02/04/1988 Regular Meeting� �iy: I�ozi�e White, PresldisYJ IGe[1 C,Y'e94, DeWtY P,lan Paiatexman PaIIi HatlaBt' JaGt McFerlm�d 'Prnt Matriman Wayne Steva�s 1 i , AGBNDA Regular Assambly Maeting - F�bruary 0, 1988 7:30 p.m. - Borough Asaembly Chamb�rs I 1 . INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL tl. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Jatrn�e M. Selby, Mayor Gaye J. Vaughan, QNC eorotiigti Clerlt All itans Iisted on th� tons�nt ag�nd� are consid�r�d to b� routins by th�. aesrnbly and wfll W�n�ctW by on� motion. TMr� wlll N no separat� discussion of thesa ftuns unlqs �n assambly m�mWr so raquests, in whlch avent th� itan will b� removW fran th� G�n�ral Order of Business and considarW in Its normal seqwnc� on th� agenda. Consent Agtnda it�ms will W pntix�d in th� margin wlth an ast�risk(•). •5. APPROVA� OF MINUTES A, K.I.B. Assanbly R�gular Me�ting of January 71, 19lt 6. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS A. EmployN of Month Awsrd. B. Ag�nda IUms Nat ScMdu1W for Public H�sring. C. Itam Oth�r Than ThoN Appwriny On Th� Ag�nda 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS !. PUBLIC MEARING -(TWI Fn� TN�phon� Numb�r 1-l00-q7l-S736) (Laul TNpha�� Numb�r t!6-3i31) A. Ordlnanc� No. l�-01-0 R�=onl�y Nur Island From Th� Exieting B-- BuslnNS, I--Industrial, And C--Cms�rvstWn�Ts�ricb To B-- Busin�as, i--Industrlal, C--Cans�rv�tlon. And PL--PublTc Us� Lands. B. Ordinanc� No. 11-02-0 Appropristing Prawds Of Insunne� Claim For Construction Of Port Llons Gymnasium. C. Ordinanc� No. 9l-03-0 To D�t�rmin� Th� Dlapositlon Of Tax For�elosura Prwp�rtia. ' 9. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAVOR HIBS83043 Kodiak Island Borough Febr��ry y, '9E5 � Regular A;sembly .Neeting Agenda 10. O�D BUSINE55 None 11, NEW BUSINE55 � A. BID AWARDS 1. Port Lions Gymnasium e. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 88-09-R Urging The SWte Of Alaska To Provide Forward Funding For Education. '2. Resolution No. 88-10-R EsWblishing Board Of Equalization Dates For The Year 1988. 3, Resolution No. 88-11-R Settling Certain Utili[y Accounts. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION "t. Ordinance No. 88-OS-0 Amending Chapter 2.01, Elections. (Advance to Public Hearing on March 3, 1988) *2. Ordinance No. 88-06-0 Amending Ordinance No, 87-13-0, Levying Taxes On A11 Taxabla Real And Pareonal Property Within The Borough For The Expenees And Llabilitias Of The Borough for The Fiscel Year Canmancing On The First Day Of July, 1987, And Ending On The Thirtieth Day Of June, 1988. (Advance to Public Hearing on Mareh 3, 1988) '3. Ordinance No. 88-07-0 Datining Tha Effactive Dates Of Ordinances, R�solutiona, And Other Actiona Of The Assambly. (Advanca to Public Haaring on March 3, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS ' 1. Rastaurant Daignstion Permit Application - Northland Ranch Resort 11. INFORMATIONA� MATERIALS (NO action required) A. M�NUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. K.I.B. Architactural R�view Board itagular Meeting of Octobar 12, 19t7. 2. K.I.B. Planning And 2oning Commission Regular Meeting of . January i0, 1989, B. REPORTS 1. SUtua Rsports - R�souree Management Officer, Faeilities Offic�, Community DevNopment Department 2. K.I.B. Financial Report tor January, 1988. • K.I.B. School District Fina�clal Report for December, 1987. C. OTHER 13. CITI2EN5' COMMENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. ADJOURNMENT . . �.. . � � Page 2