10/17/1968 RM0 4 2 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING - October 17, 1968 I CALL TO ORDER - II ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8040 p.m. by Presiding Officer Jo Hajdu in the Courtroom of the New State Building, Kodiak, Alaska. Present Absent Sam Best, Borough Chairman Don Arndt .ors. Jo Hajdu, Presiding Officer ; s`rs. Betty Springhill Jim Barr Don Bullock Also present: Jim Stansbury, Building Inspector; Howard Keiser, Sanitarian; Bob Summers, Assistant City Engineer, Bob Childs, Hospital Board Chairman, John Welch, P &Z Commissioner, Sally iiendrix, Clerk/'Treasurer; Fire Chief Holliday; Volunteer Firemen Jerry Jones, Ernie Mills, Glen Neel and Fred Watson; and CANVASS OF GENERAL ELECTION approx. 25 people in the audience. Mr. Eu71c4' k moved, seconded by Mr. Darr, to accept the election results as presented. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. e Hajdu was then sworn in as Assemblywoman by the Clerk. It was agreed that the position of Presiding Officer should be alternated as is done in other boroughs. Er. Bullock nominated Mrs. Springhill. Mrs. Hajdu nominated iir. Bullock. Jr. Barr moved that the nominations be closed. A secret ballot was cast and Ier. Bullock was elected the new Presiding Officer. Nominations were opened for Deputy Presiding Officer. : 'r . Barr nominated 7'-irs . Hajdu. . Mrs. . Ilajdu nominated i Ir. Barr. ' ; r . Darr moved that nominations be closed. A secret ballot was cast and .iir. Darr was elected Deputy Presiding Officer. 111 M INTJP`ES OF PREVIOUS idEETINGS A. Regular :Meeting - 9/19/68. Mir. Barr stated that under Par. V -B, he had stated that he would ask to be omitted from the final ordinance authorizing the fire protection service area, and not the emergency ordinance. Ors. Hajdu stated that the minutes so reflected. irs. Hajdu moved for ap ?roval of the minutes as presented, seconded by Mr. Barr, and carried by unanimous voice vote. B. Regular Meeting - 10/3/68. Mr. Lest corrected Par. VII -A on page 2 to read e r. Best read the minutes of September 19" instead of "October 19." 71r. Best also pointed out that under Par. IX--G, the foreclosure years reoormnenddd by the Assessor were listed as 1965, 1966, and 1967, whereas the Assessor's actual recommendation had been for 1966, 1967, and 1963. Also, the adjournment hour should have been listed as 12;40 a.m. instead of 12:40 p.m. Mr. Darr roved, seconded b firs. Hajdu, that the minutes be an proved as corrected. There were no objections and it was so- ordered. IV OM ER mniu ES A. School Board 1. Special Meeting - 10/5/68 2. Regular ieeting - 10/15/68 There were no comments. L. Planning & Zoning Commission - 10/9/68. There were no comments. C. Hospital Board - 10/14/68. There were no comments. V CORRESPCNDEN E AHD APPEARNAKE REQUESTS A. Jaycees Proposed Lease of Land on Chiniak Road - Recommendations from P &Z and Recreation Advisory Cc m ittee . The recommendations that the Jaycees be given the requested lease were reviewed. It was pointed out that a formal lease could not be given without a survey, but that the Jaycees could be given the right of entry to this area as the VFW were in the Iionashka Bay area, with the under - standing that the area will remain open to the public. Hrs. Hajdu roved, seconded by Mir. Barr, that the Jaycees be given the right of entry as requested pending completion of a formal survey and submission of the proper documents for a later lease similar to the one presently in existence for the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scout lease permits similar organizations to use their area, and it was suggested that this be the case in the Jaycees area. +r. Rest estimated that 1 n 14 2 1 ASSFI IBLY I EETIi:G October 17, 1966 2 it would take from 6 months to one year to accomplish a formal lease. firms. Hajdu asked if there was any risk in the Jaycees being able to formally lease this land. er. Best stated that there is very little risk, since the Borough does have T.A. lit. Bullock stated that the Golf Association had also been interested in this area for a golf course, but that the previous Chairman had told them the land was not available for lease. He thought that perhaps a driving range could Be worked out for the area. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Letter from Ivor Schott re School I :oard Oaths of Office and Report of Elections. The letter, listing the School Board members, their terms of office, and transmitting their oaths of office, was read for information only. VI PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Ordinance 68 -21 -0 Revising 1366 -69 School Budget. The ordinance was read by title. Jr. Barr moved, seconded by Mrs. Uajdu, for its adoption in the second reading�. The meeting was recessed and hearing opened. There were no comments, the hearing was closed and meeting reconvened. lotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. B. Ordinance 68 -22• -0 Authorizing Purchase of Lands for I Street Playground. The ordinance was read. A typing error was noted in the fifth line - -the word is 'approved." Jr. Barr moved for adoption of the ordinance in the second reading, seconded Ly hrs. hajdu. sirs. Hajdu stated that if the ordinance did not pass, she Mould have a possible financial interest, but since there would