11/19/1987 Regular MeetingJ i� 1Q1DIM ISLIIlN BDFOp(� Regular Assembly Meeting November 19, 1987 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Bozough Asaembly was held November 19, 1987 in the Assembly Chambers of the Rodiak Island Borouqh Huilding, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:3o p,m, (A verbatim zecord is on file in the Clerk's office) REGULAR MEETING The invocation was given by the Reverend M. Gene Leuders, Frontier Southern Baptist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were present: Lorne White, Presidinq Ken Greqg Ann Barker Tom Merriman Absent: Alan Austerman (Excused) Jack McFarland (Excused) Wayne Stevens (Excused) comprising a quorum of the assembly� and r.inda Freed, Acting Borouqh Mayor Gaye vaughan, Borough Clerk f.�3P..i.� GREGG, seconded by BARKER WITHOUT OBJECTION� SO ORDERED CQISAR 11G0�A MERRIMAN, aeconded by BARKER moved to approve agenda. moved to approve the consent agenda. The items on the conaent agenda were read aloud by the Borough Clerk. VOTE ON MOTION MOTION CARAIED AYPYDVAL OP MIiPPSS A. K.I.B, Asaembly Regular Meeting of November 5, 1987 This item was previously approved under the "COnsent Agenda." CISI�'S C�!l�PS Dave Shrader commented on Resolution 87-73-R and referred to his letter to Govarnoz Cowper (assembly had copies). He thanked the aesembly for conaidering thie resolution oppoeing passage of federal limited entry in the halibut, sablefieh, gzoundfieh or any other fiaheries and auggested the resolution be forwazded to other coaetal co�unities becauae limited entry would effect �hem d190. wally Johneon referring to comments he had made at the November 5, 1987 asaembly meeting, read a letter from the state of Alaska Office of the Attorney General addressed to Fred Zharoff. He said it was their opinion that a borouqh mny not retain a percentage of a city's taxea without an agreement with that city. He eaid he wished any actions that played the aesembly and city unanimous voice vote ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITI2EN'S COMME[i1'S HIBS78874 Kodiak Island Borough Regular Assembly Meeting council against each other would cease until a committee could review the posaibilities of some sort of coming together of the two groupa. Cp91ITT66 RSPORTS Dennis Smedley notad he would be available to answez questions regarding the Planning and Zoning Covmisaion. He also noted that hia appointment would be up in December and he thanked the assembly for the opportunity to serve the community. . Aeaemblymember Barker, assembly representative to the Hospital Board, co�ented that the "NOtice to Yroceed" with the hospital site work had been signed and served as an indication of a co�itment to build the new hospital. Asaemblymember White, assembly representative to the Kodiak College Board, repozted that Carolyn Floyd, Director of the college, would be retiring and a aearch for a replacesent would be initiated. POBLIC �11RIiG A. OrdinanCe No. 87-32-0 Changing The Delinquency Dates On Otility Payments. GAEGG, moved to adopt seconded by MERRIMAN Ordinance No. 87-32-0. Tha pzeaiding officer called for public testimony, there being none, the aseembly was zeconvened. At tha requeet of the assembly, Acting Mayor Freed explained the ordinance definea the term "vacaney" for purposee of utility payments and also stated late feea would not be charged until after the 20th of the month to bring them in line with other utility payments in the co�unity. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Noes: Barker, Gregg, Merriman, White None MOTION CARRIED Unanimoue B. Ozdinance No. 87-33-0 Amending Code ey Adding Section 2.45 Azchitectuzal/Engineering Review Board. BARKER aeconded by GREGG moved to adopt Ordinance No. 87-33-0. The preaiding officar called for public teatimony, there beinq none the aseambly was reconvaned. GREGG, aeconded by MERRIMAN moved to amend Section 2.45.010 by deletinq "the borough mayor and confirmed by" and Section 2.45.040 (A) dele[ing "owned buildings and public worka" and aubstitute "capital". Aasemblyman Greqq explained hia reasona for this amendment. KIBS78875 Asaemblymember Barker said that sha agreed with the change in Section 2.45.010 but not the change in Section 2.45.040(A) ao ahe would vote aqainat the motion. Assemblyman Gregg aeked for a divieion of Ue queatlon. November 19, 1987 CITIZEN'S COMME>;TS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. 87-32-0 ORDINANCE NO. 87-33-0 Paqe 2