762) Non - Personnel Budgets $ (194,533) 1 FTE Maintenance Mechanic $ (75,028) 1 FTE Administrator $ (129,649) $ (951,560) I ) Borough Original Funding Level $ 9,931,800 i ;6/7/12 Borough Additional Funding $ 318,550 ) $ 10,250,350 Add Back lFiE Curriculm Coordinator $ 100,000.. Add Back Site Budget Non-Personnel $ 64,8441 AoaBaexSalary Lonungency $ 153,706 , I 6/7/12 Borough Additional Funding $ 318,550 1 • ANNUAL TIMELINE The Board of Education and school district administrators begin the budget process in September of each year. The annual timeline for the budget process is captured in the diagram below. District Plans Blue print) Needs Assessment Strategic Planning ( Pr ) September .. October Enrollment Projection Budget Handbook School Plans & Budgets Due Distributed Developed November 5 November Nov f Dec t Preliminary Budget " Revise Preliminary Presented to Board of Budget as Appropriate Education i Budget Hearings (Legislative Changes. January Health Insurance, etc) ■L • School Board Approval Assembly to Approve \ Budget Due to °DEED Local Contribution April may July 15 • • Kodiak Island Borough School District • 9" , I ; woo ^ 5 A 70-....,, i GdY3 Eon FNMA= enii MN (9o7) - - --..- l` ti 101 7 0001,1 -5 : Skill G E 'rug 2012 Strategic C `_ serves Ep ate' MEW step I ` 3 � planning for a `' �� 4 , � ` A . 2013/2014 school o t ® . - " ; . + ' ff . ' s : I v, Tove ber 2012 ` . No ... _______4.______),. 2012 Strategic ducation Flan November, 2012 '' r " ,', - STRATEGIC EDUCATION, PLAN - J\\ Page 2 A\ i , The Kodiak Island Borough S c h o o l D TIT istrict's Strategic Plan identifies J - j. , the Mission and Vision of'the ti i ��� i ! �-,l 1,i community and it becomes an a - '�� —, Q • l integral part of the annual budget , : w 0 ''1 process for the 2013 -2014 school 1 rt`- - * 1 N. ak year or otherwise known as FY 3 1¢ ,' F ° +fi ' ti ' / Ju . This ear's comm u n d� r ' t / l }e I ® '"' direction of Assistant (/ '� u erintendent P\ Marilyn Davidson, _ ^_ - „ � a met , rice each week fo1 three ° ” - -- - weeks. The first week the objective was to share and review information to create an overall picture-of D strengths and challenges; the second week was spent using the information gathered to identify global needs and target areas for the 2013 -2014 school year; ai ,fi all the third week identifying themes and drafting strategies to refine ideas into an actio�n�plan for KIBSD. 1 Based on the information gathered from various community organizations and their representatives, the District is hopeful that this will assist us in obtaining a clear direction of what is important in education from our island community as we begin to build our 2013- 2014 school year. KIBSD would like to thank the following individuals that stepped up to represent their organizations: Lucy DeSantiago, Jared Griffin, Nicola Belisle, Beng Roy, Abigail Rudger, Trevor Jones, Mary Guilals - Hawver, Kerry Halter, Melissa Alexander, Barbara Locke, Drew DeVires, Joshua Fitzgerald, Debra Kirk, Kristina Manson, Wade Carlson, Dale Arnold and Phyllis Clough. The success of this very important process would not be successful without the many voices from our community. We ask that you continue to share your thoughts and ideas with us regarding the future of education for all Kodiak Island students. Nov ember, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 3 The following are the,2012 Strategic Plan survey results collec ed throughout the fall. This is theinning of/initial planning for the upcoming \2013 -2014 school year. -- Y Role in the Community N d Parents /Guardians d KIBSO Staff ,, iai Student d Community Member :xB „Lkv. r y .. = h = LS � t µ 1 d. ' 4 R ' Jd '! Tr- November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 4 I /� I Your Top Priorities Other Priorities 16 Special Education _„ ; Sit. Gifted /Talented ,Ta _251 , _ . English Language Acquisition ,73f' `;_. Wellness Program , _ a , _,_ 4e1 ; ... College Prep 4471,._._._ CTE /Vocational _,.,, r 8 =3_ „,_ Technology Access OAS__ :' Swimming a;7i Student Behavior . _ :_ „ Health /PE ._ Op7, Professional Development ... ;2;, __ iii Social Studies """"?"* ;.29k9 Science ;_ -w457r7 Reading 2n8 _ Mathematics �.,..rw • '4 .. _ . Libraries ';("4 Foreign & Heritage Languages -0 Facility Needs __„ - 4 Employability Skills v _ 2r3 Counseling u _: 7r3_ _ Activities 26:: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 November, 2012 - STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN I page 5 I Do You Have a Child Attending a KIBSD School 1 _ L No IIIMMIMMIll Yes nil 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 KIBSD is Meeting your Child's b ; Reading Needs � . ` 1 r, a , : -0 4 a4 1 Disagree sok s ( � T � ' I tit t' "Y �2l n 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 KIBSD is Meeting Your Child's Writing Needs 1 Disagree Agree Nilin 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 November, 2012 ' STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN. page 6 I / \ I KIBSD is Meeting Your Child's Math Needs I Disagree Agree I I 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Cif Y t P - c. ! m A w l I i �n ..; ,. a I • , v . _ y ♦ 1 �r • 1 M� 1 4 / ..