05/04/2000 RMA regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held May 4, 2000 in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Reverend Debbie Vanhover of St. James The Fisherman Episcopal Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance There were present: ROLL CALL Mayor: Gary L. Stevens Assemblymembers: Tom Abell Scott Arndt Tuck Bonney Absent: Darlene Turner comprising a quorum of the Assembly; and Dave Jensen, Manager Judi Nielsen, Borough Clerk Patti Kirkpatrick, Deputy Clerk Linda Freed, Community Development Director Karl Short, Finance Director Assemblymember Turner was out and asked to be excused. BRANSON, moved to excuse seconded by HEINRICHS Assemblymember Turner. VOTE ON MOTION TO EXCUSE MOTION CARRIED APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF AGENDA HEINRICHS, seconded by ARNDT VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 Pat Branson Robin Heinrichs Greg Spalinger Unanimous voice vote moved to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote REGULAR MEETING Volume XXVI Page 60 APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Special Meeting of April 13 and Regular Meeting of April 20, 2000. BRANSON, seconded by ARNDT VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE moved to approve the minutes of April 13 and April 20, 2000. MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote AWARDS AND AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamations PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Stevens proclaimed the week of May 14 -20, 2000 as follows: "Police Week" urging all citizens of the Kodiak Island Borough to recognize the dedicated service provided by our local peace officers and to honor those officers who have sustained disabling injuries or lost their lives in the performance of their duties. POLICE WEEK "Emergency Medical Services Week" encouraging the EMERGENCY community to observe the week with appropriate MEDICAL SERVICES programs, ceremonies, and activities. WEEK CITIZENS' COMMENTS CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMITTEE REPORTS None. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. 2000 -04 Amending Kodiak Island ORDINANCE Borough Code of Ordinances Title 3 Revenue and NO. 2000 -04 Finance Chapter 3.16 Contract, Purchase, Sale, and Transfer Procedures Section 3.16.020 Limitation on Manager's Authority Section 3.16.030 Open Market Procedures Section 3.16.040 Advertising for Bids to Increase the Manager's Purchasing Authority. ARNDT, moved to adopt seconded by BONNEY Ordinance No. 2000 -04. Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 Volume XXVI Page 61 Manager Jensen explained that Borough Code limited the manager's authority on all purchases at $5,000. He said the limitation created costly time delays and added work for the manager, Assembly, and staff. Mayor Stevens called for public testimony; hearing and seeing none, he reconvened the regular meeting. Assemblymember Heinrichs was concerned about changing the publication requirements in Section 3.16.040. He wanted the current language retained. HEINRICHS, seconded by ARNDT VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND Ayes: Noes: None Absent: Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous VOTE ON MOTION TO ADOPT AS AMENDED Ayes: Noes: None Absent: Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous BOROUGH MANAGER'S REPORT None. Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 moved to amend Ordinance No. 2000 -04 in Section 3.16.040 by retaining the words: "once a week for not less than three (3) consecutive weeks prior to the date of the bid opening ". Abell, Arndt, Bonney, Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger Arndt, Bonney, Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Arndt MANAGER'S REPORT Volume XXVI Page 62 MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor Stevens participated in an Alaska Municipal League teleconference and reported the Legislature approved the following: Municipal Assistance and Revenue Sharing /Safe Communities at $28,493,000. This was a reduction of $3.4 million, which was lower than anticipated. Municipal Capital Matching Grants fully funded at $15,000,000, including funds for schools, harbors, transportation, and the University of Alaska. A long -term fix for power cost equalization that involved funds from the Four - Dam -Pool and the Constitutional Budget Reserve. School funding at the current per student level, including a $5.8 million grant for the Learning Opportunity Program. Student transportation funding at 99% this year. He noted however that there was a concern that the legislature would direct that future transportation costs be shared 50/50 with local tax payers. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS A. CONTRACTS None. B. RESOLUTIONS None. C. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. Ordinance No. 99 -10B Amending Ordinance No. 99 -10 Fiscal Year 2000 Budget to Reflect Amendments. ARNDT, seconded by BRANSON Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 moved to adopt Ordinance No. 99 -10B in first reading to advance to public hearing on May 16, 2000. MESSAGES FROM THE MAYOR UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS CONTRACTS RESOLUTIONS ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE NO. 99 -10B Volume XXVI Page 63 Manager Jensen said the adjustment of actual revenues collected and expenditures disbursed, and adjustments to grants received, were itemized in the ordinance. There was no discussion by the Assembly. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADVANCE Ayes: Bonney Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Abell, Arndt Noes: None Absent: Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous 2. Ordinance No. 2000 -05 Amending Title 3 Revenue and Finance Chapter 3.04 Public Finance -- Management and Accounting Section 3.04.057 General Fixed Assets to Establish Capitalization Thresholds for Fixed Assets. HEINRICHS, seconded by ARNDT Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2000 -05 in first reading to advance to public hearing on May 16, 2000. Manager Jensen said the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommended updating capitalization thresholds for fixed assets, and the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Statement No. 34, required that all capital assets be capitalized in Borough financial statements. He said the code change allowed the manager to maintain adequate control over all Borough assets, including fixed assets, to minimize the risk of loss or misuse. In response to Assemblymember Arndt, Manager Jensen said the 2003 start date set by GASB would comply with the requirements of the Borough's auditors. Director Short added that staff would need that time to determine all fixed assets in the Borough. Manager Jensen would request a recommendation from the Borough's auditors. VOTE ON MOTION TO ADVANCE Ayes: Branson, Heinrichs, Spalinger, Abell, Arndt, Bonney ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -05 Volume XXVI Page 64 Noes: None Absent: Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous D. OTHER ITEMS 1. Resignation of Personnel Advisory Board Member. BRANSON, seconded by ARNDT move to accept, with regret, the resignation of Warren Russell from the Personnel Advisory Board and direct the Clerk to advertise the vacancy per Borough Code. There was no discussion by the Assembly. VOTE ON MOTION MOTION CARRIED Unanimous voice vote 2. Vacation of a Portion of the Patent Easement on Lot 7, U.S. Survey 3101 Reserved for Roadways and Public Utilities and Dedication of Sharatin Road Right -of - Way. (3573 Spruce Cape Road) BONNEY, seconded by BRANSON Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 moved to approve the vacation of a Portion of the Patent Easement on Lot 7, U.S. Survey 3101 Reserved for Roadways and Public Utilities and Dedication of sharatin Road Right -of -Way. (3573 Spruce Cape Road) At the deferral of Manager Jensen, Director Freed said this allowed flexible development of the property. She added that the remaining easement included a dedication of a right -of -way to Sharatin Road that was sufficient to provide for necessary access and utilities. Assemblymember Heinrichs declared a potential conflict of interest as he was the contractor for the design work. OTHER ITEMS RESIGNATION OF PERSONNEL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER VACATION Volume XXVI Page 65 Mayor Stevens declared no conflict of interest for Assemblymember Heinrichs. VOTE ON MOTION TO APPROVE Ayes: Noes: None Absent: Turner MOTION CARRIED Unanimous CITIZENS' COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Assemblymember Abell said he heard comments from residents about funding the school district at $400,000 over level funding. He opposed a tax increase and encouraged the Assembly to continue working with the school district to find a viable long -term solution for future funding. Mayor Stevens announced that the Assembly would meet in a work session with the School Board following this meeting. Members of the Assembly would travel to Ouzinkie and Old Harbor on Friday, May 12. The Assembly would meet in a work session on Thursday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough conference room and a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the assembly chambers. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Assembly, the meeting adjourped at 8:03 ATT...T: Judith A. Nielsen, CM i Borough Clerk Regular Assembly Meeting May 4, 2000 Heinrichs, Spalinger, Abell, Arndt, Bonney, Branson Ga y L. Stevens, M. or Approved 5/16/2000 CITIZENS' COMMENTS ASSEMBLYMEMBER COMMENTS Volume XXVI Page 66