09/03/1987 Regular Meeting,� , AODIA[ ISLND BONOO(i A8�[.Y 11G�11 - September 3, 1987 Bozough Asaembly Chamb�rs - 6:30 p.m. � Bioadeaet oVar tUf7cT Radio 100.1 FM { � y• ; 1. INVOCATION ' ^ '7 ' �jr 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE � � 3. ROLL CALL �� 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA All items lieted on the coneent agenda aze conaidered to be routine by the assembly anc will be enacted by one motion. There vill be no aeparate diacuesion of these item; unlees an asaembly member ao zequeata, in which event the item will be ramoved from the General Order of Businese and conaidered Sn ita normal sequence on the agenda. Consenc Agenda items vill be prefixed in the margin with an asterisk(•). •5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. K.I.B. Aesembly Regular Meeting ot Auguat 6, 1987. 6. CITIZEN'S COlPfENTS . A. F�ployee of Month Award. B. Agenda ItemB Not SCheduled Foi PubliC HeaLirtg. C. Iteme Other Than Thoee Appearing On The Agenda 7. COIMIITTEE REPORTS 8. PUBLSC HEARING -(T011 Fzee Telephone Numbei 1-800-478-5736) (LOCal Telephone Number 486-3231) � 1. Ordinance No. 87-26-0 Rezoning M Uneubdivided Portian Of U.S. Survey 1396 Froc C-COnaervation To B-BUSSneas. (South End Of Lilly Lake) 2. Ordinmce No. 87-27-0 Adding Rodiak Island eorough Code Section 13.02.110 Pertaininc To Wall Abandonment. � � 9. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR 10. OLD BUSZNESS� 1. Ordinance No. 87-24-0 Amanding Chapter 3.16, Change Ordera, Mayor Authority. 11. NEW BUSINESS A. BID AWAHDS 1. Awazd Of Iteme "D" And "G" Of Landfill Close Out Contzact. B. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolutiort No. 87-49-R Ucging The Legisla[ure To Make The Poaseasion Md Use 0: Marljuana Illegal. � •2. Resolution No. 87-50-R Delineatinq Certain Detail Of Paet audgeted Items Tc Satiafy The Intent And Ratify Ceztain Accounting Acta With Clazity. KIBS78113 ; Kodiak Ieland Borough Regular Ase�bly Maeting Agenda R � . , 11. NEW BUSINESS (continued) i� C. ORDINANCES FOR Itfl'RODUCTION . . •1. Ordinmcs 87-28-0 Amanding The Kodiak Island Borough Code By Adding Chapte. �6 . Snlea Tax Providinq For Tha Levying And Collection OE A Salea Tax Md Penaltiea � � For Failure To Collect. (Advance to Public Hearing on October 1, 1987) •2. Ordinance 87-29-0 Adding Kodiak Ieland Borouqh 2.39, Boarda and Co�isaiona. (Advance to Public Hearinq on October 1, 19B7) D. OTI�R ITEMS • 1. Appzoval OE Deaignation Permit Foz Buekin River Inn. 12. INPOAMATIONAL MATERIALS (NO action requized) A. MINVfES OP OTHEA I�ETINGS . 1. K.I.B. School Board Meeting Minutee of July 27, 1987. (, 2. K.I.B. Cemping Work Group Meeting Mlnutae of Auguat 4, Auquet 11, and �, � Auguet 18 1987. B. REPORTS C. OTHER � 1. Statuo Report - Co�unity DeVelopment, Facilitiee � i 13. CITIZENS' C0t4fENTS 14. ASSEMBLYMEN'S COMMENTS 15. ADJOURNMENT � 1 � KIBS78114 September 3, 1987 Page 2