„. , pp fi „,„„, 0 _ � My Child's School is a Safe Place Disagree IS Agree 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 November, 2012 STRA TEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 7 I A\ , My Child is Being Prepared for Post K -12 Education or Careers ? ;.. ° _. �. Lam : +,7- 1 _ Disagree _-f°'..' l . . 11l '"yY S 1 's tTTTT. 70 �—o ' , KIBSD Meetings Students Educational .111-e lot t te, Needs ; 1 Disagree ie - s.,1. /]: .. ....a - 4ist Agree MIMI 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 8 I , A\ Summary of Strategic /Plan Responses by Category: Community/Economy� � Concern about cuts in education i climate ofKodiak's high cost of living and housing shortage. Concern about giving students the same opportunities as Kodiak city students. Comments on the diversity of students in the school district and providing the best educational experience for these vy tud ents. C TE /Post S econdary Concern that studen .are, pared for life after high school including further college study or vocational s \ high school dual credit options and hands -on learning experiences. Supp f or preparing students for jobs and careers. 21st Century \ schools Support.for_the school district becoming a model of 21st century learning and preparing s tudents- to- be,adequately prepared for employment when they graduate from high school. C \s.Size Coie rn about class size, particularly in elementary schools. \ Parent/community partnerships Support of a strong relationship between parents and teachers in the education of students. Also supportive of community ownership and integration in student success. After School Programs Support for after school programs to assist students with working parents and for additional academic attention. Programs Support for meeting student needs and programs such as Response to Intervention, Love and Logic and the gifted program. Also support for more school counseling services. Wellness Support for student activity and physical education resulting in students that have lifelong healthy habits. Technology Both concern and support for the KIBSD's embrace of technology like the iPad and the recent renewal and replacement of older computers. Also calls for more technology support. November, 2012 . STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 9 ' Curriculum Concern that the curriculu i is oo easy and support for a rigorous curriculum for students in the basics of mathematics,,readingand writing. In ddition to these, support for a curriculum that connects students -to other enriching learning such as foreign languages. Support for communicating\ culum goals with parents. Budget Support for \making school district funding a priority at both state and local governments. Support for budget transparency and community inclusion in the budgeting process. Concern about the recent t ecinology'renewal and replacement price tag and accounting for purchased items. y ) / Be and Substances Co about s use (drugs and alcohol) in the schools. Support for enforcing or expanding dress codes. Support for character education in KIBSD schools so students become community minded citizens. Also support for programs that combat bullying in the schools. \ fessional Development Support for District professional development initiatives such as Strength in Number, Step up to Writing (Common Ground) and science notebooks. Writing Support for stronger writing skills for students as an educational priority. Science Support for more emphasis for students to master science subjects such as ocean literacy. Concern about the amoral nature of scientific inquiry. Communication Support for more communication between the school district and the community including students and parents. Instruction Support for teachers to be trained on differentiating instruction, teaching life skills and reducing homework load. Math Concern with students who struggle in math classes. Support for strength in number programs and showing how mathematics can be applied in the real world. November, 2012 , - ST�R.ATEGIC. EDUCATION PLAN page 10 1 I / \ In the Classroom 1. Provide prof development..in�mathematics instruction for i teachers K -12 tha't'focuses on i Gproving student learning and best pragtice \str Lion. a. (Measure: 15 teachers and 15 paraprofessionals participate in training oppo i tumties.) 2. Increase opp accelerated math instruction for students in grades 6 -12 by establishing district wide criteria for admission to dv meet clas� sf ('Measure: Provide sufficient enrollment opportunities for the number of students identified for acceleration.) 3. Increase student opportunities and interventions in reading, writing and mathematics. �a (Measure: Increase Standards Based Assessment scores by 5% in reading, writing and mathematics.) 4. KIBSD will complete curriculum alignment with Alaska's New Standards (Common Core) and will articulate vertical alignment and curricular integration for all grades. a. (Measure: Curriculum review for English Language Arts completed and implementation underway and Mathematics curriculum review completed by May 2013 - 2014.) 5. KIBSD will provide professional development for teachers and training for parents to support students' study skills and motivation to learn including effective implementation of Youth Employability Skills (YES). a. (Measure: 100% of teachers receive training; 40% of parents participate in training.) 