08/20/1964 RMKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REGULAR MEETING - AUGUST 20, 1964 The meeting was called to order in the Courtroom at 7:55 p.m. Assemblymen present: Alexander, Burnham and Pace. Also present: Chairman Powell, Assessor Howard Fremlin and Attorney Madsen. Assemblyman Burnham moved seconded by Assemblyman Pace that Assemblyman Alexander assume the duties of the Presiding Officer in the absence of Assemblyman Lester. The motion was unanimously carried. The minutes of the meeting of August 6, 1964, were considered and approved as read. Assemblyman Pace moved to approve vouchers 78 through 87. Assemblyman Burnham seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried by a voice vote. The Raw Fish Tax for 1963 and Business License Tax refunds were discussed briefly. Chairman Powell read a letter from the State Forestry Department, which included a "Public Lands News Letter" containing a statement of policy for county parks and recreation policies. There were no comments. A letter was received from the State Division of Lands regarding the village of Port Lions and several plats of the village layout and associated development were enclosed. The public was invited to observe the maps while Chairman Powell explained their plans. A meeting will be arranged with the State Division of Lands, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and village people to discuss the land situation. Commissioners Smith and parker have asked Chairman Powell to be relieved of their duties on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Assemblyman Alexander recommended Smokey Stover be appointed to fill one of the vacan- cies. Chairman Powell suggested a list of 54 names on Spruce Cape Water System be con- sidered as possible candidates. Assemblyman Alexander also recommended George Cornelius be appointed as a member from the City. Chairman Powell will take under advisement these suggestions and make his recommendations at the next Assembly meeting. The New Zoning Map was brought for clarification as to whether or not is has been approved by the City council. Chairman Powell suggested a joint meeting of the Assembly and City Council be set up for the 3rd of September, if agreeable with the City Manager. This meeting would also be a Public Hearing for the Zoning Map. A general discussion followed. Attorney Madsen had suggested to the Planning and Zoning Commission to prepare a Borough Wide Zoning Map as this is the responsibility of the Borough. Chairman Powell suggested next Tuesday, - August 25, 1964, a joint meeting be held with the School Board. He will confirm this with Mr. Schott. Chairman Powell stated the problem of the people not being certain as to whom to see and how to go about obtaining a building permit, for construction in or out of the City. It was suggested a basic set of ground rules be written up and made public to clarify the existing problems. J. Jensen case was given as an example. G. Cornelius asked why Mr. Jenaen could not have his subdivision approved by the Assembly and stated why he felt this action was unfair to him. The present Borough Zoning Subdivision Ordinance, 64 -4, Section V11, E -2 was read and discussed. This states all side lines of lots shall be at right angles to street lines. Mr. Jensen stated that restrictions were too strict, resulting in general confusion, Assemblyman Pace moved to approve the minutes of the Planning Ei Zoning Commission meeting of July 29, 1964, seconded by assemblyman Alexander and the following voice vote taken: Yea Nay Alexander Pace Assemblyman Burnham abstained from voting, the motion carried by a 2/3 majority. Assemblyman Lester telephoned and said he had tried to get into the building and the outer doors to the Courtroom were locked, Since there was a quorum he would not attend the meeting, There being no further business before the Assembly the meeting adjourned at 9206 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Howard G. Fremlin