09/06/2012 Regular Meeting KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Assembly Regular Meeting September 6, 2012 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held on Thursday, September 6, 2012, in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Selby led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Mayor Jerome Selby, Assembly members Carol Austerman, Dave Kaplan, Chris Lynch, and Louise Stutes. Staff members present were Administrative Official Bud Cassidy, Resource Management Officer Bob Scholze, Clerk Nova Javier, and Assistant Clerk Jessica Kilbom. KAPLAN moved to excuse Assembly members Bonney, Friend, and Stephens who were absent due to personal leave. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA AUSTERMAN moved to approve the agenda and consent agenda. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting Minutes of August 2 and August 16, 2012. These were approved under the consent agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Plaque of Appreciation to Mr. Ian Fulp, City of Kodiak Parks and Recreation Director. This item was rescheduled to the September 20 regular meeting at Mr. Fulp's request. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Stan Thompson of Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center (PKIMC), spoke on the National Emergency Preparedness Month and reported on the new emergency backup water system for PKIMC. Scott Amdt, Service Area No. 1 Board Chair, spoke on a parcel of land included with those addressed under Resolution No. FY2013 -08. COMMITTEE REPORTS Assembly member Lynch reported on the Kodiak Fisheries Workgroup meeting of August 27, 2012. PUBLIC HEARING None. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes September 6, 2012 Page 1090 BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT (Administrative Official Cassidy) Administrative Official Cassidy reported on the following: • Staff meetings with Leisnoi regarding possible land trade. • ADF&G would be ready for tenants to move into the building in February 2013. • The Project Advisory Committee would be resuming its meetings to formalize changes to Titles 16, 17, and 18 of the Borough Code. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor Selby announced the Western Interstate Region Board of Directors Fall Meeting would be held October 3 -5 in Kodiak. Assembly members were invited to the Borough hosted dinner on Thursday, October 4. Funds required for hosting the event would be taken from the Mayor's travel budget. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Contracts None. • Resolutions 1. Resolution No. FY2013 -08 Accepting the Recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission Approving of Certain Borough Land To Be Sold at a Future Land Sale. KAPLAN move to adopt Resolution No. FY2013 -08. The Borough Resource Management Officer identified up to eleven parcels of land which could be suitable for disposal at a future land sale. At this primary stage of review typically all that was required was a determination by the Assembly that the lands identified in this review were surplus to Borough and the public's needs. There was no adopted plan as guidance indicating a need for the lands reviewed in this case to be required for any particular public purpose. The lands could require additional investigation to ultimately decide their fitness to be disposed of for a particular purpose. Once approved by the Assembly, additional surveying and possible zoning reviews of the disposal of the eleven parcels could be required before many of the lots would be considered fit for disposal. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on this request and found the request was consistent with the goals and objectives of the 2008 Kodiak Island Borough Comprehensive Plan Update. Staff recommended that the Assembly uphold the recommendation of the Commission and adopt the motion. A corrected copy of Resolution No. FY2013 -08 was provided to the Assembly and public. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Austerman, Kaplan, Lynch, and Stutes. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes September 6, 2012 Page 1091 Ordinances for Introduction 1. Ordinance No. FY2013 -02 Approving a Rezone for Lot 25A, Block 7 Leite Addition from R1- Single Family Residential to R3- Multifamily Residential (P &Z Case 13 -001, Wittenbrader). AUSTERMAN moved to adopt Ordinance No. FY2013 -02 in first reading to advance to public hearing at the next regular meeting of the Assembly. Lot 25A was larger, by area and width, than most of the other lots in Block 7, Leite Addition. All but three lots in the block were previously zoned R3- Multifamily Residential and the block shared an extensive platting history. Lot 25A was somewhat constrained by limitations on access so it would not be able to take full advantage of the R3 zoning, but it would still benefit from additional development options in the R3 zone which were not currently available in the R1 zoning district. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on this request and found the request was consistent with the goals and objectives of the 2008 Kodiak Island Borough Comprehensive Plan Update. KIBC 17.205.55(B) also required the Assembly to be notified by the Commission of its actions and its findings. Staff recommended that the Assembly uphold the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission and adopt the motion. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Kaplan, Lynch, Stutes, and Austerman. Other Items 1. Declaring a Seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission Vacant. LYNCH moved to accept, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Casey Janz from the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term to expire December 2012, and direct the Borough Clerk to advertise the vacancy per Borough Code. On August 23, 2012 the Borough Clerk's Office received a letter of resignation from Ms. Janz for her Borough seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term to expire December 2012. The seat would be vacated and advertisement of the vacated seat would occur in accordance with KIBC 2.100.070 (2.A and D) Vacancies. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Lynch, Stutes, Austerman, and Kaplan. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLY MEMBER COMMENTS Assembly member Lynch commended PKIMC for its new water system at the hospital. Assembly member Stutes acknowledged the efforts and participation of Ms. Janz with the Code Revision Project. She commented on the change orders that had been issued for the Kodiak High School Renovation and Remodel project. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes September 6, 2012 Page 1092 Announcements The next Assembly work session would be held on Thursday, September 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room. The next regular meeting was scheduled on Thursday, September 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. ADJOURNMENT KAPLAN moved to adjourn the meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Kaplan, Lynch, Stutes, and Austerman. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: Je +me M. SeltiyAlayor Nova M. Javier, MMC, :orough Clerk Approved on: October 4, 2012 Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes September 6, 2012 Page 1093