04/24/1973KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY MEETING APRIL 24, 1973 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Presiding Officer, Mr. Charles Powell, at 7:45 p.m. in the courtroom of the State Office building. II ROLL CALL 4 7 7 Present Absent Mr. Wilton White, Chairman Mr. Fred Brechan Mr. Charles Powell, Presiding Officer Mr. Ross Wood Mr. Howard Anderson Mr. Dennis Nelson III OLD BUSINESS A. Review and Acceptance of the 1973 -74 Proposed School Budget - Mr. White stated that he has predicated his recommendations on the complete tax roll. He feels in considering this budget we should continue with the facts in the past. He has three recommendations that he would like to have continued in the budget, they are as follows: (1) To keep the $10,000 amount for the summer and evening recreation program. (2) there be a stipulation, a portion of allocation for the school be $10,000 for the public library. The Borough does not have library • authority and the public library. is utilized by youngsters coming in from the villages and also used by the children in Kodiak. (3) The Community College contribution remain in the budget. Last year it was $19,030 and this year it is *19,503. It is a recommendation of the Borough Administration that the Borough's contribution to the school remain the same as last year, which was $310,000. The present millage directed to the school is 4.48 mill. Mr. Powell recommends we contribute the same amount as we did last year, but that we change the mill to 4.5. Mr. Nelson noted that when the new high school was voted on, it passed by a three to one vote and the voters were apparently aware that with the new high school in operation, there would be an additional mill added to our taxes. He believes this should be considered in operating the new school, and he also feels that the school districts!' feelings were reflected by this when they considered the budget. Mr. Wood asked what would happen with the school administration if they did not get what they were asking for and Mr. Powell asked what reserves they have if their proposed contribution were cut? Mr. Greene did not know where extra fund!: would come from, but he would suggest that funding for library, community college, and the summer recreation programs be con- sidered in abeyance until other funds can be found. Mr. Wood stated that part of the money would be saved by putting high schools in the villages, from all the people he has talked with; they have indicated they would like to have schools in the villages. Mr. Greene stated that if we did perhaps put a school in a village, it would take away from the existing high school on a purely financial basis. Mr. Nelson moved that the Borough contriuute to the school $380.000. with strong recommendation that the programs for the summer and evening recreation. library, and the community college not be altered. The motion died due to lack of a second. Mr. Anderson made a motion that we accept the Boron Chairman's recommendations and contribute $31D,: to the School. Seconded by Mr. Wood. Mr. White stated that for two years we will pick up the principle payments on the debt services. It is possible that the State support will be .+ail - able to participate in this debt; now the State contribution is only about 25% of the debt, but this begins two years after principle payments have begun. Mr. Nelson believed we should give support from their we their budget. SUBMITTED: 1 0 1 1 1 n 1 7 7 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY MEETING PAGE 2 APRIL 24, 1973 Mr. Pulp stated he would rather see the $380,000,local support. The enrollment is down, but it will probably go up and the Board might have to come back and ask for more money. Dr. Hayes urged the Borough to accept the proposed support the school district was asking for. Mrs. Hajdu stated she supported Dr. Hayes recommendation. Mrs. Hajdu also stated that in the past the supplemental roll has been used as part of the estimates on our mill rate. She stated that about one and a half million has come out of her office alone since the deadline. Mr. Norton's recommendation is to accept the recommendation that the school board presented. He felt it would be a grave error to make a. drastic cut such as this. Mr. Powell recommended that the .... .._ Borough Assembly and the School Board have a work session every quarter. He would like to recommend the Borough Assembly and School Board think about it. Question being call for, motion passed on the following roll call vote: Mr. Wood - YES, Mr. Nelson - NO, Mr. Anderson - YES, Mr. Powell - YES, IV NEW BUSINESS a. Review and Acceptance of Audit - Mr. White explained that Main LaFrentz did the Borough's audit last year and that it did entail a primary audit. Arthur Young & Co., of which Mr. George Hedla is employed, has done the Boroughs and school districts' audit before. Arhtur Young & Co. is asking for $5700 to $6400 plus traveling expense and printing costs. Mr. Larry Peterson, who is a representative of Main LaFrentz, lives in Kodiak. Main LaFrentz is asking for $6900 plus out of pocket expenses. Peat Marwick and Mitchell are also familiar with our books and their bid is $9200 to $9750, including out of pocket expenses. Mr. White asked Marilyn Peterson of the School District and Norma Holt, Borough Treasurer if they had any comments on what audit company they preferred. .Mrs.Peterson stated that she had worked with all the companies and they were alt good. Mrs. Holt stated they were all good, but she recommended that which ever one we do pick that we go on a two year basis. Mr. White believes that if we can keep the same figure for the-second year, then it would be agreeable. Mr. White recommended Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell and that he was hesitant in recommending the higher bidder, but they do have a clearer presentation of their audit. Mr. Wood moved that we accept the bid from Arthur Young & Co. Seconded by Mr. Nelson. 14r. Anderson feels that since Arthur Young & Co. is doing the City's and there is only a difference of *200.00 from Main LaFrentz, who does have a local representa- tive here we should accept their bid. Question called for motion died due to a tie vote. Mr. Nelson moved that we accept the proposition from Main LaFrentz & Co. Seconded by Mr. Wood. Motion passed on the following roll call vote: Mr. Nelson - YES Mr. Powell - NO, Mr. Anderson - YES, Mr. Wood - YES. Mr. White mentioned that the BOE meeting is set for the lot and 2nd of May and that Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brechan will be out of town. He wanted to know if the assembly had any suggestions for replacements.. Mr. White stated that Mr. Bardot has served on the board last year and he is recommending him this year and Mr. Sims would be the other choice, since he has experience on the Borough Assembly. It was noted that Mr. Bardot might be out of town also at the time, the Borough Chairman was given authorization to appoint additional members for the BOE. V ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. 9!M i. Forma L. Ho t, Borough Clerk APPROVED: t Wilton T. White, Borough Chairman