10/11/1979KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING- OCTOBER 11, 1979 (A Verbatim Record is on Pile in the Clerk's Office) I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Betty J. Wallin at 6:20 P.M. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. II ROLL CALL Present Mr. Phillip Anderson Mr. Arnold Hansen Mrs. Sandra Kavanaugh Mr. James Peotter Mrs. Betty J. Wallin, Mayor Mrs. Kavanaugh moved that Dr. Sick be excused. Seconded by Mr. Andersen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved that Mr. Jack be excused. Seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Peotter moved that Mr. Ogg be excused. Seconded by Mr. Anderson. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. A quorum was established. III ITEMS OF BUSINESS Absent Dr. Michael Emaick (medical emergency) excused Mr. Edward Jack (fishing) excused MK. Dan Ogg (out of town) excused 1. HUD Application Public Hearing. Mr. Hovanec read his memo. Mayor Wallin closed the regular meeting and opened the public hearing. Susan Stubbs, representing Kodiak Women's Resources Center and Ann Evans, vice president - treasurer of ICIFC: Explained the goals and purposes of KWIC and requested assistance in the amount of $9,400 for staffing and expansion of services: their primary need is a location where a resource center could operate on an eight -hour daily basis. Horace Simmons, 'ANA Electrical: Representing Ousinkie, requested re- endorse- ment of second phase funding of approximately 55,000 for Ousinkie electri- fication. Also requested consideration of a weather proof electrical dis- tribution load center in Larsen Bay: this would allow operation of the high school as designed, and later use by the entire community. An appropriate ATCO type building would cost approximately $80,000 to $100,000. Public hearing closed; regular session reconvened. Mrs. Kavanaugh explained that O.E.D.P. did include a mini -bus service through the downtown area (not only for the elderly). This would be private enterprise. Mr. Hovanac stated that thy City is including the sidewalk and paving Erskine Avenue Elderly Housing. Mr. Anderson moved that the KIS send a letter to the City, copy to BUD, supporting their application for a HUD grant for the paving of Erskine Avenue and the sidewalk on the west ride of the Senior Citizens complex to Mission Road and approximately 200 feet along Mission Rod to the existing sidewalk. Seconded by Mrs. Kavanaugh. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved the following projects be included in the HUD pre - applications 1) Heedstart facility, 2) Electrical facilities Ousinkie, phase 2, 3) Sewer plan Port Lions - engineering study, 4) Wamens' 'asource Center. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. 2. Resolution 479 -54-R requesting the Governor and Legislature to use excess monies to pay 1004 funding on School Bond Issues. Mayor Wallin red the resolution. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved for adoption of Resolution 479 -54 -R. Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Mrs. Kavanaugh moved to amend Resolution 179 -54 -R to read as follows: A Resolution Requesting the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Alaska to Use Excess Rgvsnues for the 1001 Amortization of All State Approved School Bond Funding. Whereas, the RIB Assembly wishes that any state excess revenues be allocated for the purpose of 1001 funding of State approved School Bonds; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the KIN Assembly urges the Governor and the Legislature to utilise excess revenues for 1001 funding of State approved School Bads." with copies to be sent all boroughs and ask for their support. Seconded by Mr. Peotter. Amendment carried by unanimous roll call vote. Main motion as amended carried by unanimous roll call vote. 3. Press request for release of names and resume's of applicants for posi- tion of Borough Handier. 'ayor Bailin read a letter to the mayor and assembly dated September 21, 1979 from the Kodiak Publishing Company and a letter to th ^_ berourh Clerk fena el... a -a r. - --.. r- - -.. -. ..... r__. ,c l SIB ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING - OCTOBER 11, 1979 PAGE 2 1979. Mr. Peotter moved that the KIB Assembly would release only those names of the applicant candidates who have agreed to have their names released, Seconded by Mr. Hansen. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. N ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: The meeting was adjourned by Mayor mallin at 7:18 P.M. Kdoitzerl