04/04/2002 RMKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held April 4, 2002 in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Alan Ross of the Native New Life Fellowship, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were present: Mayor: Gabrielle LeDoux Assemblymembers: Tom Abell Robin Heinrichs Absent: Tuck Bonney Pat Branson Pat Carlson, Manager Judi Nielsen, Borough Clerk Laura Casey, Assistant Clerk TURNER, seconded by RAZO VOTE ON MOTION TO EXCUSE MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF AGENDA HEINRICHS, seconded by ABELL VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF MINUTES RAZO, seconded by HEINRICHS VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE AS CORRECTED Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 Greg Razo Darlene Turner Wayne Stevens comprising a quorum of the Assembly; and moved to excuse Assemblymembers Bonney, Branson and Stevens. Unanimous voice vote moved to approve the agenda. Unanimous voice vote 1. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Special Meeting of February 28, 2002. moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 2002. Mayor LeDoux corrected page two to reflect that she reconvened the meeting, not Deputy Mayor Heinrichs. (Clerks Note: The record was reviewed and it was determined that Deputy Mayor Heinrichs reconvened the meeting.) MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Volume XXVII Page 163 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Student of the Month Mayor LeDoux presented the Student of the Month Award for March to Rachael Campbell, a junior at Kodiak High School. Rachel Campbell accepted the Award. B. Proclamations Mayor LeDoux proclaimed April 2002 "Child Abuse Prevention Month" and "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" calling upon all citizens to increase their participation in our efforts to prevent child abuse and sexual assault. She presented the proclamations to Francis Sandin of the Women's Resource Crisis Center. Mayor LeDoux proclaimed April 7 -13, 2002 "National County and Borough Government Week" urging all citizens to actively participate in local government and to support programs that contribute to the quality of life of all Kodiak Island Borough citizens. Clerk Nielsen accepted the proclamation. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Tom A. Bower phoned and related to his letter asking that Resolution No. 2002 -13 be postponed. He wanted to benefit the maximum number of property owners. Assemblymember Heinrichs read a letter from Larry Van Daele opposing Resolution No. 2002 -13. Assemblymember Turner read a letter from Lisa Robbins requesting postponement of Resolution No. 2002 -13. George Hidea supported the disposal of land but wanted fair access for all property owners as long as a service district oversaw the project. Lisa Hidea was concerned about safety issues, road conditions, and access. She suggested placing restrictions on the development of roads in Kodiak. Clark Yatsik, property owner, said he worked for over a year on access to his property and he understood all aspects of the arguments. He urged the Assembly to vote in favor of Resolution No. 2002 -13. Wendy Beck was concerned about the access Mr. Yatsik was requesting. She wanted further discussion before surplusing the property. COMMITTEE REPORTS Barbara Williams, Planning and Zoning Commissioner, provided a report on cases before the Commission. At a recent Commission meeting Clarence Selig was elected chair and she was elected co- chair. The Commission would report monthly to the Assembly and wanted to meet with the assembly to discuss land development and to receive guidance on future cases. Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS STUDENT OF MONTH PROCLAMATIONS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH AND SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH NATIONAL COUNTY AND BOROUGH GOVERNMENT WEEK CITIZENS' COMMENTS COMMITTEE REPORTS Volume XXVII Page 164 In response to Assemblymember Heinrichs, Commissioner Williams said the Commission was not working on any comprehensive plans. Assemblymembers Turner appreciated the monthly reports. Assemblymember Razo wanted discussion about mutual expectations and planning. Assemblymember Razo attended a school district budget advisory meeting where the final report from one department was received. He anticipated costs for students with special needs to reach $1 -1.3 million. He wanted the school district to be watchful because with funding reaching the cap he expected a substantial crisis in the education system. In response to Assemblymember Abell, he noted that public and school board participation was marginal and input was needed. Assemblymember Turner said the Mental Health Center was preparing a community needs assessment for input from the public regarding interests and future budget plans. PUBLIC HEARING None. BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT Manager Carlson commended the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce and the community on the success of Comfish and the Alaska Fish Summit. School and hospital projects would be discussed at the next work session. He anticipated the school district to request 1.2 million more than last year in cash and in -kind services. The school district would also request school projects for the Borough to complete that would cost approximately $500,000 of which half could be in -kind. Obviously the request would meet or exceed the cap. He hoped for financial relief from the state because it was impossible for the Borough to a absorb a 1.2 million dollar increase. The North Pacific Fisheries Management Council would meet next week regarding crab and fish rationalization. Hospital projects included additional parking and American's With Disabilities Act and other issues. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor LeDoux appreciated the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce for Comfish and the salmon summit which was a learning experience. She said government was working to ease the crisis in fisheries. Senator Austerman sponsored House Concurrent Resolution No. 28 that was endorsed by the salmon summit. She said education was a primary function of the Borough. She congratulated Rachael Campbell as Student of the Month. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING MANAGER'S REPORT MESSAGES FROM MAYOR UNFINISHED BUSINESS Volume XXVII Page 165 NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS CONTRACTS None. B. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 1. Resolution No. 2002 -11 Supporting a Long -Range RESOLUTION Fiscal Plan that Ensures a Stable Future for NO. 2002 -11 all Alaskans by Promoting Affordable State and Local Tax Levels and Adequate State and Local Services. HEINRICHS, moved to adopt resolution seconded by TURNER No. 2002 -11. Manager Carlson said this supported a long -range fiscal plan to ensure fair and sustainable financial stability. The proposal was to use Permanent Fund earnings and preserve the Constitutional Budget Reserve and that action be taken this fiscal year to avoid a fiscal crisis. Assemblymember Razo encouraged the public to contact their legislator to request funding to local government. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Abell, Heinrichs, Razo, Turner Noes: None Absent: Bonney, Branson, Stevens MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 2. Resolution No. 2002 -12 Supporting Municipal RESOLUTION Bonding with State Debt Servicing for a New NO. 2002 -12 Jail Facility. TURNER, moved to adopt resolution seconded by RAZO No. 2002 -12. Manager Carlson said Kodiak's jail was in disrepair and a new facility would reduce costs and enable correctional needs. Assemblymember Razo agreed that the current jail would need substantial renovation to be adequate. Assemblymember Turner said the jail was in terrible condition and noted the need for additional bed space and a juvenile facility. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Heinrichs, Razo, Turner, Abell Noes: None Absent: Bonney, Branson, Stevens MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 Volume XXVII Page 166 3. Resolution No. 2002 -13 Surplusing Borough Land Adjacent to North Star Elementary School and Authorizing the Borough Manager to Negotiate the Development Plan. HEINRICHS, moved to adopt resolution seconded by TURNER No. 2002 -13. Manager Carlson said this would only declare the land surplus and enable him to work through the process. He noted that selling the land would generate revenue. Assemblymember Razo said Borough staff saw no need to keep the land for the school district's future use. Assemblymember Turner said Mr. Yatsik initiated the process; however, this was not intended to give him a better deal. This would create a fair deal that would best service the public and associated land owners. Assemblymember Abell favored the Resolution because residents on Island Lake would receive a better assessment for their property. Manager Carlson noted that he was aware that Mr. Yatsik and his mother have been trying for many years to get a road access to their property. He would be able to move forward when cooperation was granted from all the land owners in the area. Assemblymember Heinrichs wanted to approach the process systematically. He felt that a redevelopment plan would redirect issues and would benefit everyone. The access, grades, tows, school, and other concerns would be addressed. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Razo, Turner, Abell, Heinrichs Noes: Absent: MOTION CARRIED C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Parks and Recreation Committee Member Resignation. TURNER, seconded by HEINRICHS Clerk Nielsen reported that Mr. Jessup's resignation was accepted by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 None Bonney, Branson, Stevens Unanimous moved to accept, with regret, the resignation of Dan Jessup from the Parks and Recreation Committee for a term to expire December 2003 and direct the Borough Clerk to advertise the vacancy per Borough Code RESOLUTION NO. 2002 -13 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION OTHER ITEMS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEMBER RESIGNATION Volume XXVII Page 167 VOTE ON MOTION MOTION CARRIED CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Assemblymember Razo testified before the Board of Fish about the five King salmon limit. He felt the Assembly's resolution would challenge them to look at a local management plan. He participated as a moderator during groundfish rationalization discussion and felt it was important to present the information to the public. He congratulated Rachael Campbell as Student of the Month. He reflected on the devastation caused by child abuse and sexual assault. Assemblymember Abell noted the increase request from the school district and asked for public participation to determine where to find the funds. Assemblymember Turner congratulated Rachael Campbell. She urged citizens to support efforts to prevent sexual assault and child abuse. She encouraged the public to participate in the budget process. Assemblymember Heinrichs congratulated Rachel Campbell and her parents adding he could never underestimate the potential of children in Kodiak. He said the 1.2 million increase to the school district came on the heels of a 1.3 million increase last year. The state had not inflation proofed the foundation formula and therefore the increase had to be borne by the community. He said there was a potential to hit the cap and that 1.5 million was an increase of two mils to property owners. Assemblymember Razo saw part of the problem created when the federal government provided a grant for a teacher for one year and then the grant evaporated. He wanted more support from the government. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Assembly, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ATTEST: Judith A. Niel Borough Clerk Regular Assembly Meeting April 4, 2002 Unanimous voice vote / Gabrielle L eDoux, Mayor Approved May 16, 2002 CITIZENS' COMMENTS ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Volume XXVII Page 168