2007-11-13 Work SessionKodiak Island Borough Assembly Work Session Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 7:30 p.m., Borough Conference Room Work Sessions are informal meetings of the Assembly where Assembly members review the upcoming regular meeting agenda packet and seek or receive information from staff. Although additional items not listed on the work session agenda are discussed when introduced by the Mayor, Assembly, or staff, no formal action is taken at work sessions and items that require formal Assembly action are placed on regular Assembly meeting agenda. Citizen's comments at work sessions are NOT considered part of the official record. Citizen's comments intended for the "official record" should be made at a regular Assembly meeting. CITIZENS' COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. North Star Traffic Study PACKET REVIEW (Items listed with asterisks ( *) are proposed for consent agenda.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ordinance No. FY2008 -09 Amending Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances Title 2 Administration and Personnel, Chapter 2.17 Rules of the Assembly, Section 2.17.020 General Rules to Allow Attendance and Participation at Meetings by Members of the Assembly by Teleconference. Ordinance No. FY2008 -08 Amending Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances Title 3 Revenue and Finance Chapter 3.04 Public Finance - Management and Accounting Section 3.04.020 Permissible Investments Section 3.04.022 Collateral Requirements Section 3.04.051 Facilities Fund by Changing the Types of Instruments the Borough Can Invest in Changing the Investments Allowed in the Facilities Fund, and Changing Disbursements from the Facilities Fund from a Percent of Interest Earned to a Percent of Market Value (POMV.) NEW BUSINESS ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION Ordinance No. FY2008 -11 Amending Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances Title 2 Administration and Personnel Chapter 2.16 Borough Assembly Section 2.16.060 Declaring and Filling Vacancies, and Chapter 2.17 Rules of the Assembly Section 2.17.070C Ordinances, Resolutions, and Motions. MANAGER'S COMMENTS CLERK'S COMMENTS MAYOR'S COMMENTS ASSEMBLY MEMBERS COMMENTS 25 18 11 A Sunday 26 19 7 p.m. KIBSD RM - AC 12 BOROUGH OFFICES CLOSED In Observance of Veteran's Day Holiday 5 5 30 p.m. Gravel Task Force Mtg. - CR 7 p.m. KIBSD WS - SD /CR Monday 27 7p.m.P &RRM- SD/CR 7:30 p.m. City CNCL WS - CR 20 7:30 p.m. FPA #1 RM - BFH 13 7 p.m. P &R RM - SD /CR 7:30 p.m. SA #1 RM - BFH 7:30 p.m. Assy WS - CR 6 7:30 p.m. FPA #1 WS -BFH City CNCL WS XCLD Tuesday 28 21 7:30 p.m. P&ZC RM - AC 14 5:15 p.m. SWAB RM - KFRC CR 7:30 p.m. P&ZC WS - CR V Wednesday ber 20 29 7:30 p.m. Assy WS - CR 7:30 p.m. City CNCL RM - AC 22 BOROUGH OFFICES CLOSED in Observance of Thanksgiving Holiday 15 7:30 p.m. ASSY RM - AC L 18 7:30 p.m. Assy WS - CR RESCHEDULED City CNCL RM XCLD L 1 7:30 pm Assy RM - AC Thursday 30 23 BOROUGH OFFICES CLOSED In Observance of Thanksgiving Holiday 16 �O Friday 24 17 10 Saturday pintos 1 9L ZZ 6Z Aopuj PL LZ 8Z Thursday I I6 7:30 p.m. ASSY RM -AC 13 7:30 p.m. ASSY WS -CR 7:30 p.m. City CNCL RM - AC 20 7:30 p.m. ASSY RM - AC 27 7:30 p.m. ASSY WS -CR i N. ber 2i Aopseupem 12 7:30 p.m. P&ZC WS -CR 19 7:30 p.m. P&ZC RM - AC 9Z i Tuesday 4 7:30 p.m. FPA1 WS - BFH 11 7 p.m. P &R RM - SD/CR 7:30 p.m. City CNCL WS - CR j 18 7:30 p.m. FPA #1 RM - BFH 25 BOROUGH OFFICES CLOSED In Observance of Christmas Holiday r - Monday 3 7 p.m. KIBSD WS - SD /CR I I 10 7 p.m. KIBSD RM - AC LL 1 b Z LC Aopuns 9 L £Z 0£ Borough Assembly RE: North Star Safe Access Project KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Community Development Department MEMORANDUM DATE: November 8, 2007 TO: THRU: Rick Gifford, orough Manager O- FROM: Bud Cassido inity Development Department SUBJ: Item for the November 13, 2007 Assembly Work Session I. Introduction The North Star Safe Access Project is really three projects in one. It involves substantial money: a. A federal "Earmark" of $1.3 million, b. a legislative grant of $3.3 million, and c. the remaining money from a $50,000 borough appropriation for construction of an access drive into North Star School from Anton Way. These projects are a result of dedicated efforts by the North Star PTA and the Assembly to improve and provide safe access to North Star Elementary School. But what started out as a project with momentum in late 2004 has turned into one that has slowed substantially. This is due partly to the controversy that has accompanied Federal "Earmarks" in Washington D.C. The project has also slowed due to the language found in the earmark — Kodiak Roads. That language required it to go back to Congress to be changed to Kodiak Trails. The state money was also slow in coming, but with a new MOU being reviewed by staff we should see some movement in the form of a cost estimate to improve Otmeloi way. The one pot of money that is available is the $20,000 that remains from a construction project for the school site that the Borough dedicated to the project. It will be used to perform a master plan for traffic flow and parking at North Star. Of all the projects that involve North Star School, the one with the highest importance are the trails leading to the school from neighborhoods in the Anton Way and Lilly