02/07/1985 Regular MeetingKODIAR ISLAND BOROUGH ASSE[�BLY AGENDA - Febtuary 7, 1985 Borough Aeeembly Chambere - 6:30 p.m. .. Broadcae[ over f�QT Badio l00.1 PM � �_ a 1 I CALL TO OEDE& II HOLL CALL III ACCEPTANCE OF ACENDA *A. CONSENT AGENDA Conee¢t agenda itema are iteme conaidered to be rau[ine and non-coatzo- vezsial by [he Aaaembly and vill be approved in one motion. There ahall I ' / be no aepara[e discuasion of thase iteme unleea an Aeeembly member or a ^ V ci[izen eo requeata, in vhich caee the item will be removed from the �� Coasent Agenda and coneidered 1¢ ita normal sequence an ehe agenda ae V� part of the General Ordera. Coneent Agenda itema vill be prefixed in the margin with an aeterisk (*). . V MINUTES OF P&EVIODS t�ETINGS kA. Asaembly -&eg. - January 3, 1985 V MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS �� *A. Planning 6 Zoaing - Reg. - Nov. 21 6 Dec. 19, 1984 6 Jan. 16, 1985 I *H. Peraonnel - Heg. - Oct. 1, 1984 6 Jan. 7, 1985 6 Spec.- Jan. 21, 1985 I �,(V; *C. Fire Protection Area /1 Adviaory Board - Dec. 26, 1984 V *D. R.I. Mental Health Center Advieory Board - Oct. 29 5 Nov. 26, 1984 �*E. Bells Flate-Ruseian Creek Road/Fire Service Dietrict - Jan. 30, 1985 VI COMMUNZCATIONS 6 APPEARANCES A. Boarda b Co�ieeione �. B. Parke S Recreation Co�ietee Vacancy (1) * * BOARD OP ADNST[�NT t A. Request for a variaace from Section 11.13.040 (Area Requlremente) to /� parmit the craetion of lots leee than the required five acre minimum . /� I(� in the C-Coaearvation zone. (Alagnak Aeaociates) . � (Reaolution No. 85-12-R) VII PUBLIC HEAHINGS (Villege Telephone Number 486-5370) �.r� I� Ord. No, 85-2-0 Amending &IH Coda Sec. 2.10.020 Conceming Appoincmen[ � \�� Poveze Of The Mayor And Assembly. �(�. Ord. No, 85-3-0 To Changa Tax On Small Watercraft (Boata and Skiffs) Under Five Toa Grosa Weight. VII OLD BUSINESS . /\�`ll� Ord. No. 84-72-0 Rezoning The Remaiaiag Partion Of Tract "C" U.S. � A�`T Survay 444 From H3-Multi-Family Reeidential To B-Bueineee. r ,. \� (Tabled af[er Public Hearing.) .� \,O� B. Ord. No. 85-1-0 Amendiag The Schedula Rslating To Pay Rangee And ��, �1 /1 Claee Titles For Employeee Of The &IB Md Providing An Effective ` � /- N� Date. (Baconsideration):--EI-� �_ IR MANACER'S EEPORT V A. Febrvary Meetinge � . � � ��, •B. Staff Reporte ��" i � _ R NEH BUSINESS �I // A. Chiniak Public Library Aeaociation Leaee v KIBS143862 �j I r � i KIB AGENDA - Peb. 7, 1985 Page 2 �I(/B. Handaxvous: 6eataurant Deaignation Petmit Application �1� Rea. No. 85-9-� Approving The Negotieted Settlement In The Caee Of The Lion Capital Group. �\���D. Bec. No. 85-10-R Approving An Agreement Gran[ing First dight Of � fla£ueal To Purchaee Borough Land In Exchange For A Conatructlon Eaae- ment Acroee Lot 22, Block 1, Moaashka 8ey Alaeke Subdiviaion, To Facilitate Conetructian Of Bay Viev Drive. � ry �E. flee. No. 85-11-A Objacting To The Proposad Postal Box Ren[al Iacrease. � ` I ��F. Ree. No. 85-13-R Authorizing Ezpeadltura Of Certain Funde For The Kodiak Area Chambar Of Commexce Building. �✓*G. Hae. No. 85-14-E Adopting The &arluk Comprehensive Developmeat And Capital Impxovament Plan Dated October 1984. ��H. &ee. No. 85-15-& Authorizing Staff To Execute A Contract With Mille, � John S Higdon, Architecte AIA. For Deaign Of The %odiak Island Hoepital Maeter Facility Plan and Schematic Deeign. .�IVI. Rea. No. 85-16-& Authorizing Staff To Execute M Amendmen[ To The ��, Audicorium/Old Main Hemodel Contract WS[h Sundberg 6 Aaeoc., Inc./ Dykeman, Ogden, Aldridge 6 Quinton For Daeign OF The Maincenance .. Facility. n, V J, flee. No. 85-17-H Au[horizing Staff To Execute A Contract WiCh Arctic �V Slope Coneultiag Engineere For Deaign Of The Rarluk Elec[rification Projece. �/� �IC�IC, Bes. No. 85-18-R Declaring Certain Land Available Foz Lease For A Redio S[ation. �I u.. Hee. No. 85-19-R Supporting Tha Continued FundinQ Of Alaeka Legal � / 1 � Servlcee Corporation. ` *M. Ree. No. 85-20-8 Supporting Uee Of A Portion Of The Rav Pieh Tax To Provide Shore Baeed Fisheriee Buaineee Tax Credits. 1 °✓ N. Ord. No. 85-4-0 Renaming Bunnell Way To Tona Lane Within The &odiak ' islaad Borough. (leG Rdg.) � /p Ord. No. 85-5-0 Amending The Yereonnal Policiee And Proceduree " � Ma¢ual M Paztai¢ing To Heelgna[ions. (let Rdg.) � P. Ord. No. 85-6-0 Amending The Peraoanel Rules Md Regulatione Sy /� ,/ Combiaing Annual and Sick Leava. (let Rdg.) �`v'Q. Ord. No. 85-7-0 Amendiag Chapter 18.50 Of Borough Code To Change Special Land Use Fea Structura. (lat Rdg.) ���R. Ord. No. 85-8-0 Revieing Chapter 17.53, Recreational Vehicle Parke, � Of The Bosough Coda. (let Rdg.) � �S. Ord. No. 85-9-0 Amendiag Ch. 17.02 Comprehenaive Plaa, Of The Borough v Code. (Rarluk) (lat Bdg.) ���. Ord. No. 85-10-0 To Effect Tranafer Betveen Funde Of Belle Plaea S�rvica Dietrict. (let RdQ.) �// _ ���U. Northem Lighte &iding For The Handicapped requeet fos leaee on a � �' porelon of Lot 1, U.S.S. 2539. � V �,wyr- �/ � /(�� �\V V. Ouzinkie Wacee Heat System V �\JW. R.I. Mental Health Van Awasd ` *8. &.I.B. Financial 8eporta - Dec. 1984 6 Jan. 1985 ��U ;�;N *Y, &.I.B. Schoal Me[rict Financial Report - Dec. 1984 XI MAYO&' S COlII�[iT5 %II ASSF.MBLY COMMENTS %III AWI@]CE CO!@ffiiTS %IY MJOIIRNMENT KIBS143863