2004-10B/2005-01B Amending Budget - Swimming Pool Repairs/Mission LakeIntroduced by: Admin. Official Cassidy Requested by: Admin. Official Cassidy Drafted Finance Officer Introdu ced: : 12/16/200 ntdu Public Hearing: 01/20/2005 01 /20 /2005 Adopted: KODIAK ISLAND OROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 2004-10B AN ORDINANCE OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY AMENDING MOVING FUNDS ORDINANCE GET FROM THE UNDESIGNATED PROJ EC BOROUGH WIM PAY FOR M NG POOL REPAIRS AND TO FUND A NEW TIDE GATE AT MISSION LAKE, ALSO WITHIN FUND 410 WHEREAS, the High School Pool filters have failed and are beyond repair; and WHEREAS, the new pool will not be constructed for two to three years; and WHEREAS, as a coastal community a swimming pool is essential for safety and provides necessary recreation for our residents; and WH EREAS, the Mission lake Tide Gate was constructed in 1965 and has reached the end of its l i f e; and the Mission Lake Tide Gate Service Area was created by the Assembly to WHEREAh ate; and address the operations and maintenance costs fo the new tide g WHEREAS, there is significant use of Mission Lake as recreational site which warrants and in the project by the Kodiak Island Borough; 200 that needs to t he Assembly accepted a FEMA fire fighters grant for $158. WHEREAS NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH be added to the budget; THAT: Borough Capital Projects, entitled swimming pool repairs, will be set up 410, in Fund 41 Section 1: A new project, and $80,000 will be transferred oforlorepa desig Hat 0e d projects in Fund 410 to cover the cost of the swimming P in Fund 410, Section 2: A new project, entitled Mission Lake Tide Gate, will be set up Borough Capital Projects, for $55,000. A transfer of $55,000 from the undesignated projects in Fund 410 will fund this project. Section 3: The Bayside Fire Department budget will be increased by $158,200 to $633,16 ADOPTED THIS TWENT TWENTIETH DAY OF JANUARYS BOROUGH 2005 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH /,c C ®4a me Selby, Borough ATTEST: dith A. Nielsen, LLB c eorou hClerk d CM g Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance 004 -10B Page 1 of 7 Ordinance 2004 - 10(b) Adopted As of Difference Budget Revised Budget 09/30/04 % Adjustments Budget Fond 100 General Fund Revenues: (63,927) 101% 7,973,550 Property Tax 7,973,550 8,037, 477 ( 198,520 Boat& Motor Vehicle Tax 198,520 8,188 190,332 4% 705,000 Payment 705,000 0% l in Lieu of Taxes 899,240 Severance Taxes 899,240 900 898,340 1% 150,000 Penalties & lot on tax 150,000 47,052 102,948 30% 89,500 Licenses and Permits 89,500 36,137 53,363 40% 400,075 400,075 0% 400,075 Federal Shared Revenue - Temporary Fiscal Relief 755,000 Raw Fish Tax 755,000 716,676 38324 95% 50,000 50,000 50,000 0% RawrStaTax-enue 20,000 0% 20,000 re 20, Other State Revenue 20,000 550 31% 800 Fines 800 250 100,000 Interest Earnings 100,000 50,579 49,421 51% 36,200 Miscellaneous 36,200 20,471 15,729 57% 768,207 Sale 768,207 768,207 0% Usl e of offend Balance 5,000 5,000 0% 5,000 l Fixed Assets - - Total In 917,730 3,233,363 - 12,151,092 Tots 12,151,092 8, 363 73% Expenditures: Borough Assembly 159,410 29,845 129,565 19% 209,110 209,110 60,605 148,505 29% Borough Manager 361 255,741 23% 330,102 Borough Attot 330,102 19,670 188,200 FnanceD Department 188,200 19,670 168,530 10% 639 870 Finance Department 639,870 135,105 504,765 21`6 231,865 Management Information Services 231,865 116,168 115,697 50% Assessing Department 320,560 60,704 259,856 19% 320,560 o 92,220 Cn neering Facilities 92,220 17,625 21,459 22% 539,084 irtmg Official Development 539,084 122,675 421,459 17% 132,230 Building e 132,230 (22,770) 155,000 -17% 113,840 General 259,870 32,250 81,590 20% 259,870 General l Admi Admi euisaatioa 259,870 51,996 207,874 20% 5,500 3,102 2398 56 %. 