09/21/2000 RMKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held September 21, 2000 in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Captain David Davis of the Salvation Army, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. There were present: Mayor: Gary L. Stevens Assemblymembers: Tom Abell Tuck Bonney Robin Heinrichs SPALINGER, seconded by BONNEY VOICE VOTE ON MOTION TO EXCUSE MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF AGENDA TURNER, seconded by HEINRICHS VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 Greg Spalinger Darlene Turner Absent: Scott Arndt Pat Branson comprising a quorum of the Assembly; and Dave Jensen, Manager Judi Nielsen, Borough Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Karl Short, Finance Director Assemblymembers Arndt and Branson were absent and asked to be excused. moved to excuse Assemblymembers Arndt and Branson. Unanimous voice vote moved to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Volume XXVI Page 138 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Special of August 19, 2000. HEINRICHS, seconded by BONNEY VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE MOTION CARRIED AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS None. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING Meeting moved to approve the minutes of August 19, 2000. Unanimous voice vote Phil Cline, Providence Kodiak Island Hospital administrator, reported the operating margin was within the target range of six percent. He did not anticipate a loss in September and October, similar to 1999. He noted the specialty clinic volumes continued to contribute to the success of the operating margin. He said the Pain Clinic was on hold and they were working with patients to provide deferred services, locally and in Anchorage. Assemblymember Heinrichs reported that the Consolidated Fire Services Task Force had reached an impasse on negotiations, and the final report would be available in three weeks. He said the task force would recommend to the Assembly and City Council adoption of functional consolidation. Mayor Stevens thanked the task force members for their willingness to serve. A. Ordinance No. 2000 -13 Amending Title 2 Administration and Personnel Chapter 2.41 Emergency Services of the Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinance to Reflect Necessary Changes. TURNER, seconded by SPALINGER Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000 -13. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS CITIZENS' COMMENTS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -13 Volume XXVI Page 139 Manager Jensen said the Borough and City worked together to revise and update their respective codes to: 1)reformat the Borough and City emergency services chapters to follow the incident command system (ICS) response structure; 2) increase the emergency services council by two members; and 3) formalize the emergency services coordinator position. Mayor Stevens called for public testimony; hearing and seeing none, he reconvened the regular meeting. Assemblymember Turner said this had been worked on for several years and felt it was beneficial to the community. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Abell, Bonney, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner Noes: None Absent: Arndt, Branson MOTION CARRIED Unanimous B. Ordinance No. 2000 -14 Rezoning Lots 47, 48, and 49, Block 12, Aleutian Homes Subdivision From R2 -Two Family Residential To B Business Zoning District. (811, 813, and 815 Lower Mill Bay Road) HEINRICHS, moved to adopt Ordinance seconded by SPALINGER No. 2000 -14. Manager Jensen noted that lot 50 was removed from the rezone at the request of the property owner. Mayor Stevens called for public testimony; hearing and seeing none, he reconvened the regular meeting. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Abell, Bonney, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner Noes: None Absent: Arndt, Branson MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -14 Volume XXVI Page 140 BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT None. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor Stevens participated in leadership training with village high school students. He was impressed with their discussions and resolutions. He reminded the Assembly that the Resource Development Council (RDC) would be in Kodiak on Friday, September 22. He encouraged the voters to carefully review the school bond issue that would benefit the community, as the Borough would receive a reimbursement from the state and would not add to the tax payer's burden. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS CONTRACTS None. B. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 2000 -28 Adopting a Capital RESOLUTION Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2002 through 2006 and Establishing a Capital NO. 2000 -28 Improvement Projects Priority List. SPALINGER, moved to adopt Resolution seconded by HEINRICHS No. 2000 -28. Manager Jensen said this would set the five -year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the priority of those identified projects. He said the revised changes were discussed at the work session and were presented for consideration. In response to Assemblymember Heinrichs, Mayor Stevens read the CIP list in order. TURNER, seconded by BONNEY Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 moved to amend Resolution No. 2000 -29 to move item #9 to the bottom of the list and renumber items BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT MESSAGES FROM THE MAYOR UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Volume XXVI Page 