04/20/1989 Regular MeetingBorouqh Assembly: Lorna White, Presidinq Ann Barker, Daputy Alan Au�terman Jack McFazland Tom Merriman .7ohn Parker wayne Stevans l � Raqular Aasembly Meating - April 20, 1989 7:30 p.m. - eorough Aaaembly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA �� �.. , Jerome M. Selby, Nayor Gaye J. Vaughan, CxC Borough Clerk All items liatsd on the consent aqenda are considered to be routine by the asiembly and will be enaeted by one motion. 1Tere will be no separata dis�usaion of these itema unlesa an asaembly membar so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Buainess and considered in its nocmal aequenca on the aqende. Consent Agenda items vill ho pratixed in the margin with an asterisk('). •5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. K.I.B. Assembly Rsqula= Maetinq of March 16, 1989 B. K.I.B. Assembly Ragular Meating of April 6, 1989. 6. CITIZENS' COMMENTS A. Aqenda It�ma Not Scheduled For Public Hearing. B. Itema Oth�r Than Those Appearinq On The Aqenda 7. CONMITTEE REPOATS A. Appointm�nt To Bay View Road Service Area Advisary Board. B. Appoin�nta to Pazks and Recreation Cocmnittee. 8. PUBLIC HEAAINC -(T011 Fsee Telaphona Number 1-800-478-57361 (LOCal Telephone Number 486-3231) A. Ordinanca No. 89-10-0 Amanding K.I.B. Code 8y Adding Section 3.20.080(F), ProperCy Exemptad From Taxation. B. R�solution No. 89-26-R Eatablishing a Co�ittee of ehe Asaembly to Obtain Input from Borough Employees Coneerninq Methods of Improvinq Co�unieation Among th� Employaas, tha Assembly, and the Administration. 9. NESSAGES FAOM THE BOROUGN MAYOA 10. OLD BUSINESS Nons 11. NEW BUSINESS A. BID AWARDS 1. LandEill Dump Truck Purchane Award. 2. Suzplua Landfill Equipment Award. KIBS86909 AGENDA Kodiak Island Borouqh Reqular Assembly Meetinq Aqenda 11. NEW BUSINESS (continued) B. RESOLUTZONS *1. Resolution No. 89-22-R Providinq For The Preservation, Retention, And Disposal Of Records Of The Kodiak Island sorouqh. 2. Resolution No. 89-23-R Urqinq Adoption Of A State Legislative Resolution Supportinq A Moratorium On Oil And Gas Exploration In Bristol Bay. 3. Resolution No. 89-24-R Approving The FY90 School District Budget And Determining The Total Amount Of Funds To Be Made Available From Local Sources. 4. Resolution No. 89-25-R Supporting House Bill 210, Relatinq To The Reservation Of Instream Flows In Water Important For Fish. 5. Resolution No. 89-27-R Opposing HB386 and HR 1190 Reqarding Gun Control. C. ORDINANCES FOR 1. Ordinance No. 89-15-0 Establishing An Emergency Fund To Accumulate Costs Of The Oil Spill Disaster And Appzopriatinq Oil Spill Cleanup Grant Funds Received From The State Of Alaska and Exxon Shippinq Company. (Advance to Public Hearinq on May 18, 1989) D. OTHER ITEMS None 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (NO action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS None B. REPORTS 1. K.I.B. Financial Report for March, 1989. . C. OTHER None 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. ADJOURNMENT KIBS86910