06/23/1969 RMKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEEARLY JUNE 23, 1969 I CALT TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Deputy Presiding Officer Jim Barr, at 7 :35 p.m. in the Courtroom of the State Office Building, as a continuation of the regular meeting of June 19th, 1969. II ROLL CALL Present Don Bullock, Presiding Officer (late arrival) Jo Hajdu, Borough Chairman Betty Springhill Don Arndt Jim Barr Ed Naughton Also present; Roy Goodman, City i >ianager; J. L. Stansbury, Building Inspector; ;Ambers of the Kodiak School Bon?-d; 'n I" 2NG:-r --- r; and approxinately 60 people in the audience. III TiINU ES OF PREVIOUS WRUNG A. I.linutes fran the First Half of Meeting, June 19th, 1969, approved as presented. IV V MINUTES OF OTHER %WINGS - NONE COHMU ICATIO TS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS A. Letter from Property Owner's Association re Changes in This item .was postponed until the backup information could Sor ^ Of 4 ?'3. XI ilL17 BUSINESS H. This item was taken up in the interim - Appointment of Acting Springhill moved that Norma L. Holt be appointed Barr, notion passed by unanimous voice vote. The Assembly returned to the regular schedule of items. V B. Petitions from Owners of ACS Trailers. The petition was read stating that in view of the fact that the school construction will not be started for some time, the people in the Court were requesting that a time extension be granted. This additional time would give other trailer parks in the area time to expand their facilities to accommodate the Trailers from ACS. A letter fran the City of Kodiak was read stating that the City had no objection to the continuance of the ACS Trailer court until the land is needed by the School. The School Board minutes of June 9, 1969 were also read in which the School Board requested that five trailers be removed as they block an area needed for high school parking and further that the Board would stand by their original demand that all house trailers be out by the deadline of August 30th. It was noted that this request was being made due to the fact that children may be using the dormitories for classrooms and would have to walk across the Trailer Court Grounds in order to reach the classroans. There have been three trailers moved fran the Court as of this date; the five trailers mentioned in the School Board Minutes have been reduced to three extending over the property line and these three could move into the vacant spaces. Since the School Board wished to be present for this discussion, 4r. Barr moved that this be ,tabled until later in the meeting when the School Board would be in attendance, seconded by Mr. Arndt, notion passed by unanimous voice vote. A. Letter from Property Owners' Association read concerning the changes in the Fire Service District, ;..�; ing. that services should be arranged with the city on a rental basis. The Borough's fire apparatus to be turned- to the City and that the Borough would pay a set fee per fire call outside the City. The Borough Chairman noted that this has been under consideration for same time, the Fire Service District Advisory Board has appointed I�1r. Perm as spokesman for this matter. `;here has been a certain amount of encouragement in this although nothing definite has been established. lir. Goodman stated that nothing can be definitely done until such time as the Pacific Fire rating tears has been able to make a survey. They should be in Kodiak sometime between July 15th and the 21st. The City Council is interested in finding out what effect this added area would have on the fire rate; further the Council is not ready at this time to accept or deny the request, would like to wait until after the rating team has been here. Mrs. Hajdu stated that this would probably take about two months to finalize. The Borough Assembly was in agreement that a letter should be submitted to the City, formally requesting that there be a meeting of the Fire Board, City and Fire rating team in order to formulate a plan for this ser ce. Fire Service District. be obtained . 5A.Ei thh Clerk. Mrs. anted as acting ' Bi clerk, seconded by Mr. . KODIAK ° *`"T, 1 A..CROUGH ASSEMBLY . JUNE 23, 1969 2 VI PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 2nr9 Reading and Public Hearing Ordinance 69 -12 -0 Approving 1969 -70 Budget. The O. ..mane was read by title only. ir. Barr moved for the adoption of Ordinance 69 -12 -0 in Second Reading, seconded by 11r. Arndt. The meeting was recessed and the Public Hearing opened. To facilitate matters the budget was taken item by item and person wishing to be heard on each item was given that opportunity. Acct. 501 - The question was raised concerning the increase in salaries for the Assembly Members. This has not been a budgeted item before, however the Borough Chairman felt that this amount was little enough - payment for people spending four and five hours at meetings on community work. Further pointed out that this would encourage a few more wage earners to run for Assemblyman. The salary and travel for the delegate form the villages (if elected): was questioned and it was felt that this could be taken up later if there was a delegate from the villages. It was suggested that these items be cut. Noted that