Drive area. This is the route travelled by the majority of the children walking or riding their bike to school. It is also the area the PTA has identified as the area with the highest risk. At this time there is only one pot of of money to address this area of concern and that is the Federal Earmark appropriation. Until that is tracked down and contracts for planning and design are entered into, that critical component will not begin. This memo will describe the projects and the overall funding we expect for the project. N: \EF\ Administration \Assembly\Assembly meetings\2007 Assembly Meetings\November 15\North Star Memo.doc II. Three Projects The North Star Safe Access project is three projects in one: 1. Parking and Traffic Master Plan of the School Site. The construction of North Star School was completed and included a plan to address parking and traffic flow of buses and vehicles. A number of years after the school was completed the Borough acquired an adjacent lot. This was an important acquisition because it meant that the school property now extended outward toward Anton Way allowing another access route (prior to purchase of this adjacent parcel, access to North Star was from Otmeloi and Mallard Way) to enter the school. This was also an important access route because the bulk of the students walking to school came from this direction. With the $50,000 borough appropriation, a new driveway from Anton Way into the school was constructed in 2002. Although providing another access route to the school, it also created traffic flow and traffic congestion at the facility. Money left over from this construction project is being used to develop a new parking and traffic master plan of this larger school site. Presently there is no money dedicated to implement any recommendations that will come out of the plan. 2. Anton Way and Lilly Drive Trails and Lighting. Pedestrian trails to North Star School are proposed to come from Anton Way and Lilly Drive direction. This is an unsafe route. Presently kids walk or ride their bikes on the shoulder of these roads. Unfortunately, these streets were never designed or constructed for pedestrian uses and in fact there is little room between the ditch line and the rock walls for a safe walking path. During the winter and especially after it snows, snow berms force children further into the road and traffic way. Add to this winter's dark and you can understand how hazardous this can be. 3. Otmeloi Way Paving, grade and drainage improvements, curb and gutter, lighting, and separated pedestrian trail. (State General Fund appropriation). Though there is not a lot of pedestrian traffic along this route at this time, this is the major vehicular route to North Star School. This is important because North Star school is identified to be a sheltering facility for residents on this side of town in the event of an emergency. This neighborhood is also a growth area with residential land available for development near by. This portion of the project would improve Otmeloi to the same standards as was done along Selief Lane. That is drainage and grade would be improved, the road surface would be paved, curbs and gutters would be installed as would lighting. Also to be included is a separated pedestrian trail tying North Star School into the existing Rezanof pedestrian trail system. N: \EF\ Administration \Assembly\Assembly meetings\2007 Assembly Meetings\November 15\North Star Memo.doc III. Multiple sources of Funding 1. Federal Money — $1.3 Million(requires a local match of $110,000) the state will charge a 4.3% admin fee The Assembly travelled to Washington D.C. and was successful in having the congressional delegation identify money for the proposed Anton Way and Lilly Drive trails. Ted Stevens was able to "earmark" money for this project by tagging it on to an ominous roads bill. Called "Kodiak Roads" it was thought this was the proper mechanism to acquire this money. Because the words "Federal Earmarks" became an issue in Washington D.C. (the bridges across the Knik Arm in Anchorage and the bridge to Gravina Island in Ketchikan are also "Earmarks ") so did our project. On top of that issue, we were informed that these trail projects "did not jive with the project that was identified as "Kodiak Roads" in the original bill. The whole issue became bogged down and delayed in Washington D.C. We recently got word that the "Kodiak Roads" money had moved through committee and has officially been changed to "Kodiak Trails" money. It is our understanding that the funding has left Washington D.C. and is to go the Alaska DOT. The folks that I communicate with have not heard anything about receiving this money. I have asked them to be on the look out for it. 2. State Money - $3.3 million General Fund Money (DOT requires a 3% admin fee) - State may contribute an additional $500,000 to the project The Mayor, the Borough Assembly and the Borough lobbyist working with our state delegation acquired this money during a past legislative session. Otmeloi Way is a state road and though improving it for access to North Star School (both as a school and a sheltering facility during emergencies) is a priority to the community; it was not a priority to the Department of Transportation. The project, in fact, was not on the state's radar screen in any meaningful way. The Kodiak delegation worked