6. KIBSD will provide accelerated academic opportunities for students at secondary levels as necessary for college preparation. a. (Measure: KMS /KHS will continue to offer array of courses for college bound students with no reduction; Rural Schools will increase advanced academic course offerings for students by 20 %; Dual Credit enrollments in academic courses at UA/Kodiak College will increase by 10 %.) 7. KIBSD will work to enhance science instruction through professional development for K -8 teachers and by providing increased opportunities for active learning in science for all students. a. (Measure: 30 teachers participate in professional development opportunities in science; 100% of targeted students participate in authentic laboratory experiences.) . Awember, 2012 STRAT EDUCATION PLAN page 11 1 In the Classroom continue 8. Students w Chave internship exp in an array of STEAM professions in the community A easure:51•�students in each grade 6 -12 are placed in internships in TEAM p v 9. KIBSD wi ll wor to support a positive first experience for primary students withattention to class size targets and actively teaching Positive Behavior Expectations. (Measure �Prirnary classes will have enrollments less than or equal to staffing formula numbers. All K -2 students will receive direct V-----..7 in Positive behavior expectations.) 10 Continue support student learning in the arts. \ '' ( a. (Measure: Current level of course offerings in the arts will be A maintained and directed as appropriate to meet student needs.) 11. KIBSD will identify and seek funding to initiate CTE offerings as needs f are identified. a. (Measure: 2 additional CTE courses will be offered to HS students.) In'the School v 1. KIBSD will seek both funding and partnerships in providing before and after school programs and activities for students. a. (Measure: Two new afterschool programs will be introduced by January, 2014.) 2. Plans for KMS /KI-IS and Rural School Advisory periods will be reviewed and enhanced through collaborative planning with teachers and counselors and should address not only academic and career education planning, but also substance abuse and bullying concerns. a. (Measure: All secondary teachers receive training and adequate materials to implement advisory lessons.) 3. KIBSD will conduct review of climate and connectedness survey results in a community forum. a. (Measure: Community meeting held by mid - October 2013.) 4. KIBSD will collect data regarding incidents of substance abuse, bullying /harassment, and other conduct concerns and convene a community forum to address concerns as a community in conjunction with community partners. a. (Measure: Series of meetings begins no later than September, 2013.) November / 2012 STRATEGIC :EDUCATION PLAN ' - . - - -- - - page 12 i In the District 1. As part o sled program review, KIBSD will implement a systematic program•eyaluation pr protocol to determine effectiveness of program \ \ /r a. (Measure:\Protocol is identified and utilized to review the Gifted and Talented'p,rc rims) 2. Hav\g reviewed school policies and handbooks in 2012 -2013, KIBSD wilhommn&aicateconsistent expectations regarding positive participation in learning opportunities in schools, how to build positive relationships' with others, and how to develop skills for a healthy life. a. (Measure: KIBSD will increase attendance rate by 2% and will decrease student suspensions by 10 %.) In- the - Co mmunity ) 1. KWRAC will be the prime communicator regarding workforce needs with KIBSD. a. (Measure: KWRAC will update needs list.) 2. KIBSD will build on actions initiated by the Community Engagement Summit 2012 and will facilitate community engagement in: Volunteerism in schools Parent and community learning opportunities Support for the Developmental Assets for Youth. a. (Measures: Volunteerism will increase by 25 %. 10 Learning opportunities will be provided for parents and community members. KIBSD will provide a minimum of 12 presentations to community organizations, school - o / . o groups, and student "`_` �' - - "'" groups regarding the I.h Developmental Assets 1 1 )� framework.) ,1 72 .. PP t 4 ' k a . r f mo t \. lzeg -•-� ` 9\. ..� _ V - t ' - I - -. — } , November, zolz STRATEGIC EDUCATION. PLAN 't page 13 j /7 B oard of Education Goals e Increase student vement � h Promote fiscal responsibility / ility through improved efficiency e Co \le \ // school facility 0 Stren th�artnerships and involvement with Kodiak Workforce Regional \Advisory Council (KWRAC) and the greater Kodiak N 1 / 4 7 community e° Prepare students for transition to life after high school 0/Enhance student learning in STEAM (science, technology, U engineering, arts and math) through professional development for teachers ' i Develop formal staff Y " 4. r i _ - recognition process -,` 4 ' ; f u e Promote competency- 1 t based education r_ -. 