10/01/1964 RM01 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REGULAR MEETING - OCTOBER 1, 1964 The meeting was called to order in the courtroom by Presiding Officer Lester at 802 p.m. Assemblymen present: Pace, Burnham and Lester. Others present: Chairman Powell, Attorney Madsen and Borough Engineer Barr. Vouchers 201 - 217 were considered for approval. It was suggested that vouchers 202, Kodiak Airways, and 203, H. G. Fremlin be checked into by the chairman. Assemblyman Pace moved to accept the vouchers as presented with the exception of 202 and 203, seconded by Assemblyman Burnham and unanimously carried by a voice vote. The minutes of the Planning Zoning Commission, September 21, 1964 were considered and accepted as read. A general discussion was had on the Zoning Map with particular emphasis on the Airport cross runway and affect on property in the area generally. Assemblyman Burnham moved the Zoning Map be accepted, seconded by Assemblyman Pace and unanimously carried, Chairman Powell presented the engineer's contract to the assembly. Assemblyman Pace moved, seconded by Assemblyman Burnham to approve the engineering contract as presented. The following roll call ballot was taken. Yea Pace Burnham Nay Lester 7 7 The motion carried by a vote of two to one. Chairman Powell read a letter from the School Board requesting one of three plots of land be made available for a school site 1) Lots 6-12 of USS #3511 2) 7-A site in the northwesterly corner of USS #3469 3) 7A plot from USS #3512 After a discussion assemblyman Pace moved to accept the School Boardls first choice of Lots 6 -12 of USS #3512 only. Assemblyman Burnham seconded the motion which carried unanimously, Question was raised if it were necessary to have an election this fall for the Borough. It was explained by Attorney Madsen that an election could be held at a different date than the City and also we must set up the mechanics for an election such as ordinance, election polling places, election judges, etc, After a lengthy discussion it was decided there would not be a Borough election this year and the present Assemblymen would remain in office for one more year. Assemblyman Pace moved that the Borough Elections be set on the same date in 1965 as the City of Kodiak municipal elections and the same date thereafter. Seconded by .Assembly= man Burnham and passed unanimously, The State Sanitarian was discussed and it was noted there was a necessity to have one on a full time basis in order to comply with the Borough Ordinance, A letter is to be written to Mr. Levi Browning, Department of Health and W Juneau, Alaska. There being no further business before the Assembly the meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charles A. Powell Chairman