1981-51 Amending the KIB Code of Ordinances by the Repeal of Section 2.32.020 of Title 2 in it's Entirety and Title 3 by the Addition of Section 3.14.015Z t 5 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 81 -5 -0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH CODE OF ORDINANCES BY THE REPEAL OF SECTION 2.32.010 OF TITLE 2 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND TITLE 3 BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 3.14.015. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED that Section 2.32.010 of Title 2 of the Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances is repealed in its entirety as follows: d Panther #tyc - -The- pros# d# ng - mayor; dep ma eierk- t after- eaeh- assemblymen - ef - the - baronet ere ees #eed- end - empowered t - #eft- eheeks- espea- the- beree:gh eheek#ng aeeednt; en te- s # eaferee;- eeeept; ma ex eente- aad- de # #ver- eheeks; notes; - ere£ ts; eeeep tenees- ender- b# # #s -e£ exehaage- far- dopes #t;- d#seedne -red # seedftt; -er -any- ether - purpose;- end -te -de e li- ieW£e:i- eats - rages #s #te - far- e£feet #ag these - preen #ses - ail- eheeks -en- the -bank eeeeesnt -ef- the - heroes gh te beeeme eves noees b y - ea tw ' e- e the e fere re v #dad -that- essemb #ymert - ether - then - the depe:ty gay -ma - p erferm ge # £twat #efts- en #y -e :pea- eert #£ #eat #aft - by - the - e # ark- treesesrer -that- the -mayor end- depesty- gayer- ere -net reasonably eve# }e : BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Title 3 is amended by the addition of Section 3.04.015 to read as follows: 3.04.015 Authority. The Treasurer, or designee, is authorized and responsible for the signing of all checks upon the Borough checking accounts; and to sign, enforce, accept, make, execute, and deliver checks, notes, bonds, drafts, acceptances and /or bills of exchange for deposit, discount, rediscount, or any other purpose, and to do all lawful acts requisite for affecting these premises, all checks on the bank account of the Borough to become countersign ed by the Mayor. If the mayor is not readily available, the deputy mayor or another assemblyman will countersign. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and related resolutions found it to be in conflict with this ordinance are hereby expressly rescinded. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th day of November 1981, by the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: I By Borough Cle By First Reading, Approval Date: October 1. 1981 Second Reading, Public Hearing Date: November 9. 1981 Passage Date: November 9. 1981 It, Effective Date: November 9. 1981 I ! I ,Recommended By: Finance Officer II