07/21/1988 Regular Meeting9°°o°u�t� AeaenblY: LGiti19 f@11te, PreeiditxJ �+ �'�J. �P�Y A18t1 Au6bl�t 74[Y1 Bssi[at' JacJc McFatland Tcm Mexximazi Wayne Stev�as9 Jet'anB M. Selby, Maypr N Gaye J. VatxJhan, Qq� 6ctough Cietic AGENDA Reqular Assembly Meetinq - July 21, 1988 7:30 p.m. - Borouqh Assembly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA �e All items listed on the conaent aqenda are considered to be routine by the assembly and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unleas an assembly member ao requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Bnsiness and considered in its normal sequence on the aqenda. Consent Aqenda items will be prefixed in the marqin with an asterisk(*). •5. APpROVAL OF MINUTES A. K.I.B, Assembly Reqular Meeting of July 7, 1988. 6. CITZZENS' COMMENTS A. Aqenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearinq. B. Items Other Than Those Appearinq On The Aqenda 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 8. PUBLIC HEARING -(Toll Free Telephone Nwnber 1-800-478-5736) (Local Telephone Nwnber 486-3231) A. Ordinance No. 88-17-0 Appropriatinq The Balance Of Funds To He Received On The W.R. Grace Court Settlement. B. Ord3nance No. 88-18-0 Amendinq Title 15 - Buildings and Construction. 9. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR 10. OLD HUSINESS KIBS84717 Kodiak Island Borouqh Regular Assembly Meetinq Aqenda 11. NEFl BUSINESS A. BID AWARDS . 1. Approval of Contract Modification for Chiniak Project. B. RESOLUTIONS *1. Reaolution No. 88-47-R Acceptinq a State Grant In The Amount Of $22,000 For Coastal Management Planninq. *2. Resolution No. 88-48-R Requestinq Municipal Funding From The State Of Alaska. C. ORDINANCES FOR *1. Ordinance No. 88-23-0 Adoptinq a Local Financial Disclosure and Placinq the Question of Exemption from the State Financial Disclosure Law (A.S. 39.50) on the Ballot. (Advance to Public Hearing on August 18, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Authorization for In-House Operation of Saler Facility and ' Landfill Operation 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIAIS (NO action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS B. REPORTS 1. K.I.B. School District Financial Report for May, 1988 2. Status Reports - Community Development C. OTHER 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. ADJOURNMENT . ., . r..... oi .noo Parto 9