10/29/1964 RM0 1 3 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 29 1964 Co- signer For Checks Wilton White Russell W Harold Alexander Spruce Cape Water Election Personal Property Tax 7 Prior to the meeting being called to order Magistrate Mary Frank administered the oath of office to Assemblyman Wilton White, The meeting was called to order by co-presiding officer Russell Wright at 7 :45 p.m. Present Absent Fred Brechan Dick Pace Others present Chairman Powell, Assessor Fremlin and Attorney Madsen. Assemblyman Alexander made a motion that Russell Wright be appointed Presiding Officer and Wilton White as co-presiding officer, that the nominations be closed and the clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot of approval. The minutes of the previous meeting of October 1, 1964 were read. Assemblyman Alexander questioned the Zoning Map limits and the exact location of the proposed school sites. Assemblyman WHite inquired about the Borough Engineer Contract. The minutes were approved as read. Correspondence A letter from Commissioner Browning, Dept. of Health and WElfare was read by Chairman 'Dwell, This was regarding our State Sanitarian. A letter from F 0 J, Keenan, Lands Officer, Division of Lands was read regarding future elementary school sites. A letter from David B. Ruskin, General Counsel, Alaska State Housing Authority was read. This concerned the Spruce Cape Water System. A lengthy discussion followed covering the subject of city annexation of outlying areas and the manner in which ASHA had handled the Spruce Cape Water Line problem. Assemblyman Alexander nominated Assemblyman White as the third authorized signature on all Borough checks All Assemblymen agreed and instructed the clerk to cast a unanimous yea ballot, Attorney Madsen was asked to clarify the general powers of the Borough. Chairman Powell stated he will pursue this matter further as he believes a special election should be called for Assemblyman. White suggested consultation with the city on the matter before proceeding further, Attorney Madsen agreed that a City- Borough 'iscussion would be advisable due to possible legal ramifications Assemblyman White rill follow thru and report to the Assembly at the next meeting. Attorney Madsen read, the Alaska Statute regulations pertaining to personal property taxation, After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to hold this problem until the next Borough meeting at which time the two absent assemblymen could be present. Planning eY Zoning Minutes The minutes of the Planning a Zoning Commission meeting of October 21, 1964 were read. Assemblyman Alexander asked the size of Lot J, Holland Estate. Chairman Powell brought up other violations of the Borough Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Powell suggested that all persons in violation be notified and advised to ask the P i Z for a temporary exception by signed agreement, if granted, to remove violations within 60 days notice by the Borough, To cite various examples of this problem, the Airpark Subdivison was discussed at length. Assemblyman White suggested thought be given to a future palnned trailer park area. This would also necessitate adopting a trailer park code. The suggestion was well received. The Attorney Generals Opinion of October Vol 1V #7 was read and discussed . A general discussion of the Powers and duties of First and Second Class Boroughs took place, There being no further business to transact, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p. Respectfully submitted, H. G. Fremlin Borough Assessor.