03/02/1989 Regular MeetingBorouqh Asaembly; Lorne White, Preaiding Ann 8arker, Deputy Alan Austerman Jack McFarland Tom Merriman John Parker wayne Stevens / AGENDA �eqv!a: Assenb:y 1�te_eia4 - Marv� � 30 0.�. - 9o:ouq!� Assec�ly ��j�be � 5 '-• INYOCA^._�t7 � PLEDGE OF dL:.'t;'.;=.'1C� 7 • ROLL C,\LL 4 • APpROVd:. OF ACEV0.1 n�:p :Ct.SE'f? dCE:lOA Jerome M, Seiby, M ayor Gaye J. Vaughan, C>1C Borough Clerk A1� -tems :isted oa .:;e consent aqe.^.da a:e consi�ered to be t�e assenb:� e.^.3 v; ara_e 5 e e"acted b;� "�. seo . a_ a` ,, ss:'^ �_ . or.e motton. '"here wi„ �""-.._ _. :eauests, � � ' iter..s u�Iess ar, a -- e -_ - ese _r, wh:o.. _v>=: 7,ye item wi:l sse:ably member io �rder o° 3 us�aess ar.d .- ,, be removed _rom t:;e C�nse�� Aaer.da tcers wi!�lsbeer-��1� 1'-s �oraa! seque:,ce on .�-�cs_ p�e__xed in the mar in w --` �.� -..-3. :.P7ROVAL OP � c- 4 1[4 3.^. 9='oc:a<t•� ..5.,_� t:or,e C::'I2�V5' .�ft+!=.75 �. E�oioqee o° yc^ih Awazd. 8• Icensa0t=ers yot ScheduLed °or ?ub::c 3°nrinq. C. ^ 3 � hose A PPearir,q Or. ^�e A9er.da �. COM�{I^.^EE y�PORTS A 9 D. E, H• PUBLZC HEdRIYG - �T011 Ftee Te:ephone "7ur.�bgT !-a6C-a'3-��76� ILOCa1 Telephone Nunber J86-)?)2� A ' APPoi^caents to Cear Scoraqe '!'ask Force Ordinance No, 89-p;_p Rezoninq LO[ lA, 3!:ck ; Traces S-4A-lA, S-�{A-1B, S-4A-1C, And S-y � '�' �r� FROM L TO �-�� �•S. Survey 3219 Banya And Safewa B �a ,�=�Gn js c.ie 9�cq.; y Store; 2597, Ord:�ance Vc, g9- -- Bay Roacl �_��,- Q4-O Czeati.^.g Chapte: i",_5 Va � Cura_ C;e 2oci^q o atsaAnd Russian�CreekeAlaska Subdivissc.^.s1qndaEastezly�p.eeFe; Womens Bay Orainage Boundarv And Souche:;y Of Satger.t Creek Ar.d Nort!:er!y Of Russian C:eek;.�An Area Contacni:;g Aparoxinaeely Sax Thousand f6,000� Acres Fron C ^o YU-Vaturai Cse. Ordinance Yo, 89-06-0 Deter:�ininq The Dys�osition of Tax Fore- closcd Proper;ies, Ordinance No. 89-p;�p Amcndinq The Petsonnel Rules And Requla- tions Hy Addir.q Section 613, Special Projects Appoincments. KIBS86302