09/07/2000 RMThere were present Mayor: Gary L. Stevens Assemblymembers: Tom Abell Scott Arndt Pat Branson Absent: Tuck Bonney APPROVAL OF AGENDA SPALINGER, seconded by HEINRICHS ARNDT, seconded by SPALINGER Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held September 7, 2000 in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Captain David Davis of the Salvation Army, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Robin Heinrichs Greg Spalinger Darlene Turner comprising a quorum of the Assembly; and Dave Jensen, Manager Judi Nielsen, Borough Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Linda Freed, Community Development Director BRANSON, moved to excuse seconded by ARNDT Assemblymember Bonney. VOTE ON MOTION TO EXCUSE MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote moved to approve the agenda. moved to amend the agenda by removing Item 13.B.1 Resolution No. 2000 -27 A Joint Resolution of the Assembly of the Kodiak Island Borough and the Council of the City of REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Volume XXVI Page 130 BRANSON, seconded by TURNER VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE MOTION CARRIED AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS None. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. PUBLIC HEARING None. BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT Kodiak Requesting the National Marine Fisheries Service to Include No Fish Zones or Sanctuaries in its Research in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific and that these Zones be Implemented as Soon as Possible. VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE AS AMENDED MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Regular Meeting of August 17, 2000. moved to approve the minutes of August 17, 2000. Unanimous voice vote Manager Jensen reported that the two fiberglass pumps had been installed at the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center and were working. He said only one original Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS CITIZENS' COMMENTS COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING MANAGER'S REPORT Volume XXVI Page 131 pump was operating and would not be replaced, unless it failed. He said the last original pump had been pulled to work on taking care of the corrosion. He advised that Linda Freed resigned as Director of Community Development to accept the City manager position. He wished her the best of luck. He said the Borough engineer would bring the Karluk lift station improvements on line by September 18. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR MESSAGES FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Stevens attended a Pioneers of Alaska meeting and found the World War II speaker interesting. Mayor Stevens attended an Alaska Municipal League (AML) audio conference setting six priorities which were: to urge the Legislature to adopt a State long - range fiscal plan which considers the direct and indirect impacts of the plan on municipal services and local taxes; to increase per student State education spending to meet documented increased costs necessary to provide an adequate education for all Alaskan children; to implement a community dividend program to stabilize local taxes; to provide adequate operating and maintenance funding for existing, and especially new surface, air, and marine transportation infrastructure; fund ongoing state and local deferred maintenance of roads schools and other public improvements; and support an Alaska local government summit to include state, municipal, and tribal governments to determine if state policies on local government are consistent with intent of the Alaska constitution. Mayor Stevens congratulated Director Freed on her new position, noting it was the Borough's loss and the City's gain. UNFINISHED UNFINISHED BUSINESS BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS CONTRACTS None. Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 Volume XXVI Page 132 B. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution No. 2000 -27 A Joint Resolution of the Assembly of the Kodiak Island Borough and the Council of the City of Kodiak Requesting the National Marine Fisheries Service to Include No Fish Zones or Sanctuaries in its Research in the Gulf of Alaska and North Pacific and that these Zones be Implemented as Soon as Possible. This item was removed from the agenda. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. Ordinance No. 2000 -13 Amending Title 2 Administration and Personnel Chapter 2.41 Emergency Services of the Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinance to Reflect Necessary Changes. HEINRICHS, seconded by BRANSON moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000 -13 to advance to public hearing on September 21, 2000. Manager Jensen noted staff worked to revise and update the regional emergency operations plan (EOP) in the borough and city. He said in order to implement the revised plan three policy changes were recommended: 1) reformat the city and Borough emergency services chapters (Chapter 2.32 and Chapter 2.41 respectively) to follow the "incident command system" or ICS response structure; 2) add the Commanding Officer of Air Station Kodiak and Post Supervisor, Kodiak Post - Detachment C of the Alaska State Troopers to the Emergency Services Council to make it a seven member board; and 3) formalize the emergency services coordinator position. In response to Assemblymember Arndt, Director Freed explained that the emergency services council (ESC) was set up to include government agencies as required by state statutes. She said federal law mandated civilian personnel be included in the organization, which was done through the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). She noted the LEPC meets with the ESC on a regular basis and therefore felt the state and federal requirements were being met. Assemblymember Heinrichs appreciated the changes to Chapter 2.41.060 that reflected concerns raised. Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -27 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -13 Volume XXVI Page 133 Assemblymember Turner thanked the ESC, LEPC, and staff for updating the code, which would allow for efficient emergency planning. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADVANCE Ayes: Noes: None Absent: Bonney MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 2. Ordinance No. 2000 -14 Rezoning Lots 47, 48, ORDINANCE 49, and 50, Block 12, Aleutian Homes NO. 2000 -14 Subdivision From R2 -Two Family Residential To B- Business Zoning District. (811, 813, 815, and 817 Lower Mill Bay Road) HEINRICHS, seconded by BRANSON Manager Jensen said this would rezone four lots to business. However, he noted that the property owner of lot 50 expressed opposition to the rezone. He said the Planning and Zoning Commission found the rezone request appropriate and recommended approval. ARNDT, seconded by ABELL VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND Ayes: Noes: Turner Absent: Bonney MOTION CARRIED 5 Ayes; 1 No Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 Abell, Arndt, Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000 -14 to advance to public hearing on September 21, 2000. moved to amend Ordinance No. 2000 -14 by removing all reference to Lot 50, Block 12, Aleutian Homes Subdivision, located at 817 Lower Mill Bay Road. Arndt, Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Abell Volume XXVI Page 134 VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT AS AMENDED Ayes: Noes: Absent: MOTION CARRIED D. OTHER ITEMS HEINRICHS, seconded by BRANSON VOTE ON MOTION Ayes: Noes: Absent: MOTION CARRIED Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 Branson, Heinrhchs, Spalinger, Turner, Abell, Arndt None Bonney Unanimous 1. Vacation of a Twenty (20) Foot Wide Road and Utility Easement over a Portion of Lot 16A -1, U.S. Survey 3099. (2408 Spruce Cape Road) moved to approve the vacation of a twenty (20) foot wide road and utility easement over a portion of lot 16A -1, U.S. Survey 3099. (2408 Spruce Cape Road) Manager Jensen said this easement would allow four lots to be consolidated into three lots, which would eliminate lot 16A -2 and the need for the existing utility easement. Heinrichs, Spalinger, Turner, Abell, Arndt, Branson None Bonney Unanimous 2. Vacation of a Fifty (50) Foot Right -of -Way Easement for Roadway and Utilities Contained in the Patent, over a portion of Lot 9, U.S. Survey 3464. (1100 Mallard Way) TURNER, moved to approve the seconded by BRANSON vacation of a fifty (50) OTHER ITEMS ROAD AND UTILITY VACATION RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION Volume XXVI Page 135 Manager Jensen said this would eliminate a road and utility easement on Lot 9, which do not exist on the adjacent lots. In response to Assemblymember Arndt, Director Freed said the lot was located on the backside of Island Lake and was originally platted by the federal government. Three lots were sold to individuals and the remainder to the state. She said the three individual lots retained the fifty foot reservation. She said lot 9 had a patent reservation that limited development of the lot. She said eliminating the easement would allow flexibility and development. Assemblymember Heinrichs felt it was in the community's best interest to eliminate unnecessary easements. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Ayes: Spalinger, Turner, Abell, Arndt, Branson, Heinrichs Noes: None Absent: Bonney MOTION CARRIED: Unanimous CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS foot right -of -way easement for roadway and utilities contained in the patent, over a portion of Lot 9, U.S. Survey 3464. (1100 Mallard Way) Assemblymember Branson congratulated Ms. Freed on her new position and hoped she would continue to be a community resource. Assemblymember Arndt wished Ms. Freed the best of luck as the new city manager. Assemblymember Heinrichs said Ms. Freed was a pleasure to work with and found her to be the Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 CITIZENS' COMMENTS ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Volume XXVI Page 136 consummate professional. He wished her well in her new position. Assemblymember Spalinger thanked Ms. Freed for her knowledge and wished her well. Assemblymember Turner wished Ms. Freed the best of luck in her new job. She said Ms. Freed was an inspiration to all. Assemblymember Abell said it was great working with Ms. Freed and wished her well in her new job. Mayor Stevens announced the Assembly would meet in a work session on Thursday, September 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough conference room, a joint Assembly /City Council work session on Tuesday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough conference room, and a regular meeting on Thursday, September 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly chambers. Mayor Stevens noted the municipal election would be held on October 3. He said those who would be out of town on election day could vote absentee in person in the Borough clerk's office, room 101 in the Borough building from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. September 18 through October 2. Anyone unable to vote absentee in person should contact the Borough clerk's office to receive a ballot by mail. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Assembly, the meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. ATTEST: th A. Nielsen, CS'IC B. ough Clerk Regular Assembly Meeting September 7, 2000 Gar May r L. Stev ADJOURNMENT Volume XXVI Page 137