this would not be effective until after election if passed. Acct. 504 - The question was raised concerning the legal retainer; however it was pointed out that the attorney is necessary and the retainer does compensate him for not taken cases that would otherwise conflict with the Borough business. Further pointed out that the Attorney does give advice on many items for the Assemblyman and his service is needed. Alternative would be to hire an attorney for each separate case and it would appear that this would be in exr7-= to that budgeted. Acct. # 507 - noted that in order to write the Checks for the School and to facilitate the handling :of the tax statements and ledgers a new Bookkeeping machine is needed, also an addressograph and a typewriter. This new machine will not be purchased until _ the new assessor is hired and it is determined whether to go to the new computer, service instead If purchased the machine will be obtained at the State discount price. It was suggested that this machine be rented on a leash - purchase contract. Without the new machines it is possible that additional help will be needed at the peak- period for tax statements. Acct. #509 - Item 11 -E was questioned and it was pointed out that the position must have more salary as the job requires a person to spend many, many hours away from a job that is supporting his family. It was again pointed out that this increase in salary would not begin until after the October election. Item 11 -31 was questioned as being high for office supplies; however it was pointed out that duplicating paper is costly as well as the ink and th are necessary in order to keep the public informed. It was suggested that this item and Item #37 postage be cut. Acct # 510 - Contingencies. This item is for emergencies that arise and money has. not been.definitely set aside for; if not needed this money will be carried forward to the next fiscal year. Item - 509.13 was returned to and the question arose as to the benefits derived from belonging to the Alaska Municipal League. It was pointed out that this was the main lobbying body of local government and was instrumental .n obtaining the shared revenues passed this last year. It was felt that this is a worthwhile organization and the Borough and City do' • benefit from the organization. It was further suggested that the salary. of Chairman be reduced and that a full --time office manager be hired. However this would require a larger salary and possibly a secretary hired for the manager. This should be considered in the future as an alternate plan,. hiring an assistant to the Chairman as an office manager. Acct. #601. The Borough Chairman suggested that the Assessing Department dot be cut as it is the main -stay of the Borough. It was noted that a full -time assessor has been hired and will begin work on July lst. All assessing will be done from the Kodiak Office with the exception of the work done by the Marine Surveyor. Mr. Tom Harrison of Fairbanks will be the net assessor. Under Item .22, Professional Training and development, it is felt that continued training should be done to insure that the skills are maintained in this field, there are many excellent schools for this type training. of Bldg. Ir Acct. #701 - Planning & Zoning. Item .71 - It was suggested that the position/'be only a part -time position and thereby reducing the amount necessary for the job. Further suggested that the State Sanitarian could possibly take care of the building inspection. A member of the audience noted that this should be carefully considered before taking this position entirely out of the budget. Acct. #801 - Mr. Norton was present and stated that the School Board did not feel that the School Budget could be cut after it once had been approved by the Assembly. It was pointed out that the Budget itself had not been cut, only the local support effort which was the intent of the revenue sharing act passed by the legislature. As the School Budget had already incorporated the principal amount of revenue derived from this act the $50,000 cut from local support was additional revenue, amount of which was not known at budget time. Additional funds will be forthcoming from State for children of State Employees attending the local schools. It was pointed out that the School Board will need to make up the $70,000 deficit in last year's budget in this coning year and suggestions have been presented whereby this can be done without lowering the quality of the education program. J 'F T KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH •- JUNE 23, 1969 3 It was pointed out that the revenue sharing was intended to reduce the local support and some factions have expressed the thought that if this is not the case the support will not be avz able in the coming years. The School Board had agreed in their minutes of April 28th, 1969, to reduce local support by the amount of revenue sharing. Acct. #901 • It has been brought to the attention of the Borough Chairman that there might be a deficit in operating cost of the hospital and in order to assist in this the sum of $75,000 has been designated as a reserve. Everything possible is being done to prevent this deficit, however this year when the raw fish tax is more than last year seems to be a