2003-27 State Legislation Impacts on Schools/TaxpayersKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH RESOLD IT!ON Nn. 2nn3 -27 Introduced by: Assemblymember Branson Requested by: Assemblymember Branson Drafted by: MOA Introduced: 11/06/2003 Amended: 11/06/2003 Adopted: 11/06/2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY SUPPORTING LEGISLATION MANDATING THAT FISCAL NOTES CONSIDERING IMPACT ON LOCAL TAXPAYERS BE REQUIRED FOR ALL STATE OF ALASKA LEGISLATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS THAT COULD HAVE ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, fiscal notes formally calculate the fiscal impacts of proposed legislation and administrative actions and, currently, the State of Alaska only requires fiscal notes for impacts on the State budget, with no provision to protect and inform local taxpayers; and WHEREAS, information provided in fiscal notes can be useful for decision making even when dollar estimates are not possible; and WHEREAS, forty -two states have fiscal note processes that require consideration of impacts on both state and local governments to protect and inform local taxpayers about state legislation and administrative actions that will raise local taxes or reduce local services; and WHEREAS, Article X Section 14 of the Alaska Constitution charges the executive branch of the State government with the responsibility to "advise and assist local governments; and WHEREAS, as the Governor and Legislature search for ways to reduce State spending, it is likely that some proposed measures will affect local taxpayers through economic impacts on school districts and local governments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH that: Section 1: Fiscal notes should be required for all legislation or administrative actions that could affect local taxpayers through economic impacts on school districts and local governments. Section 2: Fiscal notes for local economic impacts should be prepared by the State government at the same time as fiscal notes for State government impacts and the fiscal note process should include E -mail notification of school district and local government administrators and finance officials. Kodiak Island Borough Alaska Resolution No. 2003 -27 Page 1 of 2 Section 3: Fiscal notes shall, whenever possible, cite the separate effect for each school district or local government jurisdiction affected, in dollar amount for the current fiscal year and estimates for the next two succeeding fiscal years. Section 4: Copies of this resolution will be sent to Governor Murkowski and the Alaska State Legislature. ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THIS SIXTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2003 /,ddk A. Nielsen cMc, Borough Clerk KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: Gabrielle LeDoux, Borough Mayor Kodiak Island Borough Alaska Resolution No. 2003 -27 Page 2 of 2