1 C.1.1 ,? ^; a : es e Promote the Assets ( : � - ('� � � Framework to support 114'. iir' •\ ` � a 1 ` student success : ` < •, . �1 ' ' 134 n through family and ..?; , • ®t �,,, community involvement November, 2012 - r ' STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN ' i page 14 i KIBSD Kodiak Island:Borough school District K. Y Vision - Kodiak Island Borough School District is a safe, disciplined, and productive environme ZI t where students and adults are meaningful engaged in learning. Our culturally diverse population-is viewed as t strength with a spirit of equity, cooperation, and respect permeates ur schoo1, munities. Our curriculum design and instructional practices \ \. //\ / enhance our ability to conneet academic learning to apply learning in the workplace. All our schools are quipped wi th necessary technology, human resources, and materials for ac � mic success Mission- - Kodia ) kIsland Borough School District, in close cooperation with our diverse islla d communities, exists to provide an educational program of the highest standard that empowers all students to achieve personal and academic excellence while developing their v fulltential as responsible, productive citizens. Beliefs - The first and foremost consideration of the educational process is the student. The educational environment must be caring, healthy, safe, non - disruptive, and non - biased. The school is an integral part of the community and the community is an integral part of the school. All students are capable of learning and must have the opportunity to learn. Families are children's primary teachers and must be actively involved in education. The educational process must value and reflect human diversity and the multicultural communities it services. Our communities must be active in educational funding and spending. Excellence in schools must be developed through high standards and high expectations. Students must meet district standards to graduate. Students need opportunities to experience success and to build self- esteem. Success of students in measured in a variety of ways. facebook. Idis a : •oo .com/labad t4uec' twitter.00mllabad Kodiak High School Addition & Renovation august 27, 2012 Kodiak School DistricI Kodiak, Alaske 95% Construction Documents u >. COST SUMMARY „ ., -`' -- ,..c'a " T' -� ` .,.Rate S/SF, z.' •'° .a ��_ -., .. , TO,TAL , Floor Area 01 - Existing Condition: $2,764,305 $14.36 01 02 - Substructure $2,046,710 $10.56 02 03 - Superstructure $3,862,763 $19.92 03 04 - Exterior Closure $4,162,816 $21.47 04 05 - Roof System $1,016,814 $5.24 05 06 - Interior Constructior $9,288,613 $47.91 06 07 - Conveying System $125,000 $0.64 07 08 - Mechanica $9,944,969 $51.30 08 09 - Electrical $8,029,656 $41.42 09 10 - Equipment $979.323 $5.05 10 11 - Special Constructior $0 $0.00 11 SUBTOTAL: $ 42, 240, 965 12 - General Condition: 510,741,834 $55.41 12 SUBTOTAL: $ 52.982,805 13 - Site & Infrastructure $3,645,264 $18.80 13 SUBTOTAL: $ 56,628,067 14 - Contingency $3,081,611 $15.89 14 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 59,709,678 COST PER SQUARE FOOT: $ 307.98 /SF GROSS FLOOR AREA: 193,874 SF Alternates Al - Music Alternate $764,023 Al A2 - Track $326,169 A2 A3 - Exterior Cladding at Areas D, E & F (Additive $1,277,489 A3 A4 - Gym Flooring Replacemen $117,653 A4 • Page 2 KH8 Add_Reno 95% Estimate R1.xlsx: 812712012: 8.31 AM KHS Addition & Renovation Project Recap 10/31/2012 BUDGET EXPENSE OBLIGATED REMAINING 1 CM (by consultant) $ 1,229,249.00 $ 130,175.08 $ 32,624.00 $ 1,066,449.92 2 Land $ - $ - $ - $ - 3 Site Investigation $ - $ 1,560.00 $ - $ (1,560.00) 4 Design Services $ 6,146,247.00 $ 4,091,793.44 $ 1,641,012.00 $ 413,441.56 5 Construction $ 61,462,465.00 $ 540,002.12 $ 726,886.70 $ 60,195,576.18 6 Equipment $ 1,852,200.00 $ - $ - $ 1,852,200.00 7 District Administrative Overhead $ 4,871,899.00 $ 383,201.19 $ - $ 4,488,697.81 8 Percent for Art $ 614,625.00 $ 3,693.61 $ - $ 610,931.39 9 Project Contingency $ 4,302,324.00 $ - $ - $ 4,302,324.00 $ 80,479,009.00 $ 5,150,425.44 $ 2,400,522.70 $ 72,928,060.86 V v Report to Kodiak Board of Education from Architect Tony Yorba The following is a synopsis of the work to date: • Upper Mill Bay Parking Lot has about a week worth of work remaining, weather depending. We are working with the Borough and the Civil Engineers to ensure the appropriate measures are taken to allow the KIB to take over the ownership of the work. This includes warranties, sediment control measures etc. • The Project Manager RFP is being advertised by the Borough, and is receiving significantly more interest than the original, unsuccessful RFP. • The Borough is also preparing a request for qualifications for the General Contractor as Construction Manager for the construction of the High School Renovations and Additions. The selection of the builder for the high school will be based on 60% price and 40% qualifications, using a DEED approved process, A detailed schedule of the selection methodology is being prepared by the Borough staff, but we have been working on a process that will result in a formal construction start in April 2013. The dates of the delivery to the Assembly for approval were tentatively set, but may be revised depending on additional input in the RFP process from DEED and others. • The construction documents have been turned over to the Borough for submittal for building permit. • The Design team set a date of