07/07/1987 Regular MeetingKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY AGENDA - July 7, 1987 Borouqh Assambly Chambezs - 6:30 p.m. Broadcast oves KMXT Radio 300.1 FM 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OP ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPAOVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSCNT AGENDA All Stems liated on the consent aqenda are considered to be routine by the aesembly and vill be anacted by one motion. There will be no aeparate discussion of theae itema unless an assmobly mambar so raqueata, in which evsnt the item will be removed from tha General Order oP Bueine�� and considared in ita noxmal sequence on the aqanda. ConsanC Agenda ilems vill bs prafixed Sn eh� margin with an asteriak(•). •5 APYROVAL OP MINUTES A. K.I.B. Speeial Aeaembly Maetinq Minutes of Tune 3, 1987. B. K.I.B. Rmgulaz Aesanbly Maeiing Minutas of Tuna 4, 1987. 6. CITIZEN'8 COMl1ENTS A. Eleploy�a oL Month Awezd. B. Aq�nda Stam� Not Schaduled For Public Hearinq. C. Itemt Othsr Than Tho�a Appenzing On The Agandn 7. COMMITI'EE REPORTS 8. PUBLIC HEARING -(Villags Toll Ftae Telephona N�baz 1-800-478-5736) (LOCal xelaphona Numbae 486-3231) I. OrEiaanee No. 87-10-0 Establishinq A Pzocedure Por Obtaininq Leqal Counsal For Tha Borouqh. 2. Ozdinanea No. 87-11-0 Pzoviding For Two Regulaz Asaembly Mestinqs P�r Month. 3. Ozdlnanc� No. 87-16-0 R�laiinq To Liti�ring. 4. Ordinancs No. 87-22-0 Amending Chapter 17.02, Comprahansiva Plan, Of Tha Bozouqh Cod�, Incorporeting Th� Chiniak Araa Compsehen�ive Plan. 9. MESSAGES FAOlf T!� BOAOUtl! MAYOA • 10. OID BUSINESS L. Ordinanc� No. 87-15-0 R��arving Csrtain Borough Landa Ac A v�gatativa Sezean. 11. NEW BUSItItSS A. BID AWARDS Non� B. AESOLOTSONS � •1. R��olvtion No. 87-35-a Eoteblishinq MinSm� Un1t Psie�a Fos Matazlale Salas ContracU. 2. R�tolution No. 87-36-R AuNorisinq A 12 Month L�e�� OL 1VO Apartm�nt� In Ths Apu�nt Building Camplax Loc�tW On Lot S, U.S.Susv�y 2538A To Th� aodiak Araa Nat1v� A��oeia[SOn. 3. Ra�olution No. 87-36-R Rataininq Gqal Coun��l. d. R�solution No. 8'7-39-R AuthorizSng Leasing Of The Oftic� Spac� In The 1codlak Ialand Borough Annax. S. R��olutlort No. 87-40-R PlaCinq Th� Qusstion OL E�tablishing 1� Co�itt�� To Inv��tiqat� Con�olidation On Th� Octob�r 6, 1987 Ballot. •6. R��olution No. 87-41-R 7luihorizinq TM Di�posal Of Gztain Borough Landi In Ouzinkl�. (OtS11ty ea�am�nt Los tchool�) KIBS77748 Kodiak Island Borouqh Regulaz Assembly Meeting Agenda 11. NEW BUSINESS (conCir.ued) C. OFDINANCES FOR ZNTRODUCTION '1. Ordinance No. 87-24-0 Amending Chapter 3.16, Chanqe Orders, Mayor �uthority (Advance to Public xearing on August 6, 1987) D. OTHER ITEMS A. Renewal oE Conaultation and Traininq between the City of Kodiak and the lcodiak Island Mental Nealth Conter. B. AuGhozization To Advertiae For Construction Bids, Mallard way (Lilly Drive extension) 12. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (NO aCtion [equi=ed) A. NINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS 1. 1C.I.8. Hoepital Advisory Board Minutes of April 15, Apzil 22, May 9, and May 20, 1987. 2. K.S.B. Pnrks And Reczeation Ca�ittea Requlet Maeting of May 11, 1987. 3. K.I.e. School eoard Minutes Regular Maeting of May 26, 1987 and Speclal Meeting of June 15, 1987. 4. K.I.B. Planning and Zoninq Cwmieeion Requlnr Maatinq of June 17, 1987. B. REPORTS 1. Staff Reports - Community Development 2, K.I.B. FinanCial RBpoLt for May, 1987. 3. K.I.B. Schaal Diatrict Financlal Heport for May, 1987. [.Itii��r1 0 1. Letter reqarding tha Lack of a Kodiak Ieland Borough Land Nanagament Poliey. 13. CSTI2EN5' COI4fENTS 16. ASSEDIDLYt�N'S COMMENTS 15. A0.TOVRNNENT KIBS77749 July 7, 1987 Paga 2