5,500 Emergency ri Preparedness Sppot 8,536,207 School and Support 8536,207 2485,619 6,050,588 29% 267,037 Health and cate 267,037 224,313 42,724 84% 125,987 Culture and Recreation 125,987 130,335 (4,348) 103% 0% - Transfers Out - 12,151,092 Total 12,151,092 3,534,883 8,616,209 29% Fund 205 C1dW Care Assistance Program 79,750 11,062 68,688 14% 79,750 Revenue 79,750 Expenditures 79,750 22,178 57,572 28% Fund 210 Land Sales 231000 Revenue 231,000 7,267 223,733 3% H pm F 231,000 8,221 222,779 4% 231,000 F 220 Buildings and Grounds Revenues 435,300 Revenues 435,300 106,495 328,805 24% Transfess 435,300 300,970 300,970 - 100% alRem in - Total Revenue 736,270 407,465 328,805 736,270 Expenditures 263,800 50,987 212,813 19% 263,800 Borough Building 63,800 MIIC Apartments 11,970 4,270 7,700 418 970 438,000 185,287 252,713 42% 22,500 School Buildings 22500 1,387 21113 6% Parks 22 33% - 736,270 Total Expenditures 736,270 241,931 494, Fund 230 Coastal Management 25,650 0% 25,650 Revenues 25,650 25,650 Expenditures- CMGRegular 25,650 8,748 16,902 34% Budg Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2004 -10B Page 2 of 7 Ordinance 2004 - 10(b) Budget Revised Adopted s of Difference Adjustments Budget Budget t 09/30/04 Fend 234 L.E.P.C. 14,320 Revenues 14320 13,255 1,065 93 % 14,320 LEPC ROB 17,937 2,673 15,264 �- 32,257 E.O.Y. Grant 329 32,257 15,928 16 Revenues 28% 14,320 E nditures ]4,320 4,037 10,283 17,937 Expenditures - 17,937 9 17,928 1 957 Expenditures-FEMA Brent 32,257 4,046 28,211 13% Total Expenditures 113,600 Fund 240 Womens Bay Road Service 113,600 113,934 (334) 100% 113,600 Revenue 113,600 6,212 107,388 5% Expenditures 76% 202,400 Fund 242 Service District No. 1 202400 154,390 48,010 202,400 Revenues 202,400 9,230 193,170 5% Expenditures Fund 243 Service Area No. 2 e (8) 0% - Revenues 0% 19,433 55% 43300 Fend 244 MmusW Bey Road Dlstrlct 43 500 24,067 5% 43,500 Reven 43 500 112 43,388 Expenditure Revenues 89 116% 4,800 Fund 246 Bay View Road Service Area Expenditures 4,800 4,800 5 589 0 1 4,800 q 4,791 0% 71% 158,200 633,160 FEMA Grant for new equipment Fend 250 Fire Protection Ares No. 1 q74 960 337,364 137 596 158,200 633,160 Revenue 474,960 44,848 430,112 99' Expenditures 63% - 96,200 Fund 252 Womens Bay Fire Department 96,200 60,236 35,964 _ 96,200 Revenues 96,200 26,598 69,602 28% Expenditures gq 101% 15,490 Feud 784IUB Airport Fire District 15,490 15,579 i j 15,490 Revenues 15,490 29 15,461 0% Expenditures 5,000 Fund 260 Woodland Acres Street Lights S,aOO 45 4.955 19' S 000 Revenues 5,000 928 , 4,072 19% Expenditures 10,860 Fund 261 Trinity Acres Lighting Dist. l0 860 3,721 7,139 349 10,860 Revenue 10,860 320 10,540 3% Expenditures 52,350 52,350 Budg Fund 262 Mission Lake Tide Gate Revenues E Fund 263 Trinity Ames Pacing Dist. 22,140 22,140 Revenues 22,140 42 22,098 Expenditure Fund 275 Kodiak Arts Coundl 15,626 41,284 27% 56,910 Revenue 56,910 16,115 40• 2a% Expenditure Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska 2,456 49,894 5% 52,350 52,350 642 51,708 1% 22,140 22,140 56,910 56,910 Ordinance No. 2004 -10B Page 3 of 7 Ordinance 2004 - 1 0(b) Adopted As of Difference Budget Revised Budget 09/30/04 90 Adjustments Budget Fund 276 Facilities Fund 1,400,000 Revenues 1,400,000 123032 1,276,968 9% Expenditures/Transfers Out: 300,970 Building Insurance 300,970 300,970 - 100% Debt Service 550,368 550,368 - 100% 550,368 Capital Projects Fund 410 - Capital Projects Fund 410 548,6fi2 Contengencies 548,662 0% Total Expenditures 1,400,000 851,338 61% - 1,400,000 Fund 277 Tourism Development 45,000 Revenues 45,000 2,954 42,046 7% Expenditures 45,000 11,250 33,750 25% 45,000 Fund 290 Fern Fuller Trost 21,500 Revenues 24,500 75,000 (50,500) Expenditures 24,500 6,047 18,453 24,500 Fund 300 Debt Service 2,734,470 Revenues 2,734,470 1,487,796 1,246,674 54% Expenditures Expenditures- School Debt 1,981,740 201,292 1,780448 10% 1,981,740 Expenditures - Hospital Debt 745,970 116,978 628,992 16% 745,970 Expenditures- Earluk Loans 6,760 6,760 - 100% 6,760 Expenditures -Other Debt - - Total Expenditures 2,734,470 325,030 2,409,440 12% 2,734,470 Budget Ammcndmunty FV05 vlan4AO, Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2004 -1OB Page 4 of 7 Capital Projects Fond 410-Borough Capital Projects: Revenues: Interest Earnings Contributions for BMX track Miscellaneous Total Revenues Operating Transfers In: General Fund Bayside Fire Departtrent Trinity Acres Paving Dist. Facilities Fund Total Operating Trmsfere In Total Revenues Projects: 85 Village Metals Removal 114 State Airport Inprovetrents 130 East Elementary Doorways 146 BMX Bike Trail 173 Bayside classroom equipment 174 Bayside Storage Addition & Engine Bay 182 State Fair & Rodeo Water Project 00102 Bayside Underground Electrical 03105 NorOutar School road/parking lot design 03106 KITS emergency generator 03108 Borough Building additional parking 03109 Borough Building air handling penthouse 03110 Borough Building emergency generator 03111 Borough Building security doors 03120 WB CmnnPlan Revision Trinity Acres Paving Dist. HS Pool Repairs Mission Lake Tide Gate Other Projects Total Borough Projects Fond 420 -State Capital Grant Projects: Revenues: Interest Eamings Proceeds from bond 2004A Bond lsaue Proceeds from bond 2004B Bond Issue Projects: Kodiak Middle School concrete repair Larsen Bay School Boor repair Kodiak Mgt, School asbestos & floor covering District -wide floor covering replacement Evacuation Center earthquake evaluation Kodiak IBgi School heating and ventilation East School heating and ventilation Kodiak IBgn School insulastion and windows Kodiak IBgr School and Middle School roof repair Old Harbor GytdVoc Ed renovation Ourtnkle Gym renovation Learning Center renovation .,r. N,3.. ?KY }Bgh School Pool Relahret on New Swimdng Pool m S __ ._ t....,,om reclahrntian Contingencies Adopted Budget 209,080 13,920 223,000 150,000 11,000 4,200 68,920 75,000 400,000 25,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 8,000 33,380 Buda ... ._.. _ Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska As of Difference 09/30/04 55,000 55,000 400,000 400,000 622,384 622,834 1,077 384 1,077,834 1,300,384 1,106,751 237,918 339,883 304.704 728,708 500,000 250,000 520,000 596,020 523,504 2,251,315 1,858,255 1,182,336 `;i65 0,0d.3r/gj,?rti ;1L.'< .3 650,000 6,210,000 4,190,000 210,111 20,552,760 Ordinance 2004 - 10(b) 209,080 0% 28,917 (14,997) 0% 28,917 194,083 (450) (450) 21,970 (0) 11,050,000 200,000 9,302,760 9,302,760 11,050 000 20,552,760 9,302,760 11,071 969 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 193,633 85% 121,257 28,743 81% 60 10,940 1% 4,200 0% 49,278 19,642 72% 48,199 26,801 64% 3,020 396,980 101% 25,000 0% 22,000 22,795 27,205 46% 50,000 0 % 50,000 0 % 10,000 0% 2,353 17,647 12% 8,000 22,380 11,000 67% _ 0% 300,384 322 884 0% 1,300,384 294,342 1,006,042 23% Budget Adjustments Revised Budget 209,080 13,920 223,000 55,000 400,000 622,384 1077,384 ,300,384 80,000 55,000 (1 35 - 1,300,384 237,918 339,883 304,704 728,708 500,000 250,000 520,000 596,020 523,504 2,251,315 1,858,255 1,182,336 � 'Ik§'..?'X650.000 C9..ffi.9%3"o.'k g;0i' S?:MS3i 6,210,000 4,190,000 _ 210 117 20,552,760 150,000 11,000 4,200 68,920 75,000 400,000 25,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 8,000 33,380 80,000 55,000 187,884 200,000 9,302,760 _ 11 050 000 20,552,760 237,918 339,883 304304 728,708 500,000 250,000 520,000 596,020 523,504 2,251,315 1,858,255 1,182,336 3r:;,''e'sS -...r 650,000 6,210,000 4,190 000 210,117 20,552,760 Ordinance No. 2004 -10B Page 5 of 7 Budg Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance 2004 - 10(b) Adopted As of Difference Budget Revised Budget 09/30/04 % Adjustments Budget Fond 430 - State Capital Grant Projects: Revenues: 7,741,400 K18 Waste Management Implementation 1,741,400 1,741,400 0% • Anton Larsen Bay Boat Ramp 560,000 560,000• 0% 560,000 School Repair - 0% 252,574 Tide Gate 252,574 252,574 0% Chiniak Gant 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 SHSGP Grant 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 ADP &G, fish research 200,000 200,000 0% 200,000 Total Revenues 2,793,974 2,793,974 0% 2,793,974 Projects: 1,741,400 164 KM Waste Management Implementation 1,741,400 1,741,400 0% 177 Anton Larsen Bay Boat Rang 560,000 560,000 0% 560,000 00100 fEga School Repair FY00 126,770 126,770 0% 126,770 00104 Tide Gate 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 02107 ADF &G Research Study 200,000 200,000 0% 200,000 03118 School Repair 125,804 125,804 0% 125,804 03118 Chvniak Multi-use Grant 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 0% - 04106 2,793,974 0% - 2,793,974 Total Expenditures 2.793.874 - Fund 490 Enterprise Fends Capital Projects 3,000,000 Landfill Closeout/Leachate Treatnrsst 3,000,000 3,000,000 0% Hospital 740,000 - 740,000 0% 740,000 Providence 125,000 125,000 P 125,000 125,000 Totaal l Revenues 7 nues 3,740,000 3,740,000 - 250,000 3,990,000 165 Landfill Closeout/Leachate Treatment 3,000,000 3,000,000 0% 3,000,000 03112 Hospital access and parking, Phase I &II 700,000 700,000 0% 700,000 03113 Specialty Clinic roof repair/replacement 40,000 40,000 0% 40,000 CHC architural Engineering 250,000 250,000 A & E study of new CHC master plan Total Expenditures 3,740,000 3,740,000 0% 250,000 3,990,000 Ordinance No. 2004 -10B Page 6 of 7 Ordinance 2004 - 10(b) Adopted As of Difference Budget Revised Budget 09/30/04 90 Adjustments Budget Fund 530 Solid Waste Collection/Disposal Revenue 160 1,697,140 23% 2,210,300 2,210,300 513, Waste Collection 000 265,462 858,538 24% 1,124,000 Waste Disposal Revenues 3,334,300 778,622 2,555,678 1 334' 3,334,300 Total Revenues Expenditures 1 Waste Collection 1,342,800 235,741 1,107,059 18% 1,342,800 Waste Disposal 1,991,500 359,045 ° 1,632,455 18% Total Expenditures 3,334,300 594,786 2,739514 18% 3,334,300 Fund 540 HospitelEnterprise Fund Revenues: - InterestEamings 540,000 25% 720,000 Providence Hospital Lease 720,000 180,000 540, Kodiak bland Health Care Foundation _ Gain on sale of assets - - Revenues fromHospital Operations 934162 934,162 Use of Retained Earnings 934'162 - 1,654,162 Total Revenues 1,654,162 180,000 1,474,162 11% Expenditures and Transfers: 353 459 18% 1,654,162 Expenditures 1,654,162 300.303 1, 1,654,162 Total Expenditures 1,654,162 300,303 1,353,859 18% Fund 555 - Kodiak Fisheries Research Center 563,161 22% 2,010,429 Revenues 2,010,429 447,268 1, Expenditures Research Donn Pacility 1,988,829 146,453 1,842,376 7% ili ty y 21,600 4,011 17,589 19% 21,600 orm 2,010, 429 150,464 1,859,965 7% 2,010,429 Fund 560 - Telephone 911 Service Revenues Expenditures Budget ammnndmnnte FVnu MMr. Inh Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska 0% 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 972 68,028 1% 69,000 Ordinance No. 2004 -10B Page 7 of 7