01/05/1965 SMKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 5, 1965 Fred Brechan Wilton White Harold Alexander The meeting was called to order by Co- presiding Officer Wilton White at 11:50 A.M. PRESENT ABSENT Also present: Chairman Powell and Assessor Fremlin. Dick Pace Russell Wright The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing emergency Ordinance 65 -1 pertaining to the procurement of emergency funds until revenue is received from the Raw Fish Tax. Assemblyman Wilton White read Ordinance 65 -1 in its entirety. A lengthy general discussion took place. Assemblyman Brechan moved to adopt Ordinance 65 -1 as read. Assemblyman Alexander seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. A roll call vote was taken to adopt Ordinance 65 -1. It was unanimously approved as read. Next order of business was to set the date, time and place of the Board of Equilization. Assemblyman Brechan moved that the date the Board of Equilization will meet shall be May 10, 1965. Assemblyman Alexander seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. Since there was no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Howard G. Fremlin Borough Assessor