05/05/1988 Regular Meetinga Hox+o��h �anb1Y: Lo�ne White. Presidin4 Kea Gc'ecJ9. �W�Y Alan Ausbexm�n Ann BazicBr JaGc MCFerlae�d R'Cm Meaz'�lners Wayne Stevens Jexane M. Selby, hlayor Gaye J. Vaughan, QNC Bo� Clexit AGENDA Regular Ass y ee ing - May 5, 1988 7:30 p.m. - Borough Assembly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL � 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA All items listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the assembly and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an asaembly member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and conaidered in ' its normal sequence on the aqenda. Consent Agenda items will be prefixed in the marqin with an asterisk(*). *5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. K.I.B. Assembly Regular Meeting of April 21, 1988. B. K.I.B. Special Meeting of April 14, 1988. 6. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS A. Employee of Month Award. B. Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing. C. Items Other Than Those Appearing On The Agenda 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 8. PUBLIC HEARING -(Toll Free Telephone Nwnber 1-800-478-5736) (Local Telephone Number 486-3231) 1 2 Ordinance No. 88-09-0 Appropriating Additional Funding for the Hiqh School Project. Ordinance No. 88-10-0 Exercising Call Privilege on General Obligation Bonds of August 1, 1974. ' 3. Ordinance No. 88-11-0 Prohi.biting Subdividing the Purchase of Goods and Sezvices for the Borough in a Manner that Circumvents the Cwnpetitive Bidding Requirements or Other Limitations Contained in the Horough's Purchasinq Code. KIBS83780 f Kodiak Island Borough Regular Assembly Meetinq Agenda 9. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROIIGH MAYOR 10. OLD BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS A. BID AWARDS 1. Purchase of Computer Equipment. B. RESOLUTIONS I 1. Resolution No. 88-33-R Directing Preparation Of A Petition For Annexation To The Borough Of Territory On The Alaska Peninsula. 2. Resolution No. 88-35-R Pledging Up To $100,000 For Removal Of The Pier III Shoal. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION � *1, Ordinance No. 88-13-0 Levying Taxes On All Taxable Real And Personal Property Within The Borough For The Expenses And Liabilities Of The Borough For The Fiscal Year Commencing On The First Day Of July, 1988 And Ending On The Thirtieth Day Of June 1989. (Advance to Public Hearing on June 1, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Kodiak Electric Association Power Sales Agreement. 2. Approval Of Hiring Construction Inspector Above Step A. 3. Approval of AML Joint Insurance Agreement. 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (No action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. K,I.B. Mental Health Center Advisory Board Work Session Notes for January 18, January 27, and February 11, 1988; Regular Meeting Minutes for February 1, and February 29, 1988; Special Meeting Minutes for February 8, 1988. 2. K.I.B. School District Regular Meeting Minutes for March 28, 1988. 3. K.I.B. Planning And Zoning Commission Regular Meeting of April 20, 1988. B. REPORTS C. OTHER 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. KIBS83781 May 5, 1988 Page 2