October 17 for the final 10% drawings, but after review, the team is extending that to next week to ensure full quality control measures are accomplished. Those drawings will be turned to the third party constructability reviewer for a final check. • The Architectural Review Board review meeting for the 95% drawings has been scheduled for December 4/5. Kodiak Island Borough School District 1 hS3 ,SP Mosel \ . • f1Nl4l ftRFlt may„ 0 odiak island Y _ a do = \ ,54 :. - � ..: S ARAfOT S ' 14,- Y yW r r ( / ( e ft L fwutw RODS paoaff+wd G .V 1 ' fug, ° , t c . --- Ir KODI'r'K - �S'.t v t tSI i y Y S t- �1 LAND y 0,t 4 - ;t . y z o- a w . itmt M PA C I F 1 fFSMA[{TRMT C E N N KIBSD TRINITY 15a• '53• ISCANOS 1 1 2012 Strategic Education Plan The 2012 Strategic Plan serves as the first step in planning for the 2013/2014 school year. *Quality Staff *Celebrating Maximum Achievements *21st Century Classroom *Customer Service Through Stewardship • November, 2012 . ° E STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLA page I � KIBSD Kodiak Island Borough School District Vision - Kodiak Island Borough School District is a safe, disciplined, and productive environment where students and adults are meaningful engaged in learning. Our culturally diverse population is viewed as strength with a spirit of equity, cooperation, and respect permeates our school communities. Our curriculum design and instructional practices enhance our ability to connect academic learning to apply learning in the workplace. All our schools are equipped with necessary technology, human resources, and materials for academic success. Mission - Kodiak Island Borough School District, in close cooperation with our diverse island communities, exists to provide an educational program of the highest standard that empowers all students to achieve personal and academic excellence while developing their full potential as responsible, productive citizens. Beliefs - The first and foremost consideration of the educational process is the student. The educational environment must be caring, healthy, safe, non- disruptive, and non - biased. The school is an integral part of the community and the community is an integral part of the school. All students are capable of learning and must have the opportunity to learn. Families are children's primary teachers and must be actively involved in education. The educational process must value and reflect human diversity and the multicultural communities it services. Our communities must be active in educational funding and spending. Excellence in schools must be developed through high standards and high expectations. Students must meet district standards to graduate. Students need opportunities to experience success and to build self - esteem. Success of students in measured in a variety of ways. facebook. 2 a • oo .com/labad 1Wikkef twitter.00rn/Iabad Revised November 5, 2012 No'. ember, 2012 " STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 3 The Kodiak Island Borough School District's Strategic Plan ti µ r t identifies the Mission and - t J Vision of the community and it integral part of the " iJ becomes an inte b - P a +,. annual budget process for the 6 2013 -2014 school year or i otherwise known as FY 14. / l f � � ' r This year's committee, ^ — , ® _ e facilitated by Assistant —� /'r) Superintendent Marilyn r L mire f Davidson, met once each week -� F for three weeks. The first week the objective was to share and review information to create an overall picture of KIBSD - strengths and challenges; the second week was spent using the information gathered to identify global needs and target areas for the 2013 -2014 school year; and finally the third week identifying themes and drafting strategies to refine ideas into an action plan for KIBSD. Based on the information gathered from various community organizations and their representatives, the District is hopeful that this will assist us in obtaining a clear direction of what is important in education from our island community as we begin to prepare and plan for our 2013 -2014 school year. KIBSD would like to thank the following individuals who represented many of the groups, organizations and constituencies of the island: Lucy DeSantiago, Jared Griffin, Nicola Belisle, Beng Roy, Abigail Rudger, Trevor Jones, Mary Guilals - Hawver, Kerry Halter, Melissa Alexander, Barbara Locke, Drew DeVries, Joshua Fitzgerald, Debra Kirk, Kristina Manson, Wade Carlson, Dale Arnould and Phyllis Clough. This important process would not be successful without the many voices from our community. We ask that you continue to share your thoughts and ideas with us regarding the future of education for all Kodiak Island students. Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN .' page 4 I I The following are the 2012 Role in the Community Strategic Plan survey results collected throughout the fall. \ Y Parents /Guardians This is the beginning of initial Y KIBSD Staff Y Student planning for the upcoming Y fommunity Member 2013 -2014 school year. -an-" Your Top Priorities Swimming 1 4.;7 Libraries 1 4r'7 Foreign & Heritage Languages Or Fadllty Needs 3" English Language Acquisition 3" r Wellness Program Special Education 5`r Other Priorities r. 65 Counseling , - C -7 Professional Development . '` _ Technology Access ) 21218 G(hed/Talented 2 25 ° I Activities 68 CTE /Vocational 28, -.s.6...r. SS Student Behavior ^^ 2910 :- Ile Social Studies ° 29:9' Health /PE Or7- Employability Skills / -_..: College Prep _.. ; MS Art /Music /Drama .._ "V4r1� _ _ 1 Science Writing .,"«,,,...