be no quorum without her vote, she would not disqualify herself. The meeting was recessed and the public hating opened. The question was raised as to whether the playground was to be used in connection with the school. It was explained that the area would be used as an athletic field containing a ball diamond, football field, track, etc. :fir. Bullock stated that the Borough had been placed in an embarrassing position by jumping the gun on the purchase of these lots, and he hoped this would not happen again. The hearing was closed and the meeting reconvened. ilotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. VII PLANNING & ZCNIiXG 'VMS S A. Presentation of Proposed Vacation and Replat of Entire Urban Renewal Project. A letter from 2SHA outlining the suggested procedure for accomplishing this was read. The letter suggested that actual survey not be required until the lots are sold. This procedure would allow some title transfers which are now being held up because certain blocks have not been platted and recorded. It would then also allw these lots to again be placed on the tax roll. 77r. Best felt that this was pore important than living up to the letter of the law as far as stating the lots was concerned. =3r. Barr stated that he had a reverse financial interest in the matter, since he is paid by the plat and this will cut down the total number of plats. After further discussion, Ins. Haidu moved for adoption of the procedures as outlined in the letter under discussion. ;lotion seconded by fir. Barr and carried by unanimous voice vote. VIII D. Review of Audit. Hr. George Hedia, Auditor, answered various questions concerning the audit. !.sir. iiedla pointed out that the Borough should have a complete record of its general fixed assets, including a listing of all school lands with their valuations; all school buildings and their values, and an inventory of equipment in the borough Office, giving their values at the time of acquisition and their source. Ar. Barr asked that lir. . riedla write a letter to the Borough giving a* complete outline of all items which should be included. i firs . Hajdu pointed out that the Borough's liabilities were not accrued at the end of the last fiscal year. `i'nis was also true, in part, of the School Board. Also, the School Board's unexpended fund balance ended up $13,000 less than their projected figure, and so expenditures will ::lave to he cut in this amount. The question was raised as to whether a better estimate of PL 874 funds could Le obtained in the future, but 1r. Hedia stated that they had used the best information available at the time. An objection was also raised at having a profit in the school lunch program?. It was felt that any profits should go back into the program, instead of cutting the quality of the lunches. After further discussion, Barr moved to accept the audit report as presented, seconded 1 firs. Ilajdu, and carried by unanimous roll call vote. The 21ssenbly also requested that a tape berm on accounts payable and presented to thee~ with each monthly report. VII C. Recommendation from P &Z for Rezoning of Lot 2A, USS 3098, from Unclassified to Business, and Lot 1, USS 3098, from Unclassified to Public Use - Felton and Tenny and P &Z - Case 207 -A. The recommendation was reap. :'rs. ' ajdu asked why lIr..:orton, who owns a part of Lot 2, did not wish his portion of the lot to be rezoned to business, since le is advertising his lot for sale as a business lot. It was explained that he had already been contacted by lr. Tenny and lie did not -wish to join in the petition for rezoning. Hr. Barr .moved, 4 2 0 ASSL'TBLY FELTING October 17, 1968 3 VIII OLD BUSINES, seconded by sirs. rajdu, that the eorough Chairman be authorized to have an ordinance drawn to accomplish the recommendations of P &7. :lotion carried by unanimous voice vote. A.. First _Rearing of Ordinance ;B.- 23°•0 Creating Fire Protection Service Area Outside City Limits. The area to be included eras studied on the map. This is the area that it ui.11 be physically possible to serve. The ordinance ' read. Jir . Darr moved, seconded by i rs . I:aj du, that Section 4 of the ordinance be amended to read that collection of the assessments therefore be Eased on the assessed valuation of the property lying eittan the fire protection district, both real and personal. : lotion carried Ly unanimous voice vote. - 1 . s. i du moved for adoption of the ordinance as amended ed in the first reading, seconded by Zr. Barr. iir. Lest stated that he had asked the i;odiak Volunteer Fire Department for recommendations in setting up the Fire Protecticn Service Area. An Advisory Group, consisting of Jerry Jones, Ernie !ills, Glen Neel and. Fred Matson yore present to outline their reooremendations . They recommended that the Borough agree to purchase, house and maintain an efficient fire fighting apparatus. They suggested that the volunteer firer:Len outside the City be trained by the .r :odiak Volunteer Fire Depart:hent, and that there be only one group with only one Fire Chief. The Service Area could have one paid man h :tho could act as engineer and operator, and uko =.