05/02/1985 Regular Meeting« �Y �. . _ ,+ I '�- s .� KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSII�LY AGENDA - May 2, 1985 Borough Asaembly Chambere - 6:30 p.m. Broadcaet over R[9CT Radio 100.1 FM I CALL TO OHDER . - II ROLL CALL III ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA . �A. CONSENT AGENDA Conaent Ageada itema are itema conaidared [o be rautine and non-contro- veraial by the Aseembly and will be approved in one motian. There ehall be ao eeparate diecussion of theae i[eme unleae an Aeeembly member or a citizen eo requeete, ia vhich case [he item vill be removed from the Coneent Agenda and coneidered in ite notmal eequence on the agenda as par[ of [he General Ordera. Coneent Agenda iteme will be prefixed in the margin wi[h an aseeriek (*). IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINCS •A. Aeaembly - Reg. - April 4, 1985 •B. Assembly - Spec.- Aprll 18, 1985 V MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS *A. K.I.B.S.D. - Reg. - March 25, 1985/Spec.- March 29, 1985 Spec.- April 29, 1985 *B. Planning 6 Zoning Co�iasion - Reg. - March 20, 1985 *C. Architectural Review Board - Reg. - March 26, 1985 VI COMAUNICATIONS 6 APPEARANCES � �% A A. Boarde 6 Commieeione �-(�� . � M1 (�� B. Ratificatlon of Service Me[ric[ il Appointmeat 1 , ��� I �,. �� v C. Kodiak Island Mevtal Heal[h Advisory Board Vacanciee (2) ,1V(�D. Building Code Board of Appeals Vacancy (1) C;L;.h r�-I`7J` I � �I 1 f/ E. Mayor's Proclamation re: L Cleanwy ��. rr I I . i U✓' �{ �C'N--C(l �:��. �_% VII PUBLIC HEARINGS (Village Telephone Number 486-5370) �i (/A. Ord. No. 85-12-0 Relating To The Tax Situa Of Personal Property. �� " Ord. No. 85-13-0 Amendiag Title 15, fluildinga And Conatruc[ion, OF The Kodiak Islaad Bozough Code. � �I Ord. No. 85-14-0 Rezoning Lot 4, Block 3, Port Lions Alaeka Subdiviaion From R1-Singla-Family Reaiden[ial Diatrict To PL-Public Ifee Landa Die[rict. VIII OLD BUSINESS (�_ n O A. Rea. No. 85-41-R Authoriziag Transfar Of Certain Funda Within The Kodiak l j ������ Ieland Borough Budge[. (Tabled) .�` �/ H. Con[ract Aaard For Zoning And Subdivieion Revieion Pro�ect. (Tabled) ���� IR MANAGER'S REPORT •A. Mey Meetinge *B. Staff Reporta C. Other Busineee ��!'Jr. �`°^�� KIBS144734 ��,�. �t Z � �3 ��� s� �y �I��� ��=�„ r�11 �, 5 �,r,ti-4 KIB AGENDA - Nay 2, 1985 Page 2 X NEW �SZNESS ��. Res. No. 85-44-R Authorizing A One-Tima (Single-Year) Reduction Of Property Taxea. P�,� I a� , ' ,, l � �F�' B. Res. No. 85-45-R Urging That Phase� Of � . And II� �1��'✓' In 'l'he United Statea FSshety ConservaCion Zone Off Alaska He Addreaeed. �� �� �'� � �1 c�C. Res. No. 85-46-R Au[horizing Participation In The State Day Care Aseietance Program Pureuant To AS 44.47.250-310. �f'� �X(. Ree. No. 8�47-R Supporting Full Funding For The Legielative Information . And Telecoqference Officee In Alaska. �R" E. DELETED. � (�'. Ree. No. 85-49-& To Convey A Five (5) Acre Parcel Of Land Beck To The . State of Alaeke To Avard A Preference Aigh[ To Bill Wynkoop. �°� � Kodiak Ieland pital Adopting Long Rnnga And Narrative . Pzogram For Kodiak Ieland Hoepital. �n 'Lfi. Ree. No. 85-51-A Au[horizing 5[aff To Execute An Agreement With The `( State Of Alaska DOT/PF For Road Conatruction At Akhiok. �1(/ I. Ree. No. 85-52-& Amending Thn Deaign Contract With Ellerbe Alaska For Akhiok Road Deeign. ��� �(�0. Rea. No. 85-53-& Authorizing Staff To Adminieter The Co�unity Development Block Grant For The City Of Akhlok For Conetruction Of A Cliaic In Akhiok. y �l�&. Ord. No. 85-15-0 Levying Taxes On All Texeble Real Md Peraonal Property \� Within The Borough For The Expeneea Md Liabilitiee Of The Borough For The Fiscal Yeac Co�encing On The Piret Day Of July 1985 Md Ending On The Thirtiaeh Dey Of June 1986. (let Rdg.) �I Ord. No. 85-16-0 Amending Title 2 Of The Borough Code Of Ordinances On Electione. (VOting Machinee) (le[ Rdg.) � 1�/ M. Ord. No. 85-11-0 Amending Sectiona Of TS[le 2 Of The Borough Code Of �'� Ordiaaacee Relating To Electione. (lst Adg.) ��'l�l. Ord. No. 85-18-0 Amending The Kodiak Ieland Bocough Travel Policy. � \ (let Rdg.) i 1 Ord. No. 85-19-0 Amending Chapter 17.02 (Compreheneive Plan) Of The '��1�� Bozough Code. (le[ Rdg.) � n� �. Ord. No. 85-20-0 Rezoning Lote 1-A Through 14, Block 30 East Addition �� Alaeka Subdivieion From R2-Tvo-Family Reaidential To R3-Multi-Family Reeidantial. (lat Rdg.) . I _/1 \'�'�Q. Telephone System. � \S7 *R. R.I.B. Schaol Dia[ric[ Financial Roport - Merch 1985 XI MAYOR'S COl41ENTS RII ASSE!ffiLY CO?P1ENT5 RIII AUDIENCE COM9ENTS XIV ADJOURN[�NT KIBS144735