08/04/1988 Regular MeetingBorough Assembly: Lease Whits, Presiding Kan Gram, rtx Alan AuntSq:In n. Ann Corker Jack MCvarland Tan Msrea ni Wayne Stevens 9. Mina Mil TO'DIDOet 1. IWVOCATIOS 2. PLANS Of ALLIGLARCl I. ROLL CALL 4. APPSOM. Of AGSM AND CONSIST AMIDA AGENDA Regular Assembly Meeting - August 6, 19018 700 p.m. - Borough Assembly Chambers All hems listed on the consent agenda ere considered to be routine by the assembly and rill be enacted by one motion. There rill be no separate discussion of theca items unless an assembly amebas so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal seguenot on the agenda. Cunsent Agenda items will be profited in the margin with an asterisk(*). 0 5. APPpvAL Of MOM A. R.I.S. Assembly Regular Meeting or slim 21. 1966. 6. CrnIOU CpBODPH A. meptoyem of Month Award. S. Agenda Items Not Scheduled for Public Hearing. C. Items Other than These Appearing On The Agenda 7. 0211111.11110011111 A. Appointments to Outer Cn tinental Shelf Advisory Council. S. PUBLIC NW= - (Toll free Telep4me "umber 1- 800 -a7' -5776) (Lc041 T.lephose Humble 416 -1211) A. Oedinesse Me. 88 -19.0 Maentng Le. 1, Sleek 14, Tract A. U.I. Survey 6872, Lamm M Townnaite, rr�o R- 1-- Single-rattly Residential To S—a Maass. S. Ordinance So. 88 -20-0 Reacsinq, t. Portion Of Treat Cl, O.S. Survey 1662 And Late 1 And 4, Stook 1, Tadlsk Alaska Subdivision First Addition !En I- 2-- Tmo- ramify Residential AM t -0 -- MUltitaally Residential To 8-- sasieess. C. Ordinance No 58■21-0 Mscnint rf Portions Of Lot 2, 'lock 1, And Lot 1, Sloek 2, Tract A, U.S. Survey 6797, Old Rarbor Tbwasite, fine t- 1— Slagle -Nally Residential TS PL— Public Use Lands. Public Rearing D. Ordinance Ho. 88-22-0 Effecting Transfers between Capital Projects And Land Sale funds. Jerome M. Selby, Mayor KIBS84554 Gaye J. Vaughan, CMC Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough Regular Assembly Meeting Agenda 10. OLD BUSINESS A. Ardinance No. 88 -15-0 Establishing Feu For Disposal Of Refuse From Construction Activities. B. Ordinance No. 88 -18-0 Amending Title 15 - Buildings and Construction. 11. NEW BUSINESS A. BID AWARDS 1. Junk Vehicle Removal Contract. 2. Bayside Firs Station Paving. B. RESOLUTIONS C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 15. ADJOURNMENT August 4, 1988 1. Resolution No. 88 -49-0 Accepting Emergency Medical Service Grant Funds From The Southern Region EMS Council. 2. Resolution No. 88 -50-0 Supporting The City Of Kodiak Drug Enforcement Policy. 1. Ordinance No. 88 -25-0 Rezoning Lots 39 Through 50, Block 12, Aleutian Homes Subdivision FROM R1-- Single - Family Residential TO R2-- Two - Family Residential: AND Lots 17 and 18, Block 8; Lots 1 through 6, Block 111 And Lots 7 and 35 through 38 and 51 through 59, Block 12, Aleutian Homes Subdivision FROM R -1 -- Single - Family Residential TO B-- Business. (from Thwing's old key shop to the old Harvester building site) (Advance to Public Hearing on September 1, 1988) 2. Ordinance No. 88 -26-0 Appropriating Additional Monies For Two Capital Projects For Fiscal Year 1989. (Advance to Public Hearing on September 1, 1988) •3. Ordinance No. 88 -27-0 Amending The K.I.B. Personnel Rules And Regulations By Adding Job Descriptions (Advance to Public Hearing on September 1, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Authorization to Bid Equipment Purchase (Bulldozer for Landfill) 2. Authorization to Bid Selief Lane Paving. 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (No action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. Kodiak Island Borough School District Regular Meeting of June 27 ,1988. 2. Women* Bay Community Council Comprehensive Planning Committee Meeting of June 14, 1988. 3. Outer Continental Shelf Advisory Council Regular Meeting of May 31, 1988. B. REPORTS None C. OTHER None 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS KIBS84555 Page 2