« .... 2.:.;, -" ".. •-••.". �� . 2- Reading SSW _ NMI Mathematics - - -- ""*"^"�'"'^*"'""` 4 . t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 - STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN ... page 5 I I Do You Have a Child Attending a - �_ ' _. KIBSD School t is - .1 3 '1N 70 aseewee esw 60 — 689 ' - - 50 ,+ krQrS `f f ;. ,4 G _ 30 1_ ____ _ ,f 30 e c l 31. i A. v «. o r f . r „ Yet No KIBSD is Meeting Your Child's Writing KIBSD is Meeting Your Child's Needs Reading Needs 90 90 1 BO s „ . 60 il. -.. 70 i `78.8 50 50 � 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 n ' 0 li Disagree Agree Disagree Agree KIBSD is Meeting Your Child's Math ” F y" Needs i a it' 80 r 1 •0° G. '.. f y. * s .6 0 71.8 A� - 1 6 - ff a t'c . 40 .,L17?-'711t1 4 , i % � is 0 .; Disagree Agree ttevised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN,`: page 6 1 1 My Child's School is a Safe Place Q 1 8 l 81.4 .. ., . 1 ins ... ,,,, '! %0 a. 0..d 1� { ` ..!: [.'.: 'r 60 . ,�.,,J0 4 i ' y 1 t t +, ,' - ' e,ir 50 r g ^�_:,r r 3 o 20 i r_. " - 10 1 Fri Disagree Agree My Child's is Being Prepared for Post K -12 Education or Careers _ ri o 80 v is 60 -- - w,,, €m> _.. 50 l 57.6 ao i ' \\,12 ‘\,, 1 20 10 p t ts . , , 0 a, :. Disagree Agree _ . . .`.-.P � a�a i KIBSD is Meeting Students ..{, ,,,,.., r }; Educational Needs 6 � m % 15 p I 60 - 7: tT l ! 50 am ' 1' + f 40 � � .' eia. 20 ,- ive .,' _ — Disagree Agree µ -' " -- Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN • _... Page 7 I I Summary of Strategic Plan Responses by Category: Community/Economy Concern about cuts in education in the climate of Kodiak's high cost of living and housing shortage. Concern about giving village students the same opportunities as Kodiak city students. Comments on the diversity of students in the school district and providing the best educational experience for these students. CTE/ Post Secondary Concern that students are prepared for life after high school including further college study or vocational study. Support for high school dual credit options and hands -on learning experiences. Support for preparing students for jobs and careers. 21st Century Schools Support for the school district becoming a model of 21st century learning and preparing students to be adequately prepared for employment when they graduate from high school. Class Size Concern about class size, particularly in elementary schools. Parent/community partnerships Support of a strong relationship between parents and teachers in the education of students. Also supportive of community ownership and integration of student success. After School Programs Support for after school programs to assist students with working parents and for additional academic attention. Programs Support for meeting student needs through a variety of instructional approaches and strategies. Wellness Support for student activity and physical education resulting in students that have lifelong healthy habits. Technology Both support and concern for the KIBSD's embrace of technology. The recognition of technology as a basic tool. Also calls for more technology support. Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 8 Curriculum Support for a rigorous curriculum of all subjects. In addition to these, support for a curriculum that connects students to other enriching learning opportunities. Support for communicating curriculum goals with parents. ✓ Writing - Support for stronger writing skills for students as an educational priority. ✓ Science - Support for more emphasis for students to master science subjects such as ocean literacy. Concern about the amoral nature of scientific inquiry. ✓ Math - Concern with students who struggle in math classes. Support for Strength in Number programs and showing how mathematics can be applied in the real world. Budget Support for making school district funding a priority at both state and local governments. Support for budget transparency and community inclusion in the budgeting process. Concern about the recent technology renewal and replacement price tag and accounting for purchased items. Behavior and Substances Concern about substance use (drugs and alcohol) in the schools. Support for enforcing dress codes. Support for character education in KIBSD schools so students become community - minded citizens. Also support for programs that combat bullying in the schools. Professional Development e i f Support for District professional development initiatives vottc such as Strength in Number, Step up to Writing (Common --1 Ground) and science notebooks. Support for teachers to be trained on differentiating instruction, teaching life skills and / Gl reducing homework load. Communication Support for more communication between the school district �9 T and the community including students and parents. rant Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012: STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 9 I I In the Classroom 1. Provide professional development in mathematics instruction for teachers K -12 that focuses on improving student learning and best practice in instruction. a. (Measure: 15 teachers and 15 paraprofessionals participate in training opportunities.) 