good time to plan for that deficit. The Borough has an agreement with the Grey Nuns that 750 of the accounts receivable will be picked up by the Borough who in turn will try to collect the accounts, in case of an operating loss. Acct. #901 - item .9 -- Dog Control, this amount is being set aside in the event that an ordinance is passed for dog control. At present the Borough does not have such an ordinance but a suggested ordinance has been submitted by hiss Glennon and a similar amount of money has been requested frau the City to help 'n this program. If the program is not formulated then the money will go forward into unappropriated surplus. In regards to the Villages, if the ordinance is adopted this programming could be delegated to each village or city council. The question was raised concerning the paymett for the "I` Street Athletic Field and it was noted that ACS Trailer Court Funds are dedicated for the improvement of the land presently owned and any land that might be added to that field. Heir. Perez noted that Mr. Cessna has offered to give his time free of charge as a part- time building inspector. The meeting was recessed and reconvened at 1135 p.m., at which time the public hearing on Ordinance No. 69 -12 -0 was closed and the Assembly meeting reconvened. It was decided that each item would again be discussed separately and motions covering any amendments made at that time. >ir. Arndt moved that $3 be cut fran Salaries, #21 -D and that 100 of the other items, 21-A, 21-B and 21 - -C be cut for a total cut of $3,400 leaving total of $3,600, seconded by Mrs. Springhill. The motion was amended after discussion to read, Account #501 be cut $6,000 leaving a total of $1,000, approved by the second. The roll call vote was as follows: Mr. Barr - NO, Mr. Naughton - YES; Tors. Springhill - YES; Mr. Arndt - YES; Mr. Bullock - YES; motion passed six to one. Acct. #507 -m Mr. Arndt moved that this account be cut by $6,000 and that arrangements be made for bank financing for the machines needed, leaving a total of $6,500; further that this be spread over a three -year period for the loan, seconded by i -irs. Springhill. Roll Call vote as follows: Mt. Barr - NO: Mr. . Naughton -- YES; Mr. . Arndt -- YES; Mrs_ Springhill - YES; Mr. Bullock -- YES; motion passed six to one. Acct. #509 - It was suggested that the mailing list and cost of supplies be limited. Mrs. Springhill moved that #31 under Acct. 509 be reduced from $3,600 to $3,000; item #37 be reduced from $2,300 to $1,500 and item #t18 be reduced from $500 tO $300; seconded by Mr. Arndt. Roll call vote as follows: Mr. Barr . -.. YES; Mr. Naughton -- YES; £sir. Arndt - Yes: , Mrs. Sprigghill - YES; Mr. Bullock -- YES; motion passed by unanimous vote. Acct. #510 - 1-ir. Arndt moved that the contingencies Fund be reduced from $30,318.35 to $15,159.17, seconded by iirs. Springhill. Roll call vete as follows: Mr. Naughton - YES; T >ir . ARndt - YES ; i it . Barr - NO, Mts. Springhill • - YES; Mr. . Bullock - YES; motion passed six to one. Acct. #701 Mr. Arndt moved that the caulpined accounts .71 and .72 be reduced by $6,000 l e a v i n g a balance of $1,895:00 ($1,500 an . i 1 an a so a a • .11 be reduced by $500 for total reduction of $6,500, secondedby Firs. spr�ngtGoodrnan pointed out that plan checking will still need to be done and turtner treat port Lions has applied for help under EDA and in order to comply with the application a building inspection program is necessary. Some people in the audience voiced the opinion that the posAtion should be only a part -time job. Others felt that orderly development of the community and our ability to attract new residents was contingent upon our having an effectively administered building code and that the full-time position should be kept. Mrs. Hajdu asked that the Lssembly leave the budget item for full -time building inspector intact at this time. Letters have been written to various agencies so that Assembly menbers have full information upon which to base a decision. The position could be eliminated later if desired, when the Assembly has accurate and full information to act upon. The question was called for and the voting as follows: Mr. Uauuhton - YES; Mr. Barr -- NO; Mrs. Springhill - YES; Mr. Arndt - YES; iir. Bullock No, motion carried by four to three roll call vote. 1 9 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY - JUNE 23 1969 4 Acct. x;9 -- Mt. Arndt moved that 901.4 be cut by $10,000 leaving sum of $65,000 in re- serve fc. the hospital, seconded by firs. Springhill. The question was called for aria the voting was as follows! Mr. Barr • -• NO Mrs. Springhill - YES; Mr. Naughton - tai; Mr. Bullock - YES; :fir. Arndt • - r YES; motion passes; by five to two roll call vote. The Assembly did not recommend any changes to the Capital Improvement Funds or to the revenues as stated in the Budget. The Borough Chairman noted that the general property tax will change and the Aleutian Homes Pilot will also decrease. Mr. Barr amended the original motion th read adoption of the ordinance as amended to $599,829.17, approved by the second, passed by the following roll call vote! tir. Arndt YES; Mr. Barr - YES; Hr. . Naughton - YES; Mts. Springhill « YES; i Ir . Bullock - YES A letter from Judge Mason was read into the record stating that the Courtroom had been left in a very untidy condition following the last Borough meeting and that hereafter the roan should be left in a neat and orderly manner and that sareone should be designated as the person responsible for seeing that this is done. Mr. Barr moved that the meeting recess until :Monday, June 30th, 7:30 p.m. at which time the Assembly would reconvene to take care of the remainder of the agenda, seconded by Mr. Naughton. