1998-15 Repealing Chapter 2.19 Financial ResponsibilityAN ORDINANCE OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH REPEALING KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 2.19 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WHEREAS, the regulation was not being enforced; and WHEREAS, an elected official removed from office for a delinquent property tax account, a delinquent utility account, or a delinquent land sales account could be elected to office at the following regular municipal election; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THAT: Section 1: This ordinance is of a general and permanent nature and shall become a part of the Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances. Section 2: Chapter 2.19 Financial Responsibility is hereby repealed. [Chaptcr 2.19 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Sections: 2 De fi n iti on. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 98 -15 Introduced by: Assemblymember Johnson Requested by: Assemblymember Johnson Drafted by: Borough Clerk Introduced: 06/04/98 Public Hearing: 06/18/98 Adopted: 06/18/98 dclinqucnt land sales account. • 11 • • 1 . . I IP • to . _ .. official has a dclinqucnt account. A. Counscl. All partics may be represented by counscl during hcarings bcforc thc assembly . Thc municipal attorney may offer lcgal counscl to thc asscmbly in thc course of its procccdings. B. Burdcn of proof. Thc burden of proof rests with staff who must convincc thc asscmbly Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 98 -15 Page 1 of 2 C. Rules of cvidcncc. Thc asscmbly shall not bc rcstrictcd by thc formal rulcs of cvidcncc; howcvcr, thc presiding officcr may cxcludc cvidcncc which is irrelevant to thc issuc of whcthcr thc official has a dclinqucnt account. Ilcresay cvidcncc may bc considcrcd, providcd thcrc arc D. Ordcr of prcscntation. Thc mayor shall appoint a mcmbcr of thc staff to prcscnt thc . - :. - - „- - ; I • .- - . - - -- : • official. Following thc staff, thc official shall prescnt his argumcnt and must submit to examination and qucstions by thc asscmbly or staff. Thc staff may, at thc discrction of thc F. Witncsscs and cxhibits. Thc official and thc staff may offcr thc oral tcstimony of witncsscs during the hcaring; providcd, howcvcr, whcrc cithcr the official or the staff sccks to i ntroducc an oath. Documcntary cvidcncc and cxhibits may bc prcscntcd by both partics during thc hcaring. F. Dccision. At thc conclusion of the hcaring, thc asscmbly shall dctcrminc whcthcr thc G. Thc official may appcal thc dccision of thc asscmbly to thc Superior Court. Thc appcal 2.19.030 Dcfmition A. "Official.” This chaptcr applics to thc mcmbcrs of thc asscmbly, thc scrvicc arca boards B. "Dclinqucnt account." An account is dclinqucnt within the mcaning of this chaptcr if it is duc and rcmains unpaid for morc than thirty (30) days.] ATTEST: Ana ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THIS EIGHTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1998 o nna F. Smith, CMC /AAE, Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Gafy evens, Presiding Officer Ordinance No. 98 -15 Page 2 of 2