141 VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND 10 through 12 accordingly. Ayes: Bonney, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner, Abell Noes: None Absent: Arndt, Branson MOTION CARRIED Unanimous VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT AS AMENDED Ayes: Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner, Abell, Bonney Noes: None Absent: Arndt, Branson MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 2. Resolution No. 2000 -29 Requesting Fiscal Year 2002 Capital Projects Funding Under RESOLUTION the Municipal Capital Projects Matching NO 2000 -29 NO. Grant Program (School Facilities Repair and Upgrade) SPALINGER, moved to adopt Resolution seconded by HEINRICHS No. 2000 -29. Manager Jensen said the Borough applied for funding under the State's municipal capital projects matching grant program. The Borough was required to match $53,589 as a local share contribution in order to receive $125,040 from the state. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT Ayes: Spalinger, Turner, Abell, Bonney, Heinrichs Noes: None Absent: Arndt, Branson MOTION CARRIED Unanimous Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 Volume XXVI Page 142 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. Ordinance No. 2000 -10A Amending Ordinance No. 2000 -10 Fiscal Year 2001 Budget to Reflect Amendments. HEINRICHS, seconded by TURNER moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000 -10A to advance to public hearing on October 5, 2000. Manager Jensen noted it was early in the year for a budget adjustment; however, he felt it was important. The most notable adjustment would close the Mental Health Fund as it was unlikely the funds would be collected. That and other adjustments, would align the General Fund Balance to more accurately reflect the overall financial position of the Borough. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADVANCE Ayes: Noes: Absent: MOTION CARRIED D. OTHER ITEMS Ayes: 1. SPALINGER, seconded by TURNER VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Noes: Absent: MOTION CARRIED Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 Turner, Abell, Bonney, Heinrichs, Spalinger None Arndt, Branson Unanimous October 3, 2000 Regular Municipal Election Workers. moved to approve the election boards as presented. Abell, Bonney, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner None Arndt, Branson Unanimous ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -10A OTHER ITEMS MUNICIPAL ELECTION WORKERS Volume XXVI Page 143 CITIZENS' COMMENTS Wally Johnson phoned to ask if taxes would decrease if the school bond proposition was approved. Manager Jensen said taxes would not increase if the proposition was approved; however, the Borough's position would have to be reevaluated if the proposition failed. He said the bottom line was that regardless of whether the proposition was approved or not, the high school roof had to be replaced. Mr. Johnson supported the proposition; however, he was unclear of the alternatives should it fail. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Assemblymember Bonney read the article in the Daily Mirror about City manager Bill Jones, and he was sorry to see him leave. He urged the community to consider consolidation to one government. He felt it was unlikely taxes would be raised if the school bond proposition failed. He hoped the proposition would be approved, as it would benefit the community and allow the Borough to complete needed school facility upgrades and repairs. He said Judge Zilly's decision impacted Kodiak as there were 140 cannery workers out of work. He urged the community to get involved in this serious issue. Assemblymember Heinrichs was pleased that the Borough was able to retire the mental health debt. He was pleased to see that the Borough's vision to privatize the hospital was a triumphant success. Assemblymember Spalinger urged voters to vote yes on the school bond proposition to replace the high school roof and pay for other needed projects. Assemblymember Turner hoped for a favorable vote on the school bond proposition to repair the high school roof, to reimburse the Borough for funds spent on Peterson Elementary School, and to benefit the community. Assemblymember Abell favored the proposition. He could not see a way to reduce taxes with the large amount of deferred maintenance and wanted to discuss using Shuyak funds next year to help offset that. Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 CITIZENS' COMMENTS ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Volume XXVI Page 144 He urged the community to attend the BMX Club's work party to repair the BMX track. Mayor Stevens announced the Assembly would meet in a work session on Thursday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough conference room, and a regular meeting on Thursday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly chambers. He advised that members of the Assembly would attend the Resource Development Council Kodiak Island Outreach meeting on Friday, September 22, 2000. He reminded the community that the municipal election would be held Tuesday, October 3, 2000, and voters who would be out of town on election day could vote absentee in- person at the Borough clerk's office through October 2. Anyone unable to vote absentee in- person should contact the Borough clerk's office to request a ballot by mail. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Assembly, the meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. ATTEST: ith A. Niels rough Clerk Regular Assembly Meeting September 21, 2000 �1"1L Approved: 11/02/2000 ADJOURNMENT Volume XXVI Page 145