03/07/1985 Regular Meeting&ODIA& ISLAND BOROUGR ASSE!ffiLY AGENDA - ltareh 7. 1985 8orough Meambly Chawbare - 6:30 p.u. Broadca�t ovar RlRT Radio 100.1 FM I CALL TO OAD� II ROLL CALL III ACCEPTANCE OF ACENDA •A. CONSENT AGENDA Conaent aganda iteme aro iteue conaidered ta be routine and non-contro- vereial by the Aaeembly and will be approvsd Sn ona motion. There ahall ba no aeparate diecussion of thaee item unlesa an Aeeam6ly member ar a cltisan so requ�ste, Sn vfiich casa tha item rill be removed fzom the Consant Agenda aad considered in ite noxmal aeque¢ce on the agenda ae* part of tha Ganarel Ordare. Conaent Agenda iteme will be prefixed in the margin with an aeterisk (*). IV MINUTES OF PREPIOUS MEETLNGS •A. Aeeemhly - Reg. - February 7, 1985 V MINUTES OF OTHE& MEETINGS *p, &.I.B.S.D. - Reg. - Dec. 17' 1985/Spac. - Feb. 22, 1985 Spec. - Peb. 4, *B. Fire Protectlon Area 41 Mvisory Board - Feb. 1. 1985 *C. Planning 6 2oning Co�. - Reg. - Feg.,20, 1985 VI COMNUNICATIONS fi APPEARANCES A. Boards 6 Commlesione VII PUBLIC HEARINGS (Village Telephone Number 486-5370) � I � iA. Ord. No. 85-1-0 Amendi¢g Tha Schedule Ralating To Pay Ranges And � � �I V Claee Titles For Employeee Of The RIB And Ptoviding An Effective Date. (COLA) .Il 0 7,�� Iv B. Ord. No. 85-4-0 Henaming Bunnell Way To Tona Lane Within The Kodlak d' +� Ieland Borough. ` v C. Ord. No. 85-5-0 Amending The Pareonnel Policiee Md Procedurea Manual �i Ae Partaining To Reeignacions. ., �,1 Ord. No. 85-7-0 Ameading Chapeer 18.50 Of Bozough Code To Change Sl�� Special Land Use Pee S[ructure. \� '�I r� Ord. No. 85-8-0 Revising Chaptex 17.53, Recreational Vehicle Parke, v 0£ The Borough Code. � 1(�F. Ord. No. 85-9-0 Mending Ch. 17.02 Compreheneive Plaa Of The Borough � Code. (Kerluk) �`� G. Ord. No. 85-10-0 To Effec[ Transfes Betaeen Funde Of Bellc Plate Service Dietrict. � ,- VIII OLD BUSINESS � �/` ^ I�/ A. Ord. No. 84-72-0 Hezoni¢g The Remaining PorTion Of Tract "G" U.S. �� 1 N` � Survey 444 From H3-Multi-Family Reeld�niial To B-Bueinesa. � (Tabled after Board of Adjustm�nt Publie Haaring) ��Iv B. Ord. No. 85-6-0 Amending The Peraonnel Rulee Md &egulationa By � Combining Aanual And Sick Leav�. (let �dg.)(Tabled) ( ��y � IR MANAGER' S RHPOAT ` t,( , U �p. Masch Meatinge '---' *B. Staff &aporte KIBS1441 C. Othar Bueinea• KIB AGENDA - March 7, 1985 Page 2 ml V1) Ree. No. 85-28-R Suppor[ing The ConetrucCion Of The Fiehery Indue[rial Technology Cea[er In Rodlak On The Trideat Baein Near Ieland Sita. (11 � a. c,, x� - Ss-a9-� NEW BUSINESS ,'(� Traaefar of Packnge Store License Of Werehauee Liquor d2 (Bells Flate), �ytl� Rrafta Markete, Inc.; Jerry M. Pearaon, James E. Peteraon 6 Jamee A. ��� Bruakotter from Rollyn J. Ball. ^) vB. Res. No. 85-21-R Supporting Full Funding Of Piacel Year 1986 Municlpal 'r� Aeeietanca Fevenuee Md State &avenue Sharing. �I n ,C. Ree. No. 85-22-R Supporting Sena[e Bill 142 And Houae Bill 78 Which � Reviaa Aad Heorganlze Alaeka Statu[ee TS[le 29. �IvD. Ree. No. 85-23-R Authorizing Leaeing Of Office Space In The Kodiak Ielaad Borough Building. e� �', � � Ree. No. 85-24-R Supporting Cantinuad Funding Of The Essential Air `�'r� Service Program. Res. No. 85-25-R Supporting the U.S. Cuetom Service Rule Allowing Alaekan Port Calle By Foreign Peeeanger Shipe. � \ �. Res. Na. 85-26-R Awarding The Contract Por Coastruction Of Service 1� Dietrict No. 1 Sever And Water Improvemente, Project No. 84-1. �I/,N. Rea. No. 85-27-R Awerding The Concract For Conatruceion Of Service I �V Dietiiet No. 1 Sever And Water Improvemente, ProJec[ No. 84-2. �/, /X Ord. No. 85-11-0 Amending Chapter 17.03, General Proviaions And Use ��v Aegulatione, Of The Borough Code. (let Rdg.) \t(��l iJ. Approval of Submieeion of Aequen[ for Funding from Kodiak Island Mental \\I �� Health Center. *K. KIB School Diatrict Financial Report -.lan. 1985 *L. K.I.B. Financial Report - Feb. 1985 XI MAYOR'S COiAtENTS XII ASSII�BLY COI4fENTS RIII AUDIENCE COl4ff.tiTS XIV MJOURN[�NT KIBS144193