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. The meeting was recessed at 1.15 p.m. ATTEST: Acting Clerk APPROVED: rough airman KODIA I,AI BO;OUbH ASSEL June 30, 1969 Continuation of June 23 Meeting CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Don Bullock at 730 PM in the Courtroom of the State Office Building, as a continuation of the regular meeting of June 23, 1969. II ROLL CALL PRESENT Don Bullock, Presiding Officer Don Arndt Jo Hajdu, Borough Chairman Jim Barr Betty Springhill Ed Naughton Also present: Roy Goodman, City iManager; J. L. Stansbury, Building Inspector; Jan Metzker, Borough Assessor, and approximately 22 people in the audience. III MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING dG A. The minutes of the previous June 23 meeting were not brought up for approval, however, with regard to the budget, Mr. Bullock offered the fact that one who votes on a prevailing side has the privilege to move for a reconsideration of the vote at this time. He then moved for reconsideration, followed by Jim Barr's second. Mr. Bullock said that at the time of the previous budget hearing there were many other factors to be considered under building inspection and at that time very little in the way of information was available. Since that time petitions have been presented to the City and the Borough for the abolition of the position of the Building Inspector, followed by others requesting the re- tention of a full-time building inspector. Also, the fact was brought up that several persons who had signed the petition for elimination of the full-time Building Inspector had called the Borough Office requesting that their names be removed from the petition, as the facts had been misrepresented. Mrs. Hajdu added that she had been informed that in the petition received against the full -time Building Inspector there had been several loose sheets, the petition itself being contained on the first sheet only, followed by only signatures on the remaining sheets. She questioned if, in fact, these petitions were valid. She also suggested that the subject property owners meet with the Appeals Board to discuss their differences. Mrs. Hajdu then read letters fran local, State and out --of -state agencies and governments, all of which were in agreement that to lessen the requirements of the building code would, undoubtedly, be a disadvantage and create problems in the future. Mr. Bullock then opened the meeting to the public, and a lengthy discussion followed. There was a great deal of mixed feelings about the subject of the building code, a full -time building inspector and modifications to the building code. Mr. Bullock pointed out that no provisions have been made in the budget for Mr. Stansbury's leave accrual, and that he is entitled to due notice. He further pointed out that many agencies will not give assistance in an area unless there is a building inspection program. (5- minute break) The meeting reconvened at 9:25 PPi, at which time Ed Naughton proved that the motion now before the Assembly be tabled, pending a meeting of the Appeals Board and the property owners and the joint findings thereof. Mrs. Springhill seconded the motion, and roll call vote was as follows: (4.3) Naughton - yes Arndt - yes, Barr -- no, Springhill -- yes, Bullock - no. IV MINUTES OF OTHER MEETINGS- NONE V COMMUNICATIONS AND APPEARANCE REQUESTS A. Petitions from owners of ACS trailers- -Betty Springhill presented the views of the School Board. They are asking that all trailers be removed from this property, as the dormitories of the Vocational School will be used as additional classrocans this fall, and they felt it ill- advised to have the children waking through the trailer area to the classrooms. She pointed out that the trailers were supposed to be moved out by August 30 (this is actually August 1), and that this is the course of action we should follow. There was a great deal of discussion, however, and it was brought out that there was no place for these people to move to and would create serious hardship for those families involved. The meeting was opened to public comment, which revealed that most people were in favor of extension of the trailer court facilities, and, if need be, move only those trailers which might be directly affected. i•1r. Jackson stated he would be willing to take 15 more trailers with State approval. Mr. Arndt moved that a ;stay 1 extension be granted to the occupants of the trailer court with the stipu- lation that the Borough retain the right to evict upon one month's notice and the spaces be eliminated as soon as spaces are available in approved courts. Mr. Naughton seconded the motion with roll call vote as follows: Barr - yes, Springhill r,. no, Naughton - yes, Arndt yes, Bullock - yes. The motion carried 5 -2.