-could maintain the apparatus and be on call 24 hours. Le :culc; be the first individual trained to operate the truck and to sum up fires. Be would later le an officer of the Kodiak Fire Department. This method could he about half as expensive as leasing fire protection from the City of i :odiak . A mutual aid agreement between the City and the Service Area was also recommended. Under this agreement, the City and the Service Area would help each other if necessary. This would also help lcwer insurance rates, since it would give extra trucks to the Service Area, and an extra truck to the City. Cities are rated only every 8 to 10 years for fire insurance, and i odiac is due to the rated next year. The mutual aid agree- ment should help Kodiak to obtain a better rating. It War) point7ed out that the American LaFrance Company in lashington has a demonstrator truck available for $33,000, plus shipping costs. Hose would at an additional $1875. Offers have been received from Felton and Teeny, Arndt :wilding Supply, the 'Beach- combers and ; and :'elborn for housing for the truck. Fire Chief holliday stated that ne was not acting in the interest of the Borough or the City in offering recommendations, but ' has merely acting in an advisory capacity to the Borough. The Fire lief artn nt Advisory Group offered to draw up a forxual guide- line for the ecnxxigh to present to the City concerning the setting up of the Service Area, since the City had nester asked the Fire Department for recommenda- tions, It was also pointed out teat the c.ervice Area needs volunteers to serve as firemen. The question was called, and notion carried by unanimous roll call vete tor adoption of the ordinance in the first reading. airs. Hajdu then roved, seconded by .dr. Larr, that the borough would eelcome and encourage the proposal of the Volunteer Fire Department as to an eouitable method of enterirrr, into a rcutua assistance agreement with the City, as well as any other suggestions that might be helpful. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. It was felt that the Borough could finance the purchase of the available fire truck, and it was felt that the purchase should be rade, since another truck right not 'e available for a long period of tine. hr. . Barr moved, seconded by I rs , Lajdu, that the Borough Chairman be e powered to tai:e all legal action necessary to commit this fire truck to the Kodiak Island norough. Fire Chief Iiolliday said that a letter of intent to purchase should be written to Anerican LaFrance so that they mould hold the truck for the Eorough, and that before the truck is accepted, it should be taken to the Seattle Fire Department and put through the necessary tests for Pacific Undezwriters approval. The letter of intent should include this. hr. i.arr also suggested looking into the purchase of a small rig for brush fires. ` otion carried ey unanimous voice vote. B. Approval of Changes in hospital Lease Agreement. Tiao minor changes in the Lease Agreement were revie ed. The agreement Was changed to read 'Lessee agrees to submit a yearly financial statement of operations or audit to Lessor' and Lessee agrees to apply profits in any year, if earned that year, first toward any previous year's deficits before otherwise expending them.' The Hospital Board had already approved these changes. - :irs . hiajdu roved, seconded by j Barr, that the changes as requested by the Grey Nuns and the hospital Board be included in the Lease Agreement. Totion carried LT unanimous roll call vote. C. Akhiok School Buildings. The suilding Inspector's report of deficiencies in the buildings was read. dr. Lest stated that he would get in touch with Fr. Schott and have him prepare a camdlete change order which would correct the deficiencies in the buildings. ; rs. I°ajdu asked to see the architect's contract and all other documents involved, and reouested that no payments be made to the architects or to northland Carts until all the corrections have been made. 1 1 2 1 ASSEMBLY ZEZEU3 - October 17, 1968 4 Mr. Stansbury stated that a representative of Northland Carps had been sent to Akhiok, and he inflamed Ir. Stansbury that Northland Camps does not distribute plans for their buildings for fear their unique construction methods will be copied by another company. IX NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution 68-34-R Ratifying October 1 Bond Election. The resolution was read. Mr. Barr moved for its adoption, seconded by Frs. Hajdu, and carried by unanimous roll call vote as follows : i it . Bullock -- Yes; I it . Barr Yes; Mrs. . Hajdu -• Yes. B. Approval of Hospital Equipment List. Rev. Childs reported that the total cost of the equipment still comes within the funds appropriated for it in the budget. !rs. Hajdu moved for approval of the hospital equipment list as submitted, seconded by 1t. Barr. nrs. Hajdu amended her motion to include the substitution of the piece of equipment as described in the last Hospital Board minutes. TIr. Barr concurred.•iotion carried by unanimous roll call vote. C. Approval of Tax Adjustments P68 -10 and P68 -11. These two pieces of real property were erroneously included on the personal property roll and should be removed from it. Mrs. Hajdu moved for approval of these tax adjustments, seconded b� Ir. Barr, and carried by unanimous roll call vote. X CHAIRMAN'S REPORT A. Jackson Trailer Court. to Mr. Faussett of Darr rents for Mr. Jackson's Barr stated that it may approval for his entire line. Letters from lir. Britt of the State Health Department, & Associates, and to Jr. Jackson, outlining the require - new serer line, were read for information only. Mr. turn out that Ir. Jekkson will have to obtain State trailer court before they will approve the new sewer B. Native Claims on Land Sales in Bells Flats. !r. Vest reviewed the Assembly's agreement to proceed with preparation for the sales in Bells Flats up through . appraisal, and then to hold up on the sales until the Native Claims were settled. He said that since a settlement appgars to be a long way off, he had met with. the local Native Association to see if an agreement could be reached locally on the Bells Flats sale. They suggested that 200 of the land be held back subject to their claims. Our attorney sees no objection to this arrangement. After some discussion, tir. Barr moved, seconded by Iss. Hajdu, that the Borough Chairman be empowered to pursue this matter and bring back to the Assembl a recommended agreement with the Native Association with regard to holding 20% of the Bells Flats lots. Notion carried by unanimous voice vote. XI ASSEMBLY Cal/ZITS A. Mrs. Hajdu re Appeal Board for Building Code Problems. 1rs. Hajdu stated that the Uniform Building Code provides for an Appeal Board which consists of members of the community who are cognizant in the building field. The Building Inspector would be Secretary of the Board. She urged that such a Board be set up in order to get the Assembly out of the appeal business. Hr. Bullock stated that the Assembly would still have to make the decisions in the end. firs. Hajdu stated that at least the Assembly Fuld then have something to work with. Mr. Welch stated that he hdd suggested such a Loard some time ago, and he felt that it would make the Building Inspector's jcb much easier. Nr. Barr feared that the problem of conflict of interest would arise, since people would be ruling on work that they are involved in. After further discussion, the Assembly concurred in having Mr. Best work with the Building Inspector to see if such a Board could be worked out. B. Mr. Bullock re Assessing. Mr. Bullock stated that Nxs. Springhill had asked him to inquire as to the Assessing Clerk's salary, and if the assessing work had ! been contracted out. Mr. Best stated that he had selected Fischer and Associates to do the assessing work. He said that he had been very favorably impressed by this firm, and that they had offered the best price. He stated that the Assessing Clerk's salary is $6300 /year, as bulgated, and the Assescor's salary is $800 /month. XII AUDIENCE CO TENES A. Mr. Ausman re Trailer Leanto. Mr. Ausman stated that he had almost completed a 6' x 8' front porch on his trailer in the Naughton's 'Trailer Court, and asked that a permit be issued him for this leanto. He felt that a 5' x 5' leanto, which is the size limit required by the Trailer Park Ordinance, is not large enough to allow furniture to be moved in and out. rir. Kest pointed out that in AT1 ST, r 1 1 ASSIMLY II'Tfl - October 17, 1968 revising the Trailer Park Ordinance, there had been considerable argument on the subject of leantos. nrs. Hajdu and Mr. Barr suggested that the Borough stand on leantos be modified, and that the Building Code be used as a basis for producing standards for safe leantos. Mr. Stansbury asked what about foundation requirements, and vir. Barr suggested that the leantos meet all of the Code requirements except those for foundations. 'irs. Hajdu suggested that each request be brought to the Borough separately until the Ordinance is revised. Mr. Barr suggested that iir. Ausman be given a permit to finish his leanto to protect it from the weather and to protect his investment, but that he be warned that when the trailer park ordinance is revised, if it does not permit leantoo of this size, he will have to remove the leanto or comply with the ordinance. Mrs. Hajdu moved, seconded by Pir. Barr, that i ir. Ausman be issued a na ry permit to complete the basic construction of the 6' x 8' entrance way to his trailer and that this be considered an excertion until the ordinance is revised. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. XIII ALUOURtIT -- The meeting was adjourned at 12A0 i40 a.m. APPROVED 5 Sally Hendtix, Clerk/Treasurer ` S. Best, Boro ugh Chairman VII B. Resolution 68 A oving Vacation and Replat of New Kodiak Subdivision, Bik Lots 7 -22 - ASNA (Case 84-B). The resolution vas read. Mrs. Hajdu move for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Barr. The plat vas studied. Mr. Barr stated that he had a financial interest in the plat, but that if there Were no objections, he mould vote in order to wake a quorum. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. n 4 2 P68 - Layton, Mrs. Ruth E. ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE ASSEMBLY MEETING OF 10/17/68 P68 - Muller, Fred -9. Page 1 of 1 October 17, 1968 -3.98 Village Gospel Chapel was declared on Personal Property Assessment Return and taxed in error. The chapel should be removed from personal roll and is exempt from tax on real property roll. House was declared on Personal Property Assessment Return as house trailer. The valuation of the house should be subtracted from the total valuation of the personal property. Tax should be $23.52 instead of $32.93.