04/27/06 Special MeetingKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Special Assembly Meeting April 27, 2006 A special meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held April 27, 2006 in the Borough Conference Room of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 8:33 p.m. Present were Mayor Jerome Selby, Assemblymembers Tom Abell, Sue Jeffrey, Reed Oswalt, Cecil Ranney, Mel Stephens, and Barbara Williams. Absent was Assemblymember Pat Branson. Staff present were Manager Rick Gifford, Assessor Tom Anderson, Community Development Director Mary Ogle, Engineering and Facilities Director Bud Cassidy, Finance Director Karl Short, Clerk Judi Nielsen, and Deputy Clerk Nova Javier. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Scott Arndt, School Board Member, noted Kodiak's legislators were getting conflicting information regarding the Seismic Vulnerability funds from the Borough. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING A. Contract No. FY2006 -37 Kodiak Island Borough Clerk Employment Agreement. OSWALT moved to approve Contract No. FY2006 -37 with Nova Javier as Borough Clerk ,effective June 3, 2006, seconded by ABELL Assemblymember Williams was glad Ms. Javier applied for the job. Assemblymember Oswalt hoped everything would continue to go well. He wished Clerk Nielsen good luck. Assemblymember Stephens agreed with Assemblymember Oswalt. He was glad to see the negotiating process went well. Assemblymember Ranney was happy with the process. Assemblymember Abell was glad to see a smooth and good start. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Abell, Jeffrey, Oswalt, Ranney, Stephens, Williams ADJOURNMENT JEFFREY moved to adjourn the special meeting, seconded by ABELL ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO ADJOURN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Jeffrey, Oswalt, Ranney, Stephens, Williams, Abell The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. ATTEST: �is�Q E6, udith A. udith A. Nielsej, CMC, Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough April 27, 2006 Approved: 06/01/2006 Volume XXIX Page 257