12/01/2010 Regular Meeting FT's, a 1 I - --1 KODIAK WORKFORCE REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL,' ;! Regular Meeting �� �� FEB j g ���� His December 1, 2010 BOROUGH CLERICS OFFICE j A regular meeting of the Kodiak Workforce Regional Advisory Council was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, in the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Main Conference Room. The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. Present were Borough Mayor Jerome Selby, Council members Robert Banks, Trevor Brown, Maureen Butler, Marjorie DeGreef, Brian Himelbloom, Aimee Kniaziowski, Jacqueline Madsen, Peggy Rauwolf, Lorraine Stewart, and Sonny Vinberg. Ex Officio member present was Kodiak Island Borough School District Superintendent Stewart McDonald. Staff member Kodiak Island Borough School District Administrative Assistant Bonnie Baker was present. Council member CDR Patrick McElligatt was absent. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STEWART moved to approve the agenda as submitted. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES STEWART moved to approve the minutes as submitted. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None REPORTS None UNFINISHED BUSINESS Administrative Assistant's note: An Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development packet was distributed to each member present. The packet included copies of a sample questionnaire, a Kodiak workforce analysis, Alaska's 10 -Year Occupational Forecas -2008 to 2018, Top Employers for Kodiak Island Borough for 2009, and Kodiak Island Borough 2009 Private Employer Firm List. I. Review Proposed Survey Questions A first draft of the survey questions to determine the Kodiak workforce needs was discussed. Council members concurred that the survey must be ten questions or less. It was collectively determined that Mayor Selby would create a draft cover page based on the KWRAC's mission statement and that a second draft of survey questions would be emailed to all members for a vote with a one -week deadline to submit suggestions for the final questions. Kodiak Workforce Regional Advisory Council Regular Meeting — December 1, 2010 Page 2 of 2 NEW BUSINESS I. Identify Careers for Workforce Needs It was collectively determined the initial survey to employers would focus on current Kodiak workforce needs as well as to inform employers of an upcoming survey which would focus on future workforce needs. A contact person with an email address would be identified for each employer/business with a personal follow -up by Council members if no response was received. The survey would be disseminated through the School District's Survey Monkey account to take advantage of advanced functions within the survey. it was also collectively determined that the initial survey would be emailed to employers on January 3, 2011, with an ending deadline of January 31, 2011, and the Chamber of Commerce would offer a drawing prize of 500 Alaska Airline miles as an incentive to complete the survey. II. Discuss Next Steps Members Maureen Butler, Peggy Rauwolf, Lorraine Stewart, Trevor Brown and Stewart McDonald would meet in subcommittee to finalize the survey questions, construct the survey on Survey Monkey, and email the survey to identified Kodiak employers. III. Schedule Next Meeting Consensus of the Council was given to direct Borough Assistant Clerk Jessica Kilborn to schedule the next KWRAC meeting on a Wednesday in February at 12:00 p.m., with the exclusion of the second Wednesday. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None COUNCIL MEMBERS' COMMENTS None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 12:36 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: Ma, or Jerome M. Selby hRir ,Axe'l Bonnie Baker, Administrative Assistant Approved: 00,-[ 1 X °2 01