06/04/19640 BOROUGH ASSEMBLY MEETING June 4, 1964 7 Meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. Assemblymen Present: H. Alexander, M. Burnham, R. Wright, E. Lester and Borough Chairman C. Powell. Also present: Roy Madsen, Howard Fremlin The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Planning ey Zoning minutes were read and approved as corrected. Chairman Powell gave his report. On Monday, June 1, 1964 he visited Old Harbor and Port Lions to try and help them redevelop their villages. Old Harbor people are dis- couraged by the reports over the radio about Afognak getting groceries from B.I.A. The people of these villages have no guidence to rebuild. Eight Menonite men are in Port Lions to help and supervise construction. Travel expense for these trips will be charged to the Borough. Jim Duros has been appointed to the Planning i Zoning Commission to replace Nick Laktonen who resigned for personal reasons. The Lions Club is taking over the responsibility of distributing the lumber with the approval of the Disaster Committee. A letter was written to Mr. Dennis Cook, Local Affairs Agency, Juneau suggesting the State tax all boats and reapportion the revenue back to the Borough's involved. So far no reply has been received. The Elks Lodge #1772 wrote a letter to BLM offering relinquishment of their short term lease on Lot 1 Tract A U.S. Survey 3465 if the Borough will take title and give a long term lease on the same property from BLM. This will enable them to put their youth program on a permanent basis. It would also justify permanent structures by the Boy Scouts in the area. A general discussion followed. Chuck Powell made the suggestion we write to the B.L.M. stating that we are agreeable.to this plan. Assemblyman Alexander made the motion when we obtain Title on Lot 1 Tract A U.S. Survey 3465, it be sub - leased for a nominal fee to the Boy Scouts and other youth groups. Seconded by Assemblyman Wright and passed unanimously' Chairman Powell gave a preliminary report of Assessor's Office Expenditures which was $33,385.00 for a period of approximately thirteen months. A discussion was held on the possibility of taxation by a special Borough Assessment to7 defray expenses until the next taxable period. It was generally agreed that thisk would not be feasible due to the lack of time and the inequities which would result. The collecting of boat taxes by the State was brough up again for discussion and since the mill rate for each city might vary, it would be difficult to assess all vessels at one rate. The second reading of revised Ordinance 64 -3 was read by the secretary. Assemblyman Alexander made the motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 64 -3, seconded by Assemblyman Wright and carried unanimously by a voice vote. Under Old Business the Chairman's Salary was again discussed. Assemblyman Lester suggested Chairman Powell leave Old Harbor and Port Lions villages alone since no tax base is received from them and let the B.I.A. take care of them. The B. I. A. will have the final say on the villages. Assemblyman Alexander said our limited funds at the present time did not justify any further salary expenditures in his opinion. Chairman Powell said he would not ask for a salary if he were relieved of some of the administrative duties, and ended the discussion. Assemblyman Burnham made the motion to approve vouchers 33 through 45 as per attached copy. Seconded by Assemblyman Alexander. ,O airman Powell suggested a C.P.A. be retained by the Borough. Assemblyman Burnham made the motion for Chailiian Powell to approach R. William Lovern Company and obtain an estimate to retain their services for the Borough. Assemblyman Alexander seconded the motion and it was unanimously carried by a voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 10:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted,