1981-01 Amending Ordinance No. 80-21, Levying Taxes on all Taxable Real and Personal Property - FY1981 Budget1 1 I 1 i 9 9 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 81 -1 -0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH, KODIAK, ALASKA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80 -21 -0, LEVYING TAXES ON ALL TAXABLE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE BOROUGH FOR THE EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE BOROUGH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1980, AND ENDING ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE, 1981. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUGH ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Borough, be and the same is hereby appro- priated for corporate purposes and objects of said Borough hereinafter specified for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of July, 1980, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1981. Ordinance Final 80 -21 -0 Amendment 1980 -81 As Passed Budget 1. General Fund Revenue Use of Fund Balance $ 360,009 $ 68,888 $ 428,897 Taxes 2,236,157 0 2,236,157 Intergovernmental Revenues 666,000 167,450 833,450 Licenses and Permits 4,700 0 4,700 Revenue from Use of Money & 0 305,200 Property 305,200 Contributions from Other Funds 166,505 1,743 168,248 Total General Fund Revenues $3,738,571 $ 238,081 $3,976,652 Expenditures Legislative $ 78,034 6,000 84,034 Legal 107,000 0 107,000 Capital Expenditures 208,000 45,000 253,000 Manager 112,239 17,500 129,739 Clerk- Treasurer 232,347 0 232,347 Contingencies 50,500 (38,000) 12,500 Building & Grounds 0 167,450 167,450 Assessor 124,119 6,000 130,119 Planning & Community Development 117,282 4,500 121,782 Engineering 144,268 4,000 148,268 Health & Sanitation 237,700 25,631 263,331 Support Services, Data Processing 133,944 0 133,944 OCS 54,890 0 CZM 285,000 0 285,000 OEDP 2,000 0 2,000 School Support 1,350,698 0 1,350,698 Contribution to Other Funds 500,550 0 500,550 Total General Fund Expenses $3,7' 8,571 $ 238,081 $3,976,652 Anti Recession Fiscal Assistance Revenue 0 $ 1,743 $ 1,743 Use of Fund Balance $ $ 0 $ 1,743 $ 1,743 Expenditures Contribution to General Fund $ 0 $ 1,743 $ 1,743 $ 0 $ 1,743 $ 1,743 3. Building Fund Revenue $ 167,450 $ (167,450) $ Expenditures $ 1� 67® $ 167,450) $ 4. State Energy Planning Grant Revenue $ 0 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 Appropriations for all funds and activities previously approved and not specifically enumerated hereon may be changed by Resolution of the Assembly. All ordinances or parts of ordinances found to be in conflict with this ordinance are hereby rescinded. ATTEST: By Borough Cle Expenditures First Reading, Approval Date: January 9, 1981 Second Reading, Public Hearing Date: March 5, 1981 Passage Date: March 5, 1981 Effective Date: July 1, 1980 $ 0 $ 170,000 $ 170,000 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Ordinance Final 80 -21 -0 Amendment 1980 -81 As Passed Budget BY ).% (:) or �1 Borough May