FY2012-18 Establishing Fund Balance Required by GASB 1 Introduced by: Borough Manager 2 Requested by: Finance Director 3 Drafted by: Finance Director 4 Introduced on: 01/19/2012 Adopted on: 01/19/2012 5 6 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 7 RESOLUTION NO. FY2012 -18 8 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY 10 ESTABLISHING FUND BALANCE AND PRIORITIZATION POLICIES 11 AS REQUIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING STANDARDS 12 (GASB) STATEMENT NUMBER 54 13 14 WHEREAS, the Government Account Standards Board -(GASB) has adopted Statement 15 Number 54, a new standard for governmental fund balance reporting and governmental fund 16 type definitions that is effective in fiscal year 2011; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Kodiak Island Borough wishes to comply with GASB 54 requirements, and 19 to apply such requirements to its financial statements beginning with the fiscal year 2011; and 20 21 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND 22 BOROUGH hereby adopts the following policy to provide guidelines relative to classifying 23 fund balance and setting spending prioritization in accordance with GASB 54: 24 25 Fund Balance Classification: 26 27 Nonspendable Fund Balance: The amounts of fund balance that cannot be spent because 28 they are either (a) not in spendable form, such as consumable inventories or prepaid items, or 29 (b) required to be maintained intact legally or contractually. 30 31 Restricted Fund Balance: The amounts of fund balance constrained for specific purpose by 32 external parties, such as contractors, or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or 33 enabling legislation. 34 35 Committed Fund Balance: The amounts of fund balance constrained for specific purposes 36 imposed by formal action of the Borough Assembly. Commitments may only be changed by 37 the assembly taking the same formal action that imposed the constraint originally. 38 Commitments of fund balance must be in place before the end of the fiscal year. 39 40 Assigned Fund Balance: The amounts of fund balance constrained for a specific purpose by 41 the Borough Assembly, such as departmental budgets. These amounts are not restricted or 42 committed, and are intended to be used for the purpose of the fund. An assigned fund 43 balance can never be negative. 44 45 Kodiak Island Borough Resolution No. FY2012 -18 Page 1 of 2 46 Unassigned Fund Balance: The residual classification of fund balance that represents 47 amounts not assigned to other funds, and not restricted, committed, or assigned to specific 48 purposes within the general fund. 49 50 Spending Prioritization: The Borough's spending policy is to spend restricted fund balance 51 first, followed by committed, assigned, and unassigned fund balance. 52 53 ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 54 THIS NINETEENTH DAY OF JANUARY, 2012 55 56 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 57 s9 i 60 ATTEST: Je .me M. Selby, Borough Mayor 61 62 63 1 A 64 Nova M. Javie C, Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough Resolution No. FY2012 -18