2. Increase opportunities for accelerated math instruction for students in grades 6 -12 by establishing district wide criteria for admission to advanced classes. a. (Measure: Provide sufficient enrollment opportunities for the number of students identified for acceleration.) 3. Increase student opportunities and interventions in reading, writing and mathematics. a. (Measure: Increase Standards Based Assessment scores by 5% in reading, writing and mathematics.) 4. KIBSD will complete curriculum alignment with Alaska's New Standards (Common Core) and will articulate vertical alignment and curricular integration for all grades. a. (Measure: Curriculum reviezv for English Language Arts completed and implementation underway and Mathematics curriculum review completed by May 2013- 2014.) 5. KIBSD will provide professional development for teachers and training for parents to support students' study skills and motivation to learn including effective implementation of Youth Employability Skills (YES). a. (Measure: 100% of teachers receive training; 40% of parents participate in training.) 6. KIBSD will provide accelerated academic opportunities for students at secondary levels as necessary for college preparation. a. (Measure: KMS/KHS will continue to offer array of cou rses for college bound students with no reduction; Rural Schools will increase advanced academic course offerings for students by 20 %; Dual Credit enrollments in academic courses at UA/Kodiak College will increase by 10 %.) 7. KIBSD will work to enhance science instruction through professional development for K-8 teachers and by providing increased opportunities for active learning in science for all students. a. (Measure: 30 teachers participate in professional development opportunities in science; 100% of targeted students participate in authentic laboratory experiences.) Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 ". STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN: page 10 I I In the Classroom continued.... 8. Students will have internship experiences in an array of STEAM professions in the community. a. (Measure: 10 students in each grade 6 -12 are placed in internships in STEAM professions.) 9. KIBSD will work to support a positive first experience for primary students with attention to class size targets and actively teaching Positive Behavior Expectations. a. (Measure: Primary classes will have enrollments less than or equal to staffing formula numbers. All K -2 students will receive direct instruction in Positive behavior expectations.) 10. Continue to support student learning in the arts. a. (Measure: Current level of course offerings in the arts will be maintained and directed as appropriate to meet student needs.) 11. KIBSD will identify and seek funding to initiate CTE offerings as needs are identified. a. (Measure: 2 additional CTE courses will be offered to HS students.) In the School 1. KIBSD will seek both funding and partnerships in providing before and after school programs and activities for students. a. (Measure: Two new afterschool programs will be introduced by January, 2014.) 2. Plans for KMS /KHS and Rural School Advisory periods will be reviewed and enhanced through collaborative planning with teachers and counselors and should address not only academic and career education planning, but also substance abuse and bullying concerns. a. (Measure: All secondary teachers receive training and adequate materials to implement advisory lessons.) 3. KIBSD will conduct review of climate and connectedness survey results in a community forum. a. (Measure: Community meeting held by mid- October 2013.) 4. KIBSD will collect data regarding incidents of substance abuse, bullying /harassment, and other conduct concerns and convene a community forum to address concerns as a community in conjunction with community partners. a. (Measure: Series of meetings begins no later than September, 2013.) Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN . page 11 In the District 1. As part of scheduled program review, KIBSD will implement a systematic program evaluation protocol to determine effectiveness of programs. a. (Measure: Protocol is identified and utilized to review the Gifted and Talented program.) 2. Having reviewed school policies and handbooks in 2012 -2013, KIBSD will communicate consistent expectations regarding positive participation in learning opportunities in schools, how to build positive relationships with others, and how to develop skills for a healthy life. a. (Measure: KIBSD will increase attendance rate by 2% and will decrease student suspensions by 10%) In the Community 1. KWRAC will be the prime communicator regarding workforce needs with KIBSD. a. (Measure: KWRAC will update needs list.) 2. KIBSD will build on actions initiated by the Community Engagement Summit 2012 and will facilitate community engagement in: Volunteerism in schools Parent and community learning opportunities Support for the Developmental Assets for Youth. a. (Measures: Volunteerism will increase by 25%. 