to get the money through the legislature and was successful. We are reviewing an agreement document from the state (the Department of Transportation still manages the money) that proposes to provide us with $200,000 to perform a cost estimate for the Otmeloi Way Improvement Project to see if $3.3 million is enough to perform the project. Since this agreement has to be approved by the Assembly, it is scheduled for their December 6 meeting. One of the provisions of this state money is that the Borough takes over ownership and future maintenance of the road. 3. Borough Money — $20,000 remains form the original $50,000. In 2002 the Assembly put $50,000 into a Borough Capital Project for construction of a driveway into North Star School from Anton Way (The Borough had just recently purchased a lot between the school and Anton Way). Expenditure of this money included the construction of the driveway, installation of a light, as well as the work that went into sending out an RFP for Engineering Services, and selection of a firm to perform the project. A contact has not been negotiated with the engineering firm but staff remains in contact with them. N:\EF\Administration\Assembly \Assembly meetings\2007 Assembly Meetings\November 15 \North Star Memo.doc IV. Conclusion The cost to perform the work as envisioned by these projects is substantial. Instead of taxing the citizens of Kodiak, the Assembly pursued this revenue from state and federal sources and was successful. As this memo lays out, this other non local money has come with a number of delays. But they are delays that we have no control over. As we will also find out, this is federal and state money and it comes with a high administration cost associated with it to meet all the federal and state requirements. It may be that the engineering firm that the review committee selected to perform the work may be able to perform the work associated with the state and federal money. To date that is not clear. There is frustration by PTA, the Assembly and Borough staff to get the project back on tract. But we are starting to see movement. We will soon have an agreement with the state to start the work needed to determine the cost for constructing the improvements anticipated for Otmeloi Road. As I understand it, the Federal money has left Washington D.C. and will be going to Alaska DOT. To date it has not arrived. There remains a lot of work to get done before we see any improvements on the ground. N: \EF\ Administration \Assembly\Assembly meetings\2007 Assembly Meetings\November 15 \North Star Memo.doc TE OF Mike Morton, President North Star PTA 722 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615 Dear Mr. Morton: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER RE: Safe North Star School Access September 25, 2007 "Providing fur the movement of people and goods and the delivery of stare sc rvices. " SARAH PAUN, GOVERNOR 3132 CHANNEL DRIVE PO Box 112500 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-2500 FAX: (907) 586 -8365 PHONE: (907) 465 -3900 I recently received a copy of the North Star PTA's May 31, 2007, letter to the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly, Mayor Selby, Senator Stevens and Representative Ledoux, regarding the need to improve access to North Star School. I want to give you an update of the status of the Federal funding mentioned in your letter, as well as the State funding provided by the Legislature for Otmeloi Way. The $1.2 million Federal earmark from 2005 you refer to in your letter as being for the "Anton/Lilly" side of the school is titled, "Kodiak Island Roads ". The Federal amount is actually $1.3 million, and requires a local match of $129,000. We understand that the Kodiak Island Borough is pursuing a technical correction to the title through Congress that would allow the funds to be spent on a pathway. Once the technical correction is completed, we will work with the Borough to move forward with the project. There is a separate project for Otmeloi Way Rehabilitation that was funded at $3.3 million by the Alaska Legislature in 2005. Otmeloi Way is currently a state -owned facility, and we want to transfer ownership and maintenance once the improvements are constructed. We are working with the Kodiak Island Borough on an agreement to transfer $200,000 for the Borough to study roadway development options and to develop cost estimates for improving the roadway. We expect the agreement to be completed soon. At this time there is no plan to combine the Otmeloi Way project with the Earmark project. KODIAKISI.A » BOROUGH CLERICS OFFICE COPIED TO: hou A.SSIENIBLY OTHER �vtAI�IAGER Mike Morton, President Page 2 September 25, 2007 cc: Jerome Selby, Kodiak Island Borough Mayor Gordon C. Keith, P.E., Regional Director Sincerely, ', eo von Scheben, P.E., L.S., M.B.A. Commissioner " Prnvidin ,fur r /ra irtnrrrmeru e),T people and good (hid the dcln•ery of state vervireS " • - n CD CD - - 0 0 0 0 2 please print your name 1. . //i/ti 2. '5 rk LI WC 3. LAC iktk-k.f 4 1 -) ‘P(/ KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH WORK SESSION MEETING Work Session Meeting of: /4:2) - ;, C% 6. 7/ 1114 eft s i 5 4 , -, j: 12,5 7. 8. ( n L,Dk , eel , ) 11 -el 34 ) L----- 9. 10. CO rc'i L /1 ) } - )\Jor-AttS 11. )1/4A,etvo t es- 13. LeAk t t. ertivek few 14. 15. —Aloct - ri-t) (:)(14 ( f )772 k 9Th/ /TA