06/18/1981KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY tMEETING - JUNE 18, 1981 (A Verbatim Record is on File in the Clerk's Office) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ogg called the meeting to order at 12:10 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Absent Mr. Anderson (arrived 12:13 PM) Mr. Herrnsteen (excused) Mr. Arndt Mr. Murray (excused) Mr. Peotter Mr. Wakefield Mr. White Mayor Ogg Mayor Ogg asked if there were any objections to excusing those that were absent. Hearing no objections they were excused. A quorum was established. III ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Akhiok School Site Land The Chair would entertain a motion to authorize the Attorney to with- draw the appeal in the Akhiok existing school site. Mr. Wakefield so moved. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 2. Res. No. 81 -34 -R, changing work of art percentage - Karluk School Mr. Peotter moved to adopt Resolution No. 81 -34 -R. Seconded by Mr. White. Motion carried unanimously. IV ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ogg adjourned the meeting at 12:13 PM. ATTEST: O4.» Li?? n/ Borougt C�c Borough Mayor \ I