10 Learning opportunities will be provided for parents and community members. KIBSD will provide a minimum of 12 presentations to community organizations, school ! t o ^ `y t groups, and student groups regarding the i � �i 4,4_,, I t _tit �., Yvr. Developmental Assets 7 1 framework) ti r b A5 ` Revised November 5, 2012 November, 2012 - STRATEGIC EDUCATION PLAN page 12 I � 2011 Board of Education Goals Goals will be updated November 2012. O Increase student achievement • Promote fiscal responsibility through improved efficiency * Complete new high school facility O Strengthen partnerships and involvement with Kodiak Workforce Regional Advisory Council (KWRAC) and the greater Kodiak community e Prepare students for transition to life after high school sk Enhance student learning in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) through professional development for teachers e Develop formal staff E .J recognition process e Promote competency- . w A "� , . M.41 based education __, \ `.,.. .f ' V I t �t 0 Promote the Assets - : ( i " {= Framework to support x „ student success � . � through family and community °.. involvement Revised November 5, 2012 0 0 t 000 Kodiak Island Borough School District BOARD OF EDUCATION — KODIAK BOROUGH ASSEMBLY Joint Work Session Thursday, November 8, 2012 6:30 p.m. Central Services Conference Room All attendees: Please also print your name 1. ‘ b1 VL'1“ GI kii2 2. " 1 D ` ,\ C�� t 3. t i0 <;,gv_A (A ) C�L P 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Kodiak Island Borough Income Statement Through Date: 11/30/2012 Annual M -T -D Y -T -D Budget Less % of Prior Year Budget Amount Actual Amount Actual Amount Y -T -D Actual Budget YTD Total Fund Category: 1 Governmental Funds Fund Type: 2 Special Revenue Funds Fund: 201 Education Support Fund REVENUE - - - - - -- Department: 000 Fund Revenues ELOSSII.Y.Thri 311.100 Real Property Tax $8,804,250.00 $0.00 $8,851,235.64 ($46,985.64) 101% $8,600,168.43 311.200 Personal PropertyTax $767,550.00 $0.00 $917,934.61 ($150,384.61) 120% $870,555.24 Account: 311 Real Property Taxtotals: • $9,571,800.00 $0.00 $9,769,170.25 ($197,370.25) 102% $9,470,723.67 Total Property Tax: $9,571,800.00 $0.00 $9,769,170.25 ($197,370.25) 102% $9,470,723.67 Non Ad Valorem Taxes 313.110 Motor Vehicle Tax $250,000.00 $0.00 $32,843.08 $217,156.92 13% $92,528.24 Account: 313 Motor Vehicle Tax totals: $250,000.00 $0.00 $32,843.08 $217,156:92 13% $92,528.24 Total Non Ad Valorem Taxes: $250,000.00 $0.00 $32,843.08 $217,156.92 13% $92,528.24 Operating Transfers In 391.100 General Fund $318,550.00 $318,550.00 $318,550.00 $0.00 100% $0.00 391.276 Facilities Fund $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $0.00 100% $100,000.00 Account: 391 General Fund totals: $428,550.00 $428,550.00 $428,550.00 $0.00 100% $100,000.00 .1. •. -r -tin. .n f -r In: $428,550.00 $428,550.00 $428,550.00 $0.00 100% $100,000.00 Department totals: Fund Revenues $10,250,350.00 $428,550.00 $10,230,563.33 $19,786.67 100% $9,663,251.91 REVENUE Totals $10,250,350.00 $428,550.00 $10,230,563.33 $19,786.67 100% $9,663,251.91 EXPENSE — — Department: 165 General Administration Support Goods & Services 450.320 Bad Debts Expense $0.00 $0.00 $3.19 ($3.19) + ++ ($1.41) • Account 450 Bad Debts Expense totals:. $0.00 $0.00 $3.19 ($3.19) + ++ (51.41) Total Support Goods & Services' $0.00 $0.00 $3.19 ($3.19) + ++ ($1.41) Department totals: General Administration $0.00 $0.00 $3.19 ($3.19) + ++ ($1.41) Department: 201 Education Support Professional Services 430.165 Providence M.H. Sery $381,350.00 $0.00 $95,337.50 $286,012.50 25% $0.00 Account: 430 Providence M.H. Sery totals: $381,350.00 $0.00 $95,337.50 $286,012.50 25% $0.00 Total Professional Services: $381,350.00 $0.00 $95,337.50 $286,012.50 25% $0.00 user: Karl Short Pages 1 of 3 Thursday, November 08, 2012 ' ' `FY20I3"Sud et7Area W1dc Mdl;Rates 1 w ' 0 ,1, ` r' ds i f; d ��' �'^ 1„y,�grc�Yj,`§t�'I # ��'�'a'�i �N"7'SI`n F�fl �'Y`au �., � KIBSD Hospital Renewal & KIB KIBSD Debt Scrvicc Debt Service Replacement Total Mill Rate 0.03 9.03 1.15 0.46 0.08 10.75 Resource Value Motor Vehicle Tax - 250,000 - - - 250,000 State Revenue Sharing 1,010,200 - - - - 1,010,200 State Debt Scrvicc - - 2,660,454 - - 2,660,454 Severance Tax -Fish 130,000,000 1,700,000 - - - - 1,700,000 Severance Tax - Mining 2,000,000 21,500 - - - - 21,500 Severance Tax- Logging 8,705,000 93,581 - - - - 93,581 Total Scvcrancc Taxes 140,705,000 1,815,081 - - - 1,815,081 Other Revenues 3,753,199 - 4,836 - - 3,758,035 Transfers in Facilities Fund - 110,000 232,582 267,418 - 342,582 Transfers in General Fund - 318,550 559,509 - - 878,059 Real Property Tax 975,000,000 29,250 8,804,250 1,104,000 441,600 77,999 9,937,500 Personal Property Tax 85,000,000 2,550 767,550 103,500 41,400 6,800 873,600 Total Property Taxes 1,060,000,000 31,800 9,571,800 1,207,500 483,000 84,799 10,811,100 Total Rcvcnucs 1,200,705,000 6,610,280 10,250,350 4,664,881 750,418 84,799 22,360,728 Expenditures 6,610,280 10,250,350 4,664,881 750,418 84,799 22,360,728 Revenues minus Expenditures - _ - _ - - 10.18 Combined School District Mill Rate