07/07/1988 Regular Meeting�ozwgt� Asse��blY: Laxr�e White. Pz�eeidirxJ Ken f�.'egc3. Deputy Ale[1 Aust� Atai Bazlaex' Jadc McFarland R�Om Nlerriman Wayne Steroens _ AG- Jezv�e M. Selby, Maypr H Gaye J. Vaughan, py� Honxygh Clerk Ragular A�tubly MNtSnq - July 7, 1988 7:30 p.s. - Borouqh 14��ebly ChamD�r� 1. INVOC71TI0l1 3. PLEDGE Ot ALLBGIANCE 3. PDLL C71LL 4. APPPOVIIL OF AG�7DA ANp CODIg6Mf AGOipA ' All itsn 1Lt�d on th� con��nt aqsnda es� condd�rW eo b� zouiina by th� a�webly and vill M�nacC�d by on� aotion. TA�r� will b� no s�p�rate Ai�cu��ion of th�t� itu� unl��� m a�ssebly mrb�e w rpu��U, in vhieh wen! th� its rill M rmovW Lra u� �n�ral Osd�r o! Eu�inaet end wn�id�rW Sn itt noxmal spu�ne� on th� �q�nd�. Cona�n! 71q�nda St�m� wlll b pntirzW in th� sarqin wiU an ail�risk(•). � 'S. MPADVAL OF NINITPEB A. R.I.B. A���sbly RaguLs tY�tlnq of Jun� 16, 1988 6. CIT2ZENS' COlC4IIiT3 A• . FaployN o! Nonlh Ar�rd. B. Aq�nda It�s Mot Sch�dulW �os Public Haarinq. C. Itam� Oth�r Th�n Thou 11pp��rinq On Th� Aqande 7. COl41I1TE8 (IEPORT! 0. PUBLIC HEARINC -(1b11 Tr�� T�l�phon� gunb�! 1-800-�78-5736) (LOC�l T�l�phon� Nu�Mr 086-]Y31) A• Ordlnme� Ib, 88-15-0 E�Ubll�hinq P��� FOr Dl�posal Of Rafu�� From Conttruction AcLivitiu. H. Ordlnane� No. 88-16-0 A�zonlnq Lpt 5 TArpuqh 8� Block 1, Chlniak SabEivisia! (Pr�llminary Plat Cas� S-BS-066) eR0l1 RA2--RUral A��id�ntial 1MO TO PL--PUDlle UN L�M. 9. M88811GE8 !WM 77� 80� NAYOA 10, OID 8U8IN888 11. NEII BUSIDIE88 11. BID 11NMD0 1. Coniraet rith 1Wdiak Auto Nr�cklnq Md 9alv�q�, L 2• PuseAa�� oL Utility Van Sor Fir� Protwtioo Ar�a O�u, 7- Purchu� oL Dis�et Acc��� Storaq� Dwie� tor I!0 ByttN 38. KIBS84259 R�++K Itlend Borough R�qplat AN�mbly M��t1nq Aq�p� B. NESOIATIONB 1. R�wluClon No. 8B-{3-R 7 �uthozizlnq Staft To Adv�rlSN !o! BSE� Tos TM Pavinq Of 3arq�nt CrNk RoW. Sa3ao�sry Driw, A� MidEl� Bay Dziv�, Iu�d 7 111xatSnq Ar�arSM RoW Fund� To Th� � �oe�e� 9�y S�rvic� AzN !or Pr�pazetory irroyi�. Z. R�wlutloo No. BB-IhA Te Eff�ct C�rtain Budq�t CMnq�� I� Cap141 Pm�kU. 3. R��olution No, 88-OS-R qclariaq C�rt�in gcrouyb A�al Prop�rtY . Surplu� !os Munlcipal Purpc��i And Authoslzing Th� Exehang� Of LeM� Fos Th� Old Narbor g�Aool Addltloo. <. 1 4wlution No. 88-C6-R R�qu��tSnq Th� UtilizelSon 11pd Allocation 0! LoCal S�rv1Ca Aoad� 11n4 Tsail� lunAi pos ConstcuCiion Of The Ea�t 61m�nUry Pad�slrian Paih. C. ORDINANCSS FOA IN1'AODOCPION •1. Ordinenc� No. 88-19-0 R�zoninq Lot 1, Blxk 10, Trect 71, p,g, Survey 4B7], Lezs�n Bay Tovn�it�. F,�em R-1--81nqla-Pamily n�sidantial To B--BU�in�u. (Adv�nc� to puplic Haerinq on Augutt �, 1988) . •7 Ozdinanc� No. BB-20-0 R�zoning 7� Portion Of Ttact C1, p,g, Surv�y 1682 Md Lots 3 And 4, Block 1, RWiak 111aska Subdivi�lon Plz�[ AdditSOn Yros R-2--Two-taeily A��id�ntiel 7u�d R-3--MUltiLenlly W�Sdintisl To e--BU�iM��, (Advano� i0 Publle Haarinq on Auqw! 4, 198e) '�� arAinmc� No. 88-21-0 R�zonlnq Ot Portioe� OL Lo! 2, Block 1, MA Lot 1, Bloek J, Tsact A, tl.S. Surv�y �793, Old HerEOr Towmit�, Pra� R-1--elnql�-la�ily Ra�iMntial ib PL--puylie U�� Land�, (Adv�nc� !o puy11Q qu��pg on Auqu�t 1, 1988) •t. Ordinanc� No. 9g-23-0 Elt�eCinq Tran�t�r� B�t�w�n Capital vroi�cts Md Land Sel� tund�. (IWvanc� W publie Bauinq on ' Auqu�t {, 1988) D. OTFISR 2TENg 1. Solid Xast� Tuk Eorp R�post, 2. Suzv�y Pmpoul� - R��pb�rry Z�landa 3. R��cind A�wlulSon No. 8�-�9-R D�tiqnatinq • gsekiny S�clion�" In TM Borouqh suSldlnq P�r Chaptar 34, Section 18,35.320 Of Th� Alatk� StaLUt��. 1]. IIRORM71TIOtAL lfllTgpIALg (NO action rpulr�d) A. MSNOTEB O! 017�R laETINGB 1• wom�n� Bay Compr�h�n�iv� Planninq Co�iCG� Ma�tlnq o! M�y 3�� 1988 �• Rodiak I�land School Board Raqulas N�atlnq of Mey 33, 1988 and Spcial Ne�ilnq o! Jum 20, 1988: 7• xodlUc I�l�nd eosouqh po�yi41 Adviwry BoarC R�qulu MaalStlq of aay 1B, 19BB end gp�clal lWtinq ot May 2�, 1988. 4• L•I•8. P1iM11�q �pd yp�ipy Cp_l��lon R�qulas l4�ilnq o! JUM 15� 3988. S. PSr� Psot�ction Ar�� No. 1 71Cviwry Board Minyt�� o! May 31, 1989 B. RBPORTS . 1. Stetu� R�port - Co�unity D�v�lopa�et, taellitiu KIBS842W C� OTNEA 1' �han9� �td�r� - G�L Eloantary 9ehool A�sod�l anE AdCltion and 1COd1�1c Hiqh School R�ooC�l, 17. CITIZENB' COqR�y 1�. L88D1BL7[11�11'8 COlO�pT8 1S. ApJpUR�Np t T..�.. 'f • OOe