03/03/1988 Regular MeetingBotougtt Assei�ly: Locne Fhtite, Ptesiding Ken G7.'eg�J. DeputP Alan Aust6zmen An[1 Bei1[Br Jack McFarlaz�d RUm Matrimarf Wayne Stevens AGENDA i Regular Assembly Meeting - March 3, 1908 7:30 p.m. - Borough Assemhly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Jemre M. Selby, Mayor Gaye J. Vaughan, Q.1� Eozwgh Clerk All items listed on the consent aqenda are considered to be routine by the assembly and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no aeparate discussion of these Stems unless an assembly member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Ozder of Business and conaidered in�its nornial sequence on the agenda. Consent Agenda items vill be prefixed in the margin with an asterisk('). 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None. 6. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS A. Employee of Month Award. B. Aqenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Heazing. C. Items Other Than Thoae Appearing On The Agenda. 7 8 COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING -(Toll Free Telephone Nim�ber 1-800-978-5736) (Local Telephone Number 486-3231) A. B. C. Ordinance No. 88-OS-0 Amending Chapter 2.01, Elections. Ordinance No. 88-06-0 Amending Ordinance No. 87-13-0, FY 88 Budget. Ordinance No. 88-07-0 Defining The Effective Dates Of Ordinances, Reaolutions, And Othez Actions Of The Assembly. 9. MESSAGES FROM TF� BOROUGH MAYOR 10. OLD BCiSINESS A. Resolution BB-13-R Authorizinq the Execution of a Cooperative ParticipaYion Agreement Among Alaska Municipalities and School Distzicta Creating the Alaska Municipal Leaque Joint Insurance Arranqement. � B C. Ordinance No. 88-03-0 To Determine The Disposition Of Tax Foreclosure Properties. Ozdinance No. 88-04-0 Amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations Affecting Job Descriptions in All Departments. KIBS83262 March 3, 1988 Page 1 Kodiak Island Horough Re9ular Assembly Meeting Agenda 11. NEW BUSiNESS A. BID AWARDS 1. Kodiak High School Yroject. 0. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution NO. 88-14-R Authozizing a Twenty-fiVe (25) YeaL Lease of Certain Borough Land Along Pillar Creek for Constrvction of a Salmon Hatchery. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTROOUCTION None. D. OTHER ITEMS None. 12. INFOWN+TIONAL [eATERIALS (NO action required) A. MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. KTBSD Reqular eoard Meeting of January 25, 1988 and Special Meetings of January 18, February 1, and Febrvary 8, 1988. 2. RIB Mental Health Center Advisory Board Meetina of November 23�1987 and Work Session Notea oF December 2,1987. 3. KIH Planning and 2oning Covmiission Regular Hoard Meeting of eebruary 17, 1988. B, REPORTS 1. Status Report, Facilities Office. C. OTHER 13. CITIZENS' COMMENTS 14. ASSQIBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. AA70URHMENT KIBS83263 March 3, 1988 Page 2