06/21/2001 RMA regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held June 21, 2001 in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Captain Dave Davis of the Salvation Army, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were present: Assemblymembers: Pat Branson Robin Heinrichs Absent: Tom Abell Tuck Bonney comprising a quorum of the Assembly; and Pat Carlson, Manager Judi Nielsen, Borough Clerk Nova Javier, Assistant Clerk BRANSON, seconded by RAZO VOTE ON MOTION TO EXCUSE MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF AGENDA RAZO, seconded by BRANSON STEVENS, seconded by BRANSON VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND MOTION CARRIED VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE AS AMENDED Ayes: Noes: Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Regular Assembly Meeting June 21, 2001 Greg Razo Wayne Stevens Darlene Turner moved to excuse Assemblymembers Abell, Bonney, and Turner. Unanimous voice vote moved to approve the agenda. moved to amend the agenda to remove Item No. 17.A Borough Clerk's Performance Evaluation. Unanimous voice vote Branson, Heinrichs, Razo, Stevens None REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Volume XXVII Page 27 Absent: MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF MINUTES VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE MOTION CARRIED AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS None. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING None. BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 Abell, Bonney, Turner Unanimous 1. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Regular Meeting of May 17 and Special Meeting of May 31, 2001. BRANSON, moved to approve the seconded by STEVENS minutes as submitted. Unanimous voice vote Phil Cline, Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center Administrator, reported that the hospital had a strong financial picture January through March and, although losses were incurred in April and May, he felt the hospital was financially in good standing. He hoped for Assembly /Providence coordination to establish a long -term care program for Kodiak's elderly. He presented a copy of the fiscal year 2001 audit and a check for $373,731.63 to Deputy Mayor Heinrichs. In response to Assemblymember Razo, Mr. Cline said a long- term care program was a community need. In response to Deputy Mayor Heinrichs' interest in open dialogue, Mr. Cline said the Borough would be included in the process. Manager Carlson reported that the Village Oil Spill Response Equipment Project was completed on time and under budget and the extra funds would be spent developing geographic response and hazardous waste material plans. The high school roof replacement project was on line. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS CITIZENS' COMMENTS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING MANAGER'S REPORT Volume XXVII Page 28 He received the Draft Programmatic Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement on Groundfish Fisheries (SEIS). He expected to receive the final copy by July 17. He was watching the redistricting issue closely. Bud Cassidy was hired as the Engineering and Facilities Director and would assume the position in early July. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR MESSAGES FROM THE MAYOR None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS CONTRACTS 1. Contract No. 2001 -08 Kodiak Island Borough CONTRACT Facilities Fuel Oil Delivery. NO. 2001 -08 RAZO, seconded by BRANSON moved to approve Contract No. 2001 -08 with Thompson Transfer of Kodiak for time and materials with a baseline price of $1.25 per gallon for #1 fuel, $1.13 per gallon for #2 fuel. Manager Carlson said the School District Maintenance and Operations Department bid the contract for both the School District and Borough facilities. The cost would fluctuate through the contract period based on supplier acquisition costs. Assemblymember Stevens felt that increased fuel prices over the past four years would have a huge impact on the Borough and School District budgets. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Ayes: Branson, Heinrichs, Razo, Stevens Noes: None Absent: Abell, Bonney, Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 Volume XXVII Page 29 B. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 2001 -31 Establishing Fees of the RESOLUTION Kodiak Island Borough for Fiscal Year 2002. NO. 2001 -31 BRANSON, moved to adopt Resolution seconded by RAZO No. 2001 -31. Manager Carlson outlined the changes to the fee schedule. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Heinrichs, Razo, Stevens, Branson Noes: None Absent: Abell, Bonney, Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. D. OTHER ITEMS OTHER ITEMS 1. Confirmation of Mayoral Appointment to the PLANNING AND Planning and Zoning Commission. ZONING COMMISSION CONFIRMATION BRANSON, seconded by STEVENS Assemblymember Razo thanked Mr. Hunt for his continued interest and said he would be an excellent addition to the Commission. VOTE ON MOTION TO CONFIRM moved to confirm the mayoral appointment of Steven Hunt to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term to expire December 2003. Ayes: Razo, Stevens, Branson, Heinrichs Noes: None Absent: Abell, Bonney, Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 2. Vacation of a Twenty (20) Foot Water Easement VACATION Across a Portion of Tract A -1B, U.S. Survey 1671, Sunny Cove. (Spruce Island) Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 Volume XXVII Page 30 RAZO, seconded by BRANSON Manager Carlson said this went through extensive review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In response to Assemblymember Razo's statement that he provided free legal advice to affected individuals, Deputy Mayor Heinrichs ruled no conflict of interest. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Ayes: Stevens, Branson, Heinrichs, Razo Noes: None Absent: Abell, Bonney, Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 3. Vacation of a Sixty (60) Foot Right -of -Way, Identified as the Beaver Lake Drive Extension, and Generally Located Southwest of Lot 7, Block 1, Lakeside Subdivision. STEVENS, seconded by BRANSON Manager Carlson said the Beaver Lake Drive extension was not desirable at this location and staff recommended the vacation to include a 30 -foot right -of -way into lot 7 and to designate the remaining 30 -foot right -of -way for a greenbelt /utility easement. In response to Deputy Mayor Heinrichs, Manager Carlson said the City Public Works Director's concern that the Municipal Airport would cease to function as an airport was not a significant issue for the Commission. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Ayes: Branson, Heinrichs, Razo, Stevens Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 moved to approve the vacation of a Portion of Tract A -1B, U.S. Survey 1671, Sunny Cove. (Spruce Island) moved to approve the vacation of a sixty (60) foot right -of -way, identified as the Beaver Lake Drive Extension, and generally located southwest of lot 7, block 1, Lakeside Subdivision. VACATION Volume XXVII Page 31 Noes: None Absent: Abell, Bonney, Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Assemblymember Stevens congratulated Steven Hunt on his appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Alaska Housing Finance Committee Board of Directors would be in Kodiak next week, and he hoped the Assembly would attend their meetings to learn more about the effects of consolidation on rural home loan programs. He said the sign for the hospital honoring Wilton White was not appropriate and a more appropriate sign should be sought. In response to Deputy Mayor Heinrichs, Assemblymember Stevens said the Hospital Advisory Board had no opinion about the sign. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Assembly, the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. ATTEST: Judith A. Niels Borough Clerk Regular Assembly Meeting June 21 , 2001 Gabrielle L`eDoux, May r Approved: 07/19/2001 CITIZENS' COMMENTS ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Volume XXVII Page 32