10/20/1988 Regular MeetingBozu+sfl nAss LozTis White. PzasicJ.iliq Ken GYe94, DeR+CSf Alan Att�taimarf Atut Bas'ic9s' Jack hY.Fas'lar�d T'an Nie�sri�nan Wayne Steven4 Jescme M. Se1ty, >•a•,--- �aYe J. Vaug�a.�, ` 3o��_qh C_= AGENDA Reqular Assembly Keeting - October 20, 1988 7:30 p.m. - Borouqh Assembly Chambezs 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4, APpROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA All itema listed on the consent aqenda aze considered to be routine by the assembly and will be enacted by one mocion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an assembly member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence on the aqenda. Consent Aqenda items will be prefixed in the marqin with an asterisk(•). "5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. K,I.B. Assembly Regular Meeting of Cctober 6, 19n8, 6. CITIZENS' COMMENTS A. Aqenda Iteme Not Scheduled For Public Hearinq. B. Itema Other Than Those Appearinq On The Aqenda 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 8. PUBLSC HEARING -(Toll Free Telephone Number 1-d00-4"�-5736) (Local Telephone Nuriber 486-3231) A. Ordinance No. 88-29-0 Amendinq The K.I.a. Personnel :�u!es �r.3 Requlations Reqardinq Probation Peziod And :amperary Hire/T=mpo:sry Assiqnment. 9. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH }L\YOR 10. OLD BUSINESS Yone KIBS85297 Kodiak island Borough Aeqular Assembly Meetinq Aqenda 11, NEW BUSINESS A. BID AWARDS 8. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 88-70-R Confirming The 1988 Sorouqh Population eor State Revenue And Municipal Assistance Fund Payments. 2. Resolution No. 88-71-R Ratifying And Confirming The Results Of The Reqular Election Held October 4, 1988. 3. Resolution No. 88-72-R Opposinq Ballot Proposition #3 - The � Community Colleqe Initiative. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION *1. Ordinance No. 88-30-0 Amendinq Kodiak Island Borough Code 3.20.088, Tax Due Dates And Delinquency. (Advance to Public Hearing on November 22, 1988) 2. Ordinance No. 68-31-0 Amending K.I.B. Code 3.20.080, Exempting From Taxation, The Possessory Or Leasehold Interests In Low-Income Housinq. (Advance to Public Hearinq on November 22, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Installation of Newly Elected Officials 2. Renewal of Contract - Borough Clerk 3. Service District #1 Advisory Board - Tie Vote Draw for Two Year Seat 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (NO action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. Womens Bay Community Council Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting of Auqust 30, 1988 and September 13, 1988. 2. K.I.B. Hospital Advisory Board Regular Meeting of August 17, 1988. B. REPORTS 1. K.I.B. Financial Report for September, 1988. 2. Status Report - Community Development. C. OTHER 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS KIBS85298 15. ADJOURNMENT October 20, 1988 Paqe 2