08/16/2007 Regular Meeting1. INVOCATION Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Regular Meeting Minutes August 16, 2007, 7:30 p.m., Assembly Chambers 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Selby. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Jerome Selby, Assembly members Pat Branson, Jerrol Friend, Chris Lynch, Reed Oswalt, and Barbara Williams. Absent were Assembly members Tom Abell and Sue Jeffrey. Staff members present were Manager Rick Gifford, Finance Director Karl Short, Clerk Nova Javier, and Assistant Clerk Jessica Basuel. BRANSON moved to excuse Assembly members Tom Abell and Sue Jeffrey, seconded by FRIEND. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA BRANSON moved to approve the agenda and consent agenda, seconded by FRIEND. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Kodiak Island Borough Regular Meeting of July 5 and Special Meeting of July 19, 2007. These minutes were approved under consent agenda. 6. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS — None. 7. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Lorna Arndt expressed her concern regarding the issues on Island Lake. Nick Szabo would like the issues surrounding Island Lake resolved. Fred Foqle expressed his concerns and frustration about junk vehicles on State roads. Ica Stih! phoned and u rged the Assembly to solve the motorized v ehi c le iss on . +�+ �•.. .� �+. � .vv and urged the Assembly ivy p av solve the motorized IV lVI ILt.4 v�.� v�c� issues on � Island Lake. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes August 16, 2007 Page 425 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center Update Don Rush, PKIMC Administrator, gave an update regarding the current activities at the hospital. He spoke specifically on the hospital's JACO accreditation, solarium project, the new MRI machine, and hospital strategic plan. He reassured the community about a recent death is being taken seriously. 9. PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. FY2008 -04 Amending KIB Code Chapter 2 Administration and Personnel to Increase the Mayor, Assembly, Regulatory and Quasi - Judicial Boards and Commissions' Compensation. WILLIAMS moved to adopt Ordinance No. FY2008 -04, seconded by BRANSON. The following are the regulatory and quasi - judicial boards and commissions in KIBC that receives compensation: • Mayor (started in 1998, increase from $400 to $500 per month.) • Assembly (last changed in 1988, increase from $100 per regular meeting to $300 per month.) • Planning and Zoning Commission (last changed in 1982, increase from $100 per session to $200 per month.) • Board of Equalization (original amount since 1978, increase from $50 per session to $100 per session.) The Personnel Review Board is now called the Personnel Advisory Board which is a non - regulatory or quasi - judicial board and would be removed from the list. Mayor Selby opened the public hearing, hearing and seeing none, he closed the public hearing. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Branson, Friend, Lynch, Oswalt, Williams B. Ordinance No. FY2008 -05 Amending KIB Code of Ordinances Title 4 Service Areas to Modify Chapter 4.50, 4.80 and 4.120 to Permit the Delivery of Emergency Medical Services Within Those Fire Protection Areas. BRANSON moved to adopt Ordinance No. FY2008 -05, seconded by WILLIAMS. Kodiak Island Borough Code sections 4.05.010 and 4.05.040 authorize the modification of service areas by the Assembly, subject to an election of the ni ialifiari vntarc in aarh nrPn nffartari by tha nrriinnnrrc i inriar cartinnc d n5 nAn and Chapter 4.190. The Assembly wishes to re- establish the delivery of emergency medical services in the Borough's three Fire Protection Service Areas, (Women's Bay Service Area, as provided in Chapter 4.50; Fire Protection Area No. 1, as provided in Ch. 4.80; and Airport Fire Protection Service Area, as provided in Ch. 4.120) to make these changes to the services which can be delivered within Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes August 16, 2007 Page 426 the Fire Protection Service Areas at the earliest opportunity consistent with the necessary elections. A proposed amendment was presented before the Assembly to include the wording first responder in the ordinance. Mayor Selby opened the public hearing. The following spoke in support of the ordinance: Gene Lorenson Mike Dolph Casey Meliah Scott Griffith Scott Arndt Dale Rice Mayor Selby closed the public hearing. Judy Carstens Dave Conrad Richard Carstens After a ten - minute break, Mayor Selby reconvened the meeting at 8:35 p.m. BRANSON moved to amend Ordinance No. FY2008 -05 by inserting the words "first responder" before emergency medical services in the entire ordinance, seconded by WILLIAMS. Assembly members thanked Fire Protection Area No. 1 Board Chair Mike Dolph for his presentation regarding first responder EMS at the last work session. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Friend, Lynch, Oswalt, Williams, Branson ROLL CALL VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Lynch, Oswalt, Williams, Branson, Friend 10. BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT Manager Gifford reported on the current projects of the Borough. 11. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor Selby gave an update regarding the issues discussed at the AML summer meeting. 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — None. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS — None. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes August 16, 2007 Page 427 B. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. FY2008 -05 Accepting the Assignment of the City of Kodiak's Interest in Lot 2, U.S. Survey 2538 to the Kodiak Island Borough for Pool Purposes. FRIEND moved to adopt Resolution No. FY2008 -05 Accepting the Assignment of the City of Kodiak's Interest in Lot 2, U.S. Survey 2538 to the Kodiak Island Borough for Pool Purposes., seconded by, BRANSON. Presently that area is leased by the State of Alaska to the City of Kodiak. The Borough has made it a priority to construct this pool facility with the passage of over $14,210,000 of bonds. To acquire site control for the project, the Borough requested assignment of the City's interest in this parcel. The City Council has made this happen with the passage of City of Kodiak Ordinance No. 1196. This assignment transfers the City's property interest (lease) in this parcel to the Kodiak Island Borough. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Oswalt, Williams, Branson, Friend, Lynch C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. Ordinance No. FY2008 -03 Determining the Disposition of Tax Foreclosed Properties From 2005 and Prior Tax years, Establishing Intention to Surplus and Sell the Same, Finding That a Public Need Does Not Exist for These Properties, and Authorizing Land Sale Number Sixteen's Terms and Conditions. FRIEND moved to adopt Ordinance No. FY2008 -03 in first reading to advance to public hearing on September 6, 2007, seconded by WILLIAMS. The Kodiak Island Borough Manager has recommended the tax - foreclosed parcels listed on the attached ordinance be declared not to be of "public need" and be offered at a future KIB land sale. Staff is recommending a sealed bid auction be conducted. All bids must be received by the manager's office by 4 p.m. on November 26. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Williams, Branson, Friend, Lynch, Oswalt D. OTHER ITEMS — None. 14. CITIZENS' COMMENTS Scott Arndt spoke regarding the Island Lake signage. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes August 16, 2007 Page 428 15. ASSEMBLY MEMBER COMMENTS Assembly member Lynch inquired where the enforcement for Island Lake should come from. She thanked Hospital Administrator Don Rush for the report. Assembly member Williams would like an ordinance passed regarding Island Lake. Assembly member Branson was glad to see the passage of Ordinance No. FY2008 -05. She would like to see information about other municipalities' practices and protocols. She encouraged Island Lake's residents to get together and do a neighborhood watch. She asked for crossing guard volunteers. Assembly member Friend commented on the Island Lake issue and regarding abandoned vehicles. 17. ADJOURNMENT BRANSON moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by FRIEND. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Lynch, Oswalt, Abell, Branson, Friend The meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. ATTEST: J-Z -me M. Selby, M Nova M. Javier, CfviC, Boro gh Clerk Approved: 09/20/2007 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes August 16, 2007 Page 429