2003-07 Marine Transportation Advisory Board Amendment to GovernorKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH RESOLUTION NO. 2003 -07 Introduced by: Manager Carlson Requested by: Assemblymember Stevens Drafted by: Department of Community and Regional Affairs Introduced: 02/20/2003 Adopted: 02/20/2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY CALLING UPON GOVERNOR MURKOWSKI TO AMEND THE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ESTABLISHING THE MARINE TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD WHEREAS, the Alaska Marine Highway System is a vital transportation link providing passenger, freight, and other commercial transport to southwest Alaska; and WHEREAS, access to transportation via the Alaska Marine Highway System is essential to maintain the economic and social well being of southwest Alaska's isolated coastal communities; and WHEREAS, the communities of southwest Alaska have long called for changes to the organizational structure and management of the Alaska Marine Highway System; and WHEREAS, Governor Murkowski has responded to the call to examine alternative ways to organize and manage the System by establishing the Marine Transportation Advisory Board; and WHEREAS, the communities of southwest Alaska seek fair and equal representation for all communities, user groups, and other stakeholders in the System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THAT: Section 1: The Assembly calls upon Governor Frank Murkowski to amend the Administrative Order that established the Marine Transportation Advisory Board to alter the composition of the Board, to provide fair and equal representation for all stakeholders; and Section 2: The Assembly recommends to Governor Murkowski the following composition: Labor: One representative to be selected by the System's labor unions. Communities: One community representative from each of the four ARDOR regions served by the System: Southeast Conference, Prince William Sound Economic Development Council, Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District, and Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference, to be recommended by each ARDOR organization. Passengers: One passenger representative from each of the System segments: Southeast, South - central, and Southwest. Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Resolution No. 2003 -07 Page 1 of 2 Commercial Users: One tourism representative to be named by the Alaska Office of Tourism; one shipper /commercial transporter. One representative to be named by the Governor to represent other interests. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution was approved by a duly constituted quorum of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly. ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THIS TWENTIETH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2003 ATTEST: Judith A. Nie-n, CMC, Borough Clerk KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Gabrielle LeDoux, Borough Mayor Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Resolution No. 2003 -07 Page 2 of 2