11/21/1989 Work SessionKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY Work Session Notes November 21, 1989 Three members of the assembly met with Jim Feeney and Mary Ann Burke of the auditing firm, Price Waterhouse, at 6:45 p.m, prior to the regular assembly meeting. The Independent Audit Report was a "clean and healthy" status with no exceptions taken to the accounting practices. The general fund was described as very healthy and the expenditures were very close to the expectations set in the budget. The enterprise funds: 1) hospital 2) sewer 3) water and 4) sanitary land fill were mentioned in particular. While the hospital fund broke even in 1988 -1989, the other three funds are not generating sufficient funds and lose money. One recommendation was brought to the assembly's attention: To establish a hierarchy of spending. It was noted the Finance Director is preparing an Ordinance to satisfy this recommendation. Following the regular assembly meeting the assembly gathered in the Conference Room and discussed the following items: Greenbelt & Airport Tie Down Area- Several of the pilots who use the Borough land area at the airport as a tie down area attended the session to discuss removal of the greenbelt across the existing hangar area. They noted there are nine airplanes currently utilizing this space and indicated a willingness to lease the spaces for $250 a year. They indicated there is a need for more tie down spaces on that side of the runway. The Mayor reported the airstrip property had been expedited and is now the property of the city. The other adjacent land has been held by the Borough and a map of the area with potential tie down sites is being prepared. Proposed DEC Contract- The Mayor reported he had a copy of the contract and after studying and discussing it, there would be no up front money but the Borough could bill immediately to establish money for the villages. No regular Borough employee could be paid from the fund and there is question about indemnity. There was discussion of sending the contract back unsigned. It was suggested the matter be discussed with the Governor. The Borough attorney has been contacted by the Mayor and will prepare a similar contract which would serve the needs of the Borough for submission to DEC. McFarland requested a copy of the DEC proposed contract. Service Districts- It was noted recommendations for vacancies on the Service District boards would be forthcoming. Service District #1 is requesting paving funds. Goal Setting & Review- McFarland requested a date be set for a goal setting and review meeting. It was suggested the departments be asked to submit proposed 1 year priority lists. January 13 was set for the goal setting and review meeting. Other- Merriman asked the status of checking with other municipalities on their appeal fees. A general in- service meeting for Commission members was discussed. It was generally felt the Assembly should meet with the P & Z Commission.