12/29/1967)0101 04159 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SPECIAL ASSEMBLY MEETING - December 29, 1967 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Presiding Officer Jo Haj du in the Magistrate's Courtroom, Deonelley Building, Kodiak, Alaska, for the purpose of taking action on Res. 67 - - making application to ASHA for planning assistance. II ROLL CALL Present Absent Sam Best, Borough Chairman None Mrs. Jo Hai du, Presiding Officer Don Arndt Jim Barr Don Bullock Mrs. Betty Springhill III ITEM FOR DISCUSSION Also present: Doug Preston, Clerk, taking minutes. Approval of Resolution 67 -38 -, Maldng Application to ASHA for Planning Assistance. Letters from Cfltter en of Frank Nyman of 'f-yck, Nyman and Hayes were read, as well as the resolution. After discussion, it was decided that the resolution should be amended to include authorization of payment to ASHA of . $5,000 "to be used as matching funds to obtain financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.' Mrs. Springhill moved, seconded by Mr. Bullock, that the resolution be adopted as amended. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. IV ADJOURNMENT - The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: Douglas J ?re ion, Clerk/'hreas. G. S. Best, Borough Chairman