01/07/1988 Regular Meetingeorouqh Assenbly: Lome White, Presidirg Ken G�'ecA. DeR+tY Alarf Austexman Ann Harlter Jacsc McFarland 'Pcsn D1BSZ'1,tnetl Wayr�e Steven9 AGENDA Jesvne M. Selby, Mayor Gaye J. Vaughan, Q�1C Bozt7ugh Cierk Regular Asserbly Meet�ng _ January 7, 1988 7:30 p,m. - Boro�x3h , qsserbly Chanbers 1 . IM�O('ATICN 2. PL�CE OF ALLg'IMJCE 3. F�LL GqLL 4. APPI�N. OF ?iC8�a4 MD atJSBdr N8`D4 AIl Iterrs Iisted on the cansent agerxia are cons(dered to bs routine by the asserrbly and w��l be enaeted by one motion. There will be no separate dlscussion of these itern unless an assembly merber so requests, In which event the ttem will be reroved {ran ths Ceneral Order of Business and considered in its nortrol sequenee on the agenda, Consen� Pgenda items will be preflxed In the margin wlth an asterisk(•). •5. APPFi7�i4L OF MINJTFS A. K.I.6. Assertbly Regular Meeting of Decmbe� ll, 1987. 6. CITIZBJ'S aTMB�(f$ A. Errplaye� of Month Pward. B• Agmda Items Not Scheduled For PUblle Hearing, C. Iterro Othar Than Thosa App�aring On The qg�a 7. �M4ITTEE REF+CRT$ 8 • ��� ��� -(Toll Free Telephone Nurber 1-800-478-5736) (local Telephon� Nu�bsr 486-3331) A. OrdinarKe No. 87-36-0 Pmerdirg Sectlon 18.10.010 Of The Borough Code Qi Lard Acqulsitlon Policles. B, Ordinanea No. 87-37-0 Rezoning q 17,37q Square Foot Portion Of Lot 10, Block 2, Lakesid� S�dlvlsion Fran pL--R�IIc Use Lands To 1- -Industrlal, �! �• A i�• A* R R•♦► � � R►* f•♦ R 4 f t f f�•• M♦� f � � y � i f ��C�.•� � _� i aL.].i M appesl of a Plaming and Zonirg Camm�ssion decision to derry a request for a varlance fran Section 17.18.050 (Yards) of the Borcwgh Code to ptrtnit a twelva by twenty-four (12 X 24) foot garag� add�t�on onto tha front of the existing single-family residenca to eneroach 20.1 feat into ths requ�red twenty-fivs foot front yard setback in the R1--Single-Famlly Residen- tial Zoning Oistrlct. Lot 18B, U.S. Survey 3099; 2490 Spruea Cape Road, (JoM J. Kerekes) f R f � � • • ► i • f • f • • f k # � f R • ♦ • • • • � i f • • f i f • • • ► i • f • • ♦ � !\��i]�Ii i i Kodiak Island Bomuqb � ' � � � ��'." � � Raqular raaem6ly�Ma�iinq Agenda � � � . _ . . .., _; .�. .. . . . 9. MESSAGES 80ROUCH MAYOA �� . . 30.� OLD BUSINE53 ,���:. � . . .�, . : . . 11. NE4( BUSINSSS � . . . . � . . - A. BID�ANARDS'a`�� � B. RESOLUTIONS ' 1, ResolutSon No. 88-01-R Establishing Garbage Collaetion And Disposal Ratas. � •2. Rasolution No. Appointinq M Authosized Rapresentative To Inapeet, Sacurs, MQ Sign For Surplua F�d�ral Psoparty Pcr Uc� 9y Kodiak Ialand eorouqh. . � . � 3. Raaolution llo. 88-03-A RpuaiLinq Plscem�nt Of A Full tim� MFCG Habitat Bioloqist in Kodiek. . � �.. R�wlption No.�88-0{-R Acc�ptlnq Insarmc� Settlemant Of $1,781,589 For Port � � Lion� SoAool Pin. C. OADINANCES POR IN'fRODi)C2SON •1. Ordiaanca No. 88-03-0 R�zonSnq N�u I�land !'rom Th� Exiatinq B--BUainess, Z--Industrial, Md C--COns�rvaiion Distsicts TO H--BUSia���, I--Industrlal, C--0on��rvation, Md PL--PUblla Vu LuMt. � - (Advanc� W PubliC Hearinq on F�brusry {, 1988) . *2. Ordlnmca No. 88�02-0 Appropriatinq proweda OL Insurancs Claim eor � � � � �conatruction OL Port Lions Gymnuiia. � � - Udvanc� to Publia X�uinq on 7ebruary �, lsee) . � . � - •3. Ordin�nca No. 88-03-0 TO d�taiLlln� Th� OSspodtSon Ot Tax Forecloaure � , Pmp�rtiu. (Advanc� to Public Haasinq on Fabrvary 4, 1988) D. OTHER ITEMS 12. INP'OM17�TZONAL MATERIALS (NO action required) 11. MINUTE8 Oi OTHER MEETINGS 1. K.I.B. ScEool Boasd Reqular Ne�tinq ot D�c�mber 16, 1987. 3. K.I.B. Bospital 8o�rd Bp�eSa1 l4�tinq ot Nov�mb�r 10, 1987, Novemb�r 23, 1987 end Requlae lM�YSnq ot ttov�mb�r 18, 19a7,. 8. REPORTS 1. Staf! R�porU - Comiunity DW�lopmect, Faoilitiu � 2. .Kodlak Lsland Botou9h BChool Oiatrict rinancial R�port Lcr Novemhar, 1987, C. OTHER . . . .�17�. CIT2Z&N8' COMMENTS U. 71SSF�IBLYMCN'8 CONl18NT9 . . 15. � ADJWRNMBNT . . Jenuary 7, 1988 Pa9e 2 KTBS82839