11/09/19811 7 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING - NOVEMBER 9, 1981 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) I CALL 'DER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Herrnsteen at 6:40 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Absent Mayor Herrnsteen Mr. Anderson (arrived 6:42) Mr. Arndt (arrived 6:55) Mr. Murray Mr. Peotter Mr. Wakefield Mr. White A quorum was established. III ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Mayor Herrnsteen had the following additions under Item VI COMMUNICATIONS & APPEARANCES: F. Resignation - Assemblyman G. Appointment of Deputy Mayor Hearing no objection the agenda was accepted. (Mr. Anderson arrived.) IV MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS A. Assembly - Reg. - Oct. 1, 1981 B. Assembly - Spec.- Oct. 15, 1981 C. Assembly - Emergency - Oct. 15, 1981 Mr. Peotter moved to accept Items A, 8 and C. Seconded by Mr. White. Motion carried with no objection. V MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS A. MD- Reg. - Sept. 4, 1981 KIM- Reg. - Sept. 28, 1981 KIBSD - Spec.- Oct. 19, 1981 B. Belts Flats /Russian Creek Rd. Serv. Dist. - Reg. - Oct. 2, 1981 C. K18 Hospital Advisory Board - Oct. 13, 1981 D. Personnel Advisory Board - Oct. 12, 1981 (4th Qtr.) Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt of Items A, B, C & D. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Motion carried with no objection. VI COMMUNICATIONS & APPEARANCES A. P & Z Representative Mr. Briggs had no comments at this time. 8. Hospital Advisory Board Appointments Mayor Herrnsteen stated he would like to wait until December to make these appointments. C. Health Resources Advisory Council Appointments 'Mayor Herrnsteen stated he would like to wait until December to make these appointments. D. P & Z Appointments (City) Mayor Herrnsteen re- appointed Virginia Crowe and Jim Ramaglia. Mr. Murray moved to ratify the appointment. Seconded by Mfr. Anderson. Motion carried with no objection. KIB'ASIEMBLY liEE7?ING Nbve(nbet 9,11951 Page 2 E. Res. No. 81 -85 -R Commending R. Danforth Ogg For His Efforts On Behalf Of The KIB Community. Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -85 -R. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Motion carried with no objection. F. Resignation - Assemblyman Mayor Herrnsteen read his resignation as Borough Assemblyman. Mr. Murray moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Herrnsteen as a member of the Assembly with regret. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Wakefield moved that the vacancy for Assemblyman be advertised and that those who submit their names also submit a resume. Seconded by Mr. Peotte Mr. White moved to amend that to include a letter of an individuals objectives and goals within the Borough. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Amendment carried with no objection. Main motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. G. Appointment of Deputy Mayor Mayor Herrnsteen appointed Mr. Peotter as Deputy Mayor. Mr. Murray moved to ratify the appointment. Seconded by Mr. White. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. VII PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ord. No. 81 -47 -0 Deleting The Billing Of Small Dollar Tax Assessments. Mr. White moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -47 -0. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: NO COMMENTS. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Ord. No. 81 -48-0 Appropriating Certain Sums Of Money For Receipt And Expenditure. Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -48 -0. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. (Mr. Arndt arrived.) Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: NO COMMENTS. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. C. Ord. No. 81 -49 -0 Appropriating Certain Sums Of Money Under The Municipal Aid Program. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -49 -0. Seconded by Mr. White. Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: NO COMMENTS. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 'D. Ord. No. 81 -50 -0 Relating To Manner Of Taxation Of Boats And Vessels. Mr. White moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -50 -0. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: NO COMMENTS. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: KIB)AAJEM81Y REE$NG Npvehbel9,i198M Page 3 Mr. Murray moved to amend by changing after the second WHEREAS to read AS 29.53.025. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Amendment carried with no objection. Maim motion as amended carried by unanimous roll call vote. E. Ord. No. 81 -51 -0 Amending The KIB Code Of Ordinances By The Repeal Of Section 2.32.010 Of Title 2 In Its Entirety And Title 3 By The Addition Of Section 3.14.015. (Execution of Negotiable Instruments) Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -51 -0. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: NO COMMENTS. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. F. Ord. No. 81 -52 -0 Adopting Names And Re- Naming The KIB. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -52 -0. Regular Session closed: Public Hearing opened: John Pugh: I am one hundred percent for this ordinance. I would request that you table this ordinance for one month until we have session between the City and Borough on this. 1 would like to at get the City's intent before you pass this ordinance. Public Hearing closed: Regular Session opened: Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VIII OLD BUSINESS A. Res. No. 81 -75 -R Establishing A Senior Citizens Steering Committee. (Table( Mr. Anderson moved to remove Resolution No. 81 -75 -R from the table. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Motion failed 1 -5 with Mr. Wakefield casting the YES vote. B. Res. No. 81 -78 -R Authorizing The Renting Of The Apartment Building Complex - Located On Lot 5 Of U.S. Survey 2538A. (Tabled) Mr. Murray moved to remove Resolution No. 81 -78 -R from the table. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Mr. Peotter moved to amend resolution under the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED from a three year extension to a one year extension of the current use permit. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Amendment carried by unanimous voice vote. (Mr. Wakefield moved to adopt Res. No. 81 -78 -R. Seconded by Mr. Anderson.) Main motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. C. Ord. No. 81 -59 -0 Raspberry Island Land Sale. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -59 -0. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. IX MANAGERS REPORT A. Joint Work Session with City Thursday, November 19, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. in the Borough Conference Room. X NEW BUSINESS A. Res. No. 81 -84 -R Objecting To The Elimination Of The Kodiak National Marine Fisheries Service Office. J Certain Streets Within Seconded by Mr. Arndt. like to the work least K)IB AbSE MgTING Ioiembbr F, 1981 Page 4 Mr. Wakefield moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -84 -R. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Mr to amend by adding after the fourth WHEREAS the word fed ween the words only" and "research ". Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Amen carried by unanimous voice vote. Main motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. 8. Ord. No. 81 -53 -0 Providing For The Composition, Representation And Apportionment Of The KIB Assembly. (1st Rdg.) Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -53 -0. Seconded by Mr. Wakefield. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. C. Ord. No. 81 -54 -0 Pertaining To Zoning By Revising Chapter 17.03 - General Provisions And Deleting Portions Of Chapter 17.30 - General Use Regulations Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -54 -0. Seconded by Mr. Murray. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. D. Ord. No. 81 -55 -0 Zoning Map District Boundaries. (1st Rdg.) Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -55 -0. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. E. Ord. No. 81 -56 -0 Amending Chapter 17.28 - Watershed Zones And Deleting Sections 17.30.060 (B) And 17.66.030 (8) - Additional Uses Permitted In Watershed Zones. (1st Rdg.) Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -56 -0. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. F. Ord. No. 81 -57 -0 Amending Chapter 16.20 Of The KIB Code Pertaining To Subdivision Design Standards, By Creating Park Dedication Requirements. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -57 -0 in the first reading. Seconded by Mr. White. Mr. Anderson moved to amend under A. Purpose by changing "may" to shall after the word "Commission ". Seconded by Mr. White. Motion carried 5 -1 with..Mr. Peotter casting the NO vote. Matniieation as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. G. Ord. No. 81 -58 -0 Amending Title 17 Of The KIB Code, Pertaining To Zoning. By Revising Chapter 17.60, Signs. (1st Rdg.) Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 81 -58 -0. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. H. Res. No. 81 -86 -R Ratifying A Purchase By The Assessor In The Amount Of $9,360.00. Mr. Wakefield moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -86 -R. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. I. Res. No. 81 -87 -R Accepting A Grant From The Dept. Of Environmental Conservation In The Amount Of $3,518,000 For The Island Lake Water And Sewer Project. Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -87 -R. Seconded by Mr. Murray. Motion 1... voice me ,- , - " -,, carried w unanimous J. Motion To Accept Architectural Review Board's Recommendation Regarding The High School Pool. Mr. Anderson moved to accept the Architectural Review Board's recommendatisns. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. K. Res. No. 81 -89 -R Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Design Contract For The Upper Mill Bay School Complex Development Plan. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -89 -R. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. KI$ ATISEM$LY *JETTING .ov$mb€r 9j 1981 Page 5 L. Res. No. 81 -90 -R Granting An Access Road, Transmission Line, Penstock And Powerhouse Easement To The Kodiak Electric Association Across Lands Selected An l:Tentatively Approved To The Borough Near The Head Of Kizhuyak Bay. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -90 -R. Seconded by Mr. Murray. Mr. Murray moved to amend by adding WHEREAS, the operation, ma'ntenance and liabilit for the road •ast construction shall be the res.onsibilit of Ko•iak E ectric Association and the Borough shal be hel• harmless from any prob ems associated with it. Seconded by Mr. White. Amendment carried by unanimous voice vote. Main motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote. M. Res. No. 81 -91 -R Authorizing Release Of Funds For The Construction Of A Health Clinic in Karluk. Mr. Murray moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -91 -R. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. N. Res. No. 81 -92 -R Withdrawing All Employees Of The KIB From The U.S. Government's Social Security Program. Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -92 -R. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried 5 -1 with Mr. Murray casting the NO vote. 0. Res. No. 81 -93 -R Designating Individuals To Execute Negotiable Instruments. Mr. Anderson moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -93 -R. Seconded by Mr. White. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. P. Memo re: Hospital Audit Action deferred. Q. Memo re: KEA proposed "mini- Hydro" Project for Port Lions Mr. Wakefield moved that the Borough Assembly send letters to the State agencies supporting the overhead transmission line to Port Lions from the Terror Lake Hydro- Electric Project and stating it is consistant with Kodiak Island Borough's Coastal Zone Management Plan as it is being developed. Seconded by Mr. White. Mr. Peotter moved to table until such time as we receive copies of the Port Lions Mayors letter with their reasons for supporting it and also the cost comparisons that are being prepared by APA. Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by 5 -1 with Mr. Wakefield casting the NO vote. R. Memo re: Brechan's Lease - Bells Flats Mr. Anderson moved to extend Brechan's lease, after February 9, 1332, on a month to month basis until a lease arrangement is made Seconded by Mr. Arndt. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. S. Res. No. 81 -94 -R Authorizing Condemnation Of Road Right -of -say Cn Lot 11 A, Block 7, Bells Flats, AK. Mr. White moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -94 -R. Seconded by Mr. ;- erson. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. T. KIBSD Report of Revenues & Expenditures - June /July /August /Sept. 1981. Mr. Peotter moved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried with no objection. U. KIB Financial Statement Revenue & Expenditure Report - September 1981. Mr. Murray moved to acknowledge receipt. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried with no objection. XI MAYORS COMMENTS NONE 1 KIB ASEEMBLY.MEEgIN llov$mb4T 9; 1981 XII ASSEMBLY COMMENTS I commend you on the Mr. Peottert Mr. Mayor, I take great pride in saying, way you handled your first meeting as the official Mayor of the Kodiak Island Borough. Mr. Murra : I attended ameetinn with the representatives from Japan who were here on a tour. They were invite edsher c the Chamber who is in the process of establishing with the city of Kesennuma, Japan. Although we had some communication problems they all seemed very enthusiastic. It was very interesting and Mr. Arndt: None. Mr. White: Now that were making plans for fire service for the Bells Flats as area the road service people have voiced a that once astw well as some people in the Women's Bay community, have a fire service district set up. I'm not sure of the mechan ism we can go about to create a 'ire service or whether we should just expand the existing service district. Mr. Wakefield: key There swaspa lot good f attendancelfrom9aeloteofnareasAofhthe State. I got a heck learnedta lot about n what the State Management workshop. do and what the Federal government can and cannot do once we adopt have a that plan. The way I lot more local option u than sweothought r And l a lot control on how things are resolved around this island. MrMr. Anderson: t wash interested in and was One portation (ferry system). They have proposed in their policy statement for one ferry to serve western Alaska clear out to Dutch Harbor. I tried to get in the policy statement to have one mainline ferry and then two feeder ferries. I would like to commend the Manager on getting the rent from the City for the last two years. Also, I was looking at the safety meeting that was held and law,mdepartmendepartments eadsh first-aid & supervisorshavei cards? ? hold first-aid card. card. Just a reminder. XIII AUDIENCE COMMENTS None. XIV ADJOURNMENT Mayor Herrnsteen adjourned the meeting at 9:48 PM. .ATTEST: Page 6