04/30/1971_ KODLAO IS@AND) BO`AOUdH S. YAIf1MEaL`S APRIL 27th. 1971 I GALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Deputy Presiding Officer Norman Sutliff at 7:40 P.M. in the Courtroom of the State Office Building, Kodiak, Alaska. II ROLL CALL Present Absent Wilton T. White, Borough Chairman Ed Naughton Norman Sutliff, Deputy Presiding Ofc. Don Arndt Richard Sims T. T. Jackson The Borough Chairman stated that in view of the fact that the meeting and public hearing had been scheduled and advertised and the Borough Office was not aware of the lack of a quorum until late in the day, the meeting would continue on an informal basis but no -action would be taken at this date. The public hearing and determination would be postponed until the 30th of April, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Anyone not able to attend the meeting on Friday, could make a statement at this time for presentation on tape to the Borough Assembly. Dr. Lind and members of the school board joined the assemblyman at the discussion table and Dr Lind gave a detailed resume of the proposed school budget. Dr Lind explained all the revenue that would be coming in during the next year; explaining that there was an expected increase in the Foundation program and the tuition funds. The overall increase in expenditures of the proposed budget was listed as approximately 12% with an increase in student load of 7 %. The increase in the school budget is expected to increase the millage rate; noted that approximately 6 Mills will be needed to support the proposed budget. Other fundings program were mentioned: the Johnson O'Malley funds have gone down some this year, noted that these funds and others are related to the amount of local support that the district paid the past year. One federal program is still available whereby the district has a chance to try new and special -type classes for a period of two -three years to determine whether or not these should be included in the regular schedule. Federal monies are available for special aids to the village teachers, assistance on boarding costs for handicap students and the school psychologist is also funded through federal funds. Under expenditures, it was noted that no new programs have been initiated and that only a few positions have been added. The teachers' aide program has proved quite successful and the district would like to continue with this program. Under capital improvements the High School needs roof repair and this is included in the maintenance of the plant. Noted further that there will be two new light plants purchased for the village schools. Dr. Lind answered questions from the audience on such matters as support of the village schools, bus transportation; and costs for boarding Borough students in private homes. The State dorm allows fifty spaces for Borough students which means that an additional forty -five have to be placed in private homes. The cost for this is small in comparison to the building of a high school in the villages, which is something that the district just cannot do at this time. The cost per student in the villages is higher than that in Kodiak due to the small number of students; however it was noted that the revenue to the Borough from the fact that the schools are in the Borough is being spent in those schools and every effort is being made to see to that. To a question from a member of the audience regarding the light plant in the Akhiok school it was noted that one of the two new plants is scheduled for placement at Akhiok. Note was also taken of the fact that something will have to be done on the sewer system of the school in that location also. Nit .1 - n- '1 1 1 ' 1 o 7 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SPECIAL MEETING - APRIL 27th, 1971 page 2 A member of the audience asked about the bus transportation and expressed the opinion that the bus route should be considered hazardous for all months of the year rather than just a short time. It was pointed out that the funds for this particular item do come from the State and that at the present time no determination has been made as to whether or not the funds will be available for the coming year. The School District itself does pay a portion of the bus transportation and the opinion was further expressed that the small additional amount of money for the continuation of the hazardous route should be paid by the school district. This would insure the safety of the children as the road conditions are still bad, with the rains and the lack of proper run -offs on the roads. It was pointed out that this was the first year that the School Board has worked with an Advisory Committee made up of representatives from many of the civil organizations in the Community. The School Board expressed appreciation for the help and assistance given by the representatives. A question was raised concerning the funds for the "I" street playground, as to whether or not the funds allocated had to be spent by the School or could these be given to another government unit for expansion on that project. The School does not in fact have to expend the money directly, the funds can be given say to the City for use on that project. Concerning the funding for the Ouzinkie school, noted that the election has been scheduled for May 4th, to ask the voters if they wish to spend a portion of the PL 815 funds for this construction: The PL 815 funds are available and had been ear - marked for the new high school, however if these funds are not used shortly it appears that the district will lose them. Once the funds are used for the construction of the Ouzinkie School, and that school does qualify for such funds, then another application will be made for funds for the new high school. The living quarters for the teachers in Ouzinkie will have to be funded from capital improvement funds and not through the 815 Funds. By a show of hands the majority of the audience indicated their approval of the proposed budget and expression that the Board and School Administration had done a good job. There were several in the audience that felt the budget required further review and work. It was noted that a public hearing will be held at the meeting on April 30th, with the Borough Assembly and formal action will be taken at that time. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. ATTEST: APPROVED: RUSSELL M. WALKER, BOROUGH CLERK - TREASURER WILTON T. WHITE, BOROUGH CHAIRMAN - —}