05/04/1966 SM1 I Call to Order II Roll Call 9 f KODIAK ISLAND BCROUGH SCHOOL BOARD AND ASSEMBLY SPECIAL JOINT MEETING May 4, 1966 The meeting was called to order in the Magistrate's Courtroom, Donnelley Building, Kodiak, Alaska, by Russell Wright at 8:00 p.m. Assembly Members Present Wilton White, Borough Chairman Russell Wright, Presiding Officer Fred Brechan Sven Haakansen Mrs. Jo Hajdu III Award of Elementary School Contract Chairman White read School Board minutes concerning the elementary school bid opening, followed by comments of explanatory and review nature. A discussion followed at some length by everyone present relative to construction elements covered by the bids such as sewer, water, architect fees, etc. Also, mention was made of how preliminary site preparation expenses were covered and out of what funds. Mr. Erechan made a motion to accept the J. B. Warrack Company's bid as presented. Motion seconded by Mrs. Hajdu and carried by unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Hueit of the J. B. Warrack Construction Company stated that due to the short time available for the construction of the school, they would like to have a letter of intent signed by the School Board and the Assembly so they could get started immediately on ordering material and beginning site preparation, since it will take two weeks for the contract to be signed. It was agreed that the School Board would prepare the letter, to which the Assembly will concur, based on the minutes of the meeting. The bid award portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. IV School Budget Review School Board Members Present Ivor Schott Emil Norton Carl Rodli Mrs. Mona Long Mrs. Cannon Mrs. Horn The meeting went into informal session for the purpose of reviewing the school budget. Mr. White called on Mr. Schott to innumerate the budget items. A lengthy discussion followed which covered analysis and review of each item of expenditure and revenues in the budget as presented by the School Board and Administration. There was a five minute recess at 10:15 p.m. The meeting was then called back to order, and upon conclusion of review, Mrs. Hajdu made a motion that the 1966 -67 school budget be approved as submitted with the deletion of $37,000 from the local effort. Motion seconded by Mr. Brechan. After some discussion, motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. V Central Treasury Mr. White called for comments relative to a central treasury. He stated that the present arrangement is working out quite well, but in the future, with the possible addition of a hospital board, and perhaps others, a central treasury should be considered wherein each department prepares its own budget and draws from the central treasury. It was pointed out that a central treasury would not eliminate each department's doing its own bookkeeping. Comments were generally favorable, with suggestions that the City could be included; that such a system might be effective in this area because it is comparatively small; that a saving could be made by quantity buying; and that an IBM system could be used. Mr. White requested that members give further thought